Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4868 One blow

Bang bang, bang bang...

After the eight starlights passed through the abdomens of the eight Dongshan Sect disciples, they sank into the ground. There was an explosion sound from the ground, and the entire city seemed to be shaking.

Everyone in the restaurant was dumbfounded at this moment.

They looked at the calm Chen Yang and couldn't believe that this two-star and two-level cultivator could instantly penetrate the abdomens of eight people including Wang Tao with his own strength.

Although the eight Wang Tao people were not killed, if Xingmang's target had become heads, they would already be corpses at this moment.

The gap in strength is too big.

"Let's go."

Chen Yang looked back at Yun Zhi and Yun Xian, then walked towards the outside of the restaurant.

Wang Tao and the other eight people, who were already stunned, dared to block Chen Yang's way. They quickly moved to both sides and watched as Chen Yang and the other five walked out of the restaurant.

"Senior Brother Wang, what should we do now?"

A Dongshan Sect disciple asked Wang Tao.

Wang Tao looked ugly. He quickly took the healing elixir and walked out of the restaurant. He muttered: "Before coming, I have notified Deacon Ma. I hope he can arrive as soon as possible."


At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from outside.

Wang Tao's eyes lit up with excitement on his face, and he flew out of the restaurant and said, "Haha, it's Deacon Ma who's here."

Outside the restaurant, a two-star and five-level man appeared in the sky, it was Ma Yong.

After he learned the information about Chen Yang and others, he immediately informed Dongshan Sect's various strongholds in Beixinghuan about Chen Yang and the other five people through formations, and began to search for these five people.

But he didn't expect to get the news so soon.

But what surprised him even more was that Wang Tao and others failed to stop Chen Yang and the others.

"Deacon Ma."

Wang Tao rose into the air, saluted Ma Yong, and said: "That boy with two stars and two levels is very weird. He has the strength to crush me. Deacon Ma, be careful."

Ma Yong said disapprovingly: "Can the second level of two stars fight across two levels? Unless it is Young Master Wushuang, how many people in the entire North Star Ring can do such a shocking thing?"

Wang Tao lowered his head and agreed, "Deacon Ma is right."

"He must have hidden his realm and let me force him to show his true strength and take him down."

Ma Yong stared at Chen Yang standing on the street, his whole person exuding strong confidence.

His confidence was simple, because he had received news from Ren Ke from the Tianyun Wasteland that Yun Lang and Tian Jianxing, the strongest people in the entire Tianyun Wasteland, were not as strong as Ren Ke.

And his strength is comparable to Ren Ke.

In this case, he naturally believed that Chen Yang, who came out of Tianyun Wasteland, could not be his opponent.

"It seems that Dongshan Sect will not give up."

Seeing that Ma Yong was eager to try, Chen Yang said to Yun Zhi and Yun Xian behind him: "You go to the small world first, and then come out after I am safe."

Yun Zhi said hurriedly: "Brother, I will stay and help you."

"If we really need help, it will be our big guns, and it won't be your turn yet."

Chen Yang patted Yun Zhi on the shoulder, gave him a spiritual ultimatum, and said: "This spiritual ultimatum contains some star techniques, magical powers, and secret techniques. You can practice well in the small world and strive to defeat the cannon as soon as possible. When the time comes, I will I will accept you as my disciple."

Yun Zhi took the spirit certificate and nodded heavily, full of expectations for defeating the cannon.

"Brother Chen, be careful." Yun Xian frowned.

Chen Yang opened the door to the small world. After the four people entered, he closed the door. Then he looked up at Ma Yong in the sky and said, "My friend, please take action."

Ma Yong did not attack immediately, but asked: "What was that blue vortex just now?"

"A door connects the small world I carry with me." Chen Yang said bluntly.

Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar.

Everyone knows what a small world is.

You can carry the small world with you and open the door to the small world at will. This is unheard of and unseen.

"Your little world is mine."

Ma Yong showed a ruthless look on his face. He turned over and a spear appeared in his hand. He raised the gun and charged towards Chen Yang.

Although he was full of confidence, without knowing the depth of Chen Yang's strength, he did not use powerful means rashly, but used a simple spear to test Chen Yang.

A strong man from the Dongshan Sect might appear here at any moment, and Chen Yang would not waste time with him. He grabbed forward with both hands, and two Void-Breaking Palms stretched out from the void, appearing in front and behind Ma Yong. His palms quickly closed, grabbing him. shrouded.


Ma Yong was shocked. He didn't expect Chen Yang's attack to come so suddenly.

Moreover, the power of Poxu Palm was so powerful that he felt irresistible. If he was hit, he would probably lose his skin even if he didn't die.

"How can this boy be so powerful? Are the news from Ren Ke false?

Moreover, his realm was actually the second level of two stars, which did not suppress the realm. "

Ma Yong was more and more shocked, and he couldn't help but feel afraid. He dared to test it again. He immediately used all his strength and moved to the side to avoid the combined attacks of the two Void-Breaking Palms.

But the moment he moved, two more Void-Breaking Palms came from the left and right to surround him.

The four Void-Breaking Palms seemed to form a hollow sphere, trapping Ma Yong in the middle with nowhere to hide.

He was horrified, and he attacked the Poxu Palm on the left, but in a hurry, he couldn't use too strong a method, and was eventually caught by the Poxu Palm.

"No, stop, I...ah!"

Ma Yong wanted to threaten Chen Yang, but he was tightly restrained by Poxu Palm, crushing his bones and internal organs, and screamed repeatedly.

At this time, the two Void-Breaking Palms before and after disappeared, and it turned out to be just two mirror images.

The two Void-Breaking Palms on the left and right are the main body.

The Poxu Palm travels through the void, coupled with Chen Yang's goggles rules, the opponent is unable to defend against surprise.

The battle ended instantly. Seeing Ma Yong being caught by Poxu Palm and seriously injured, everyone in the city was dumbfounded.

Especially Wang Tao, who had just hoped that Ma Yong would avenge him, stood in the air and did not dare to move, for fear of provoking Chen Yang and breaking his empty palm, crushing himself to death with one palm.

The scene was silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Yang. They were all curious about where this two-star, second-level man, who could defeat his opponents across the third-level realm, came from. He was actually even more terrifying than the Wushuang Young Master.

"I have no intention of quarreling with the Dongshan Sect. I also ask the Dongshan Sect not to come to trouble me again, nor to have any ideas about Tianyun Wasteland. Otherwise, next time you will not come to me, but I will attack the Dongshan Sect."

Chen Yang rose into the air, looked at Ma Yong who was imprisoned by Poxu Palm, and said in a deep voice.

Ma Yong stared at Chen Yang, his heart filled with fear and anger.

Suddenly, he felt his body relax, but the shadow of his palm disappeared, and Chen Yang let go of him.

"Remember my words, otherwise you won't survive the next time you face me."

Chen Yang glanced at Ma Yong and flew away.

Seeing this, Ma Yong, Wang Tao and others all felt aggrieved. It was a great shame and humiliation for a dignified Dongshan Sect practitioner to be defeated by a person of unknown origin and unable to fight back.

But at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly came from directly above, resounding throughout the world: "How can you bully me, the Dongshan Sect?"

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