Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4897 Rapid Explosion

Chen Yang's murderous eyes made Xiong Ting, Liang Bo, and Xiang Ning shudder.

"What are you afraid of? With Elder Lin and Peak Master Lin here, he can still rebel."

Xiong Ting cheered himself up, calmed down a bit, pointed at Chen Yang and shouted: "Chen Yang, you are so arrogant. You dare to kill people in front of so many people, and threaten to kill us. You are simply ignoring the rules. You are so arrogant. It is completely reasonable for people to do evil things like killing Junior Brother Lin and others. You can’t even think about not admitting your crime. I..."

"Shut up."

Chen Yang shouted sharply, his powerful momentum making Xiong Ting shiver, and his voice suddenly stopped.

Everyone was forced by his momentum, and for a moment, the scene became quiet.

Lin Yuanhe and Lin Ji stared at Chen Yang gloomily, with complex expressions flashing in their eyes.

They determined that this person was definitely in the realm of two stars and three levels.

However, Chen Yang had the strength to fight against Lin Ji and had the upper hand.

This is truly unbelievable. Fighting across three realms, such a talent is only known to one person in the entire history of the White Realm.

Yan Wushuang, the current number one person in the North Star Ring, is also a bit behind.

Facing such a genius, Lin Yuanhe and Lin Ji couldn't help but feel shocked.

But soon, they came back to their senses, and the murderous intent in the depths of their eyes became even stronger.

They understood that since they had enmity with Chen Yang, they must get rid of Chen Yang.

Otherwise, when this person grows up, or even advances to the next level, they will be in danger.

"Lin Ji, you can't hold back anymore, use all your strength to kill him."

Before Lin Ji was defeated, Lin Yuanhe would not lower his status and attack Chen Yang. He immediately sent a message to Lin Ji and ordered.

"Yes, father."

Lin Ji came back to his senses, responded in a low voice, and struck at Chen Yang with a beam of spear light, shouting: "Chen Yang, you are so brave, you actually dare to kill your fellow disciples in front of so many people. "

Chen Yang was very calm. After dodging the gun light, he said in a deep voice: "Since the sect will not punish the guilty people, then I can only take action myself."

At the same time as he spoke, Chen Yang did not attack Lin Ji, but flashed three fingers and headed straight for Xiong Ting, Xiang Ning, and Liang Kun.

These three people are evil-hearted, they just wanted to trap some red star stones, but now they actually want to harm the lives of Chen Yang and Qu Xi.

Chen Yang slightly regretted letting them go before.

But as Chen Yang said, it's not too late to kill them now.

Seeing the three stars approaching rapidly, with terrifying energy that was beyond their ability to deal with, the faces of Xiong Ting and the others turned pale, and their eyes were full of fear.

But no one expected that Chen Yang would dare to be distracted and attack others while fighting Lin Ji.

This is not only a failure to take Lin Ji seriously, but also a huge challenge.

Because the moment he briefly released his finger light, Lin Ji did not miss the opportunity to attack. The gun light came one after another, blocking Chen Yang from all directions.

Among them, the most powerful spear light directly attacked Chen Yang's chest.

This spear light is only half a meter wide, but it is extremely powerful.

Bang, bang, bang.

Three explosions sounded almost simultaneously.

Chen Yang's attack on Xiong Ting, Liang Kun, and Xiang Ning was blocked by Lin Yuanhe.

Although he didn't care about the lives of Xiong Ting and the others, as an elder, an elder who upheld justice, he naturally couldn't let Chen Yang kill people in front of him.

So, he took action.

The three Xiong Tings who had narrowly escaped death were so frightened that they gasped and hurriedly saluted and thanked Lin Yuanhe.

And their eyes couldn't help but glance sideways at Zeng Hui.

Zeng Hui was obviously their companion, but he was not snatched away by Chen Yang, and now he was not attacked.

This made them hate Zeng Hui.

However, at this moment, Zeng Hui stared intently at the battle between Chen Yang and Lin Ji, and did not notice the strange eyes next to him.


A more violent sound came from Chen Yang.

Then, the energy from the blast of the gun engulfed Chen Yang and spread behind him.

In everyone's opinion, Chen Yang was hit hard by the gun light and would definitely be seriously injured or even die.

However, in the vast turbulent flow of stars, no blood was seen.

This scene is really weird.

But when the energy dispersed and Chen Yang's figure was revealed, everyone got the answer.

Chen Yang was indeed hit, but a huge palm shadow wrapped him up.

The power of the spear light was blocked by the shadow of the palm, and Chen Yang was not harmed at all.

"What a fast palm release speed."

"What kind of defensive magical power is this? It actually condenses the shadow of the palm to cover itself."

"Look, the palm shadow is open."

In everyone's surprised eyes, the palm shadow slowly opened, and then the energy dissipated into the void.

"Lin Yuanhe, Lin Ji."

Chen Yang glanced at Lin Yuanhe, then at Lin Ji, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that it will be a bit troublesome if we don't solve the problem between you two. However, you confuse right and wrong, distort the truth, and want to kill me. I will kill you, as it should be."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yang burst out with strong murderous intent, covering the space.

Seeing him being so arrogant and domineering, Lin Yuanhe looked fierce and almost couldn't hold himself back anymore, so he decided to take action himself.

He communicated with Lin Ji and urged: "Kill him, kill him."

Lin Ji frowned slightly. It wasn't that he didn't want to kill Chen Yang, but as the battle continued, Chen Yang made him feel more and more dangerous and unfathomable.

Because no matter what method he uses, no matter how powerful the force is, Chen Yang always has a way to deal with it.

Although, he still has a lot of power that he hasn't used yet.

But that was his way of keeping the bottom of the box. He would never show his trump card unless he was forced to do so or when he had to fight against a higher level.

But Lin Yuanhe was already urging him, and he had to do his best.

"Chen Yang, die."

Lin Ji showed a determined look on his face, raised his spear and stabbed it out, yelling: "Blast."


An explosion came from his second-marked artifact spear.

Everyone was shocked when they saw that the star energy he poured into the spear was continuously exploding and merging, creating a powerful impact.

Then, the law of blast was released, and the exploding, merging and circulating star energy formed a spiraling cycle under the pull of the law of blast, emitting from the tip of the spear like a hurricane.

However, this is not the end of this magical power.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ji's spear continued to thrust forward, and the hurricane starlight that was spreading outward suddenly condensed and condensed. It was still rotating, but it had turned into a regular cylinder, a rotating cylinder starlight.


The starlight continued to tremble, spreading out in circles of energy blasts, and then suddenly converged.

This process greatly increases the power of the starlight.

And this starlight, which can independently increase its attack power, attacks Chen Yang very quickly.

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