Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4875 Theft

"Senior brother, these gloves are top quality. Even if you don't use them yourself, if you sell them, I guarantee you can make a fortune."

The female stall owner seemed to have earned a lot of star stones, and her tone of voice when speaking to Chen Yang was full of joy.

"No one wants your gloves at all. Even if they are of the highest quality, what will happen?"

Chen Yang raised the black gloves in his hand and said with a smile.

The female stall owner hurriedly said: "Senior brother, this glove is called Black Meteor. It is a masterpiece of Qiu Chi, a master of weapon training, when he was young. It is quite powerful. Even if you don't use it, just use the name of Master Qiu Chi. This Black Meteor The gloves are also worth keeping.”

Qiu Chi.

Chen Yang remembered this name. The Star Thunder Bracelet that Ren Ke used before was made by this person.

Judging from the Xinglei Bracelet, Qiu Chi's weapon refining skills are not very good.

But this Black Meteor Glove, although it was refined in his youth, is still pretty good. From a quality point of view, it is better than the Xinglei Bracelet whose refining route went astray.

"Who refined it has no meaning to me. I just want to buy one for fun because I have never used gloves before."

Chen Yang shrugged and continued bargaining.

Although the female stall owner sold things quickly, she was not a qualified seller. When she heard Chen Yang's words, she immediately seemed a little anxious and said hurriedly: "Brother, you can't say that. Master Qiu Chi..."

"I don't even know who Qiu Chi is." Chen Yang laughed.

The female stall owner was stunned for a moment, then continued: "Master Qiu Chi is ranked among the entire White World..."

"I don't want to know who he is either." Chen Yang interrupted.

This kind of person who didn't play by the rules made the female stall owner completely stunned and didn't know how to answer Chen Yang's words.

But it seemed that she was in short supply of the Star Stone, and she wasn't angry and said she wouldn't buy it.

Of course, the main reason is that no one needs gloves

After pondering for a moment, she gritted her teeth and said to Chen Yang: "Take it, senior brother, tell me, how much do you think the glove in your hand is worth?"

Chen Yang stretched out five fingers and shook them: "It's only five hundred Red Star Stones, that's all at most."

"What, five hundred red star stones!"

The female stall owner was shocked, with a hint of anger in her tone: "Brother, are you kidding me? This is a second-mark artifact after all. Let alone buying it for 500 red star stones, even if you buy the materials, it's still a long way off. "

"Junior sister, you don't seem to understand the key to the problem."

Chen Yang smiled and said calmly: "First of all, there is not even one person in the entire Qingyou Valley who uses gloves as weapons. As you can see, no one cares about these gloves;

Secondly, if you sell the gloves to me, the funds can be circulated and the Red Star Stone can be maximized, instead of sitting on this glove that no one wants;

Finally, sell the Black Meteor Gloves to me, and you can make me your friend. From now on..."


The female stall owner interrupted Chen Yang and said helplessly: "The minimum price is nine hundred red star stones. You have already gotten a huge advantage. You know, the cheapest second-mark artifact I sold just now has red star stones. It’s in units of tens of thousands.”

"How can these be compared? How can useful things and useless things be sold at the same price?"

Chen Yang shook his head and said: "Six hundred Red Star Stones, no more."

"Eight hundred."

"Seven hundred."

"Seven hundred and five."

"make a deal!"

Chen Yang clapped his hands and said with a happy face.

For him, buying this glove for seven hundred and fifty Red Star Stones was indeed a bargain.

He raised his hands to the junior sister in black in front of him and said: "Thank you, junior sister, from now on you will be my friend, Chen Yang, I..."

"Quickly, give me the Red Star Stone."

Suddenly, the female disciple became anxious and stretched out her hand to Chen Yang to ask for the Red Star Stone.

Chen Yang took a closer look and found that the female disciple turned her head to look east, not staring at him.

He also looked east and saw several male disciples with angry expressions on their faces, searching for something in Yunfan Street.

Obviously, these people came for the female disciple in front of Chen Yang.

Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer, the female disciple was so anxious that she did not bother to ask for the Red Star Stone. She turned around and ran towards the alleyway behind her, saying to Chen Yang: "You owe me seven hundred and fifty Red Star Stones. I’ll ask you for it next time.”

When Chen Yang came to his senses, the female disciple was nowhere to be found.

"Are these gloves given away for free?"

Chen Yang glanced at the black meteor gloves in his hand and laughed dumbly.

Now even if he wants to give the Red Star Stone to the other party, he doesn't know the other party's name.

"It seems that I can only wait for her to find me."

Chen Yang put away his gloves, turned around and walked towards the east, planning to continue shopping on Yunfan Street and buy and replace some pills.

Passing by the disciples who were looking for the woman in black, I heard them say: "You dare to steal our things and sell them on Yunfan Street. How brave you are."

"Hurry up and see which of our weapons are on these stalls."

"If you let me know who he is, I will definitely arrest him and hand him over to Luoquan Peak for disposal."

Only then did Chen Yang realize that all the things sold by the female disciple in black were actually stolen.

This woman is indeed very courageous. She even dared to sell it to the public after stealing it without fear of being kicked out of Qingyou Valley.

However, all the weapons have been bought.

It would be difficult for these people in front of me to find them.

After all, the weapons are all placed in Najies, and they can't search for other people's Najies one by one.

But Chen Yang didn't expect that just when he passed by those people, one of them suddenly pointed at the disciple who was checking the pills in the stall next to him and shouted: "My sword, that's my sword."

Chen Yang turned around and saw that the man's sword had indeed been placed on the stall of the female disciple in black.

I don’t know why, but this person was recognized without putting his sword in the ring.

The original owner of the sword walked over, grabbed the hilt, and was about to snatch it away, but the other party grabbed him and shouted, "What are you doing? I bought this sword, and you openly robbed it. This is against the rules of the sect."

"This sword belongs to me, of course I want to get it back."

Seeing the two sides arguing, Chen Yang laughed dumbly, shook his head, and walked forward.

In the end, both parties to the dispute could only go to Luoquan Peak and ask Luoquan Peak to seek justice.

And soon, the news of stolen weapons spread throughout the Qingyou Valley.

By the time Chen Yang returned to his residence, it was already known to everyone.

But the problem is, no matter who it is, they don't know the identity of the female disciple in black, and they don't have any clues.

The identity of this woman has become a mystery.

"She is so lacking in Red Star Stone that she would take such a big risk and steal other people's weapons.

However, she said she would come to me, but now that the situation is turbulent, I don’t know if she still has the courage to take the risk.

Moreover, isn't she afraid that I will betray her? "

Chen Yang muttered in his heart and was about to close the door when suddenly a paper crane slowly flew down from the sky and stopped in front of him.

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