Urban magic doctor

Chapter 491 Digging ancestral graves

"What are you doing? This is the ancestral cemetery of our Zhaojia Village. Our ancestors of the Zhao family are buried, and you dug it up for us!"

"Stop, you can't do this without our permission."

"Stop it, you bastards, I'll fight you."

"No digging is allowed, this is an ancestral grave!"

Hearing these sounds, Chen Yang and his junior sister looked at each other, and they quickened their pace and walked towards the direction where the sounds came from.

After passing through dense forests and fields, the two finally arrived at the place where the sound came from.

On the hillside ahead, a group of villagers were confronting a group of outsiders. Both sides were about the same size and refused to give in to each other.

Chen Yang and Tao Xiaotong recognized the villagers in Zhaojiacun. They walked over and found an old man and asked, "Grandpa Zhao Caibao, what's going on?"

The old man's name is Zhao Caibao, which means attracting wealth.

He turned to look at Chen Yang and Chen Yang and said, "It turns out that Yangzi and Xiaotong are back. Look, someone is trying to dig up the ancestral graves in our Zhaojia Village. Everyone is stopping them."

Chen Yang carefully looked at the situation at the scene and saw that the young villagers of Zhaojia Village formed a row and surrounded a piece of land.

Behind them is a cemetery.

Although these tombs are very simple, they also have monuments and are not mass graves.

Chen Yang recognized this place as the ancestral cemetery of Zhaojiacun. All the people in Zhaojiacun who died were buried here.

In front of the villagers of Zhaojiacun, there was a group of fierce-looking people, about fifty or sixty people in number.

Although these people did not say a word, the fierceness in their eyes was not something that the villagers could match.

Moreover, Chen Yang also saw the bulging bags in their clothes, obviously hiding weapons.

These people look like gangsters at first glance and are here specifically to cause trouble.

A middle-aged man in a suit stood in front of the gangsters, with a sinister sneer on his face, silently listening to the villagers' accusations.

The disdain in his eyes was clearly revealed.

He didn't take these villagers seriously at all.

After seeing the situation clearly, Chen Yang asked Zhao Caibao: "Grandpa Caibao, what happened? What do these outsiders do?"

Zhao Caibao took a puff of dry cigarette and sighed: "Well, this is unfortunate. Did you see that the middle-aged man in a suit is called Du Hao. He is a big boss in the county and has a lot of money. And his brother Even more powerful is the leader of the Thunder Palm. He will beat anyone who dares to disobey. In short, he is very evil."

"Just a month ago, for some reason, Du Hao suddenly appeared in our Zhaojia Village and said he wanted to buy our ancestral cemetery. Of course we don't agree to this kind of thing."

"So Du Hao ran to our village every day. In the end, for some reason, he persuaded the village chief Zhao Binglin to sign and sign and sell this ancestral cemetery to him."

Chen Yang was a little surprised when he heard this.

He knew Zhao Binglin's temperament. He had a hot temper and defended his shortcomings. He was definitely a man. There was no way he could sell the ancestral graveyard.

As for the Thunder Palm mentioned by Zhao Caibao...

Chen Yang had heard of it. It was a sect in Shenfang County and was very weak.

He looked at Zhao Caibao and asked: "Uncle Binglin sold the ancestral cemetery to this person named Du Hao? How is this possible? Where is Uncle Binglin now?"

"I don't know where he went. Du Hao said he took the money and went to the county to enjoy himself."

Zhao Caibao shook the cigarette, with a sad look on his face. He felt that the village had been betrayed by Zhao Binglin, and he was very disappointed.

However, Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat. Zhao Binglin was not here, and he was probably locked up by Du Hao after he was forced to sign a signature.

He glanced at Du Hao, his face darkened, and he said to Zhao Caibao: "Grandpa Caibao, please continue talking."

Zhao Caibao said: "After Du Hao got the contract of sale, he came to us from house to house and asked us to move the ancestral graves, but no one in the village would do it. Then he paid 800 yuan for each household moved. So two white-eyed wolves with a foreign surname moved the grave, but they couldn't change the overall situation."

"Later, seeing that he couldn't persuade us, Du Hao showed his true colors and sent people directly to dig our ancestral graves. Fortunately, on the first night, Zhao Si, who was patrolling the mountain, saw him and informed the villagers to stop him. I asked them to dig graves. But they were still a little slow. They dug seven or eight graves, smashed all the urns, and the ashes were blown by the mountain wind. I don’t know where they went. These idiots are really wicked. "

At this point, Zhao Caibao was so indignant that his wrists were shaking with anger and he couldn't even hold the dry pipe steady.

He glared at Du Hao and continued to lecture Chen Yang and Tao Xiaotong: "We couldn't catch those who dug the graves, so they all slipped away. I thought Du Hao would calm down, but I didn't expect that he would bring people with him the next day. When we got to the village, we beat Zhao Si, who was patrolling the mountain, so hard that his legs were broken."

So cruel!

Chen Yang's eyes sharpened, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Zhao Caibao didn't notice Chen Yang's gaze, and continued: "Zhao Si was covered in blood at that time. He looked so pitiful. The village collected money and sent him to the county hospital. Who knew that Du Hao sent someone to guard him? Don't let the doctor treat Zhao Si. Do you think Du Hao is a bad person?"

"However, Zhao Si was also stubborn. He just didn't say a word and asked Zhao Liu, who came back, to tell the villagers that everyone must guard the ancestral graves. No matter what, Du Hao cannot be allowed to succeed."

"So the young and middle-aged people in the village organized themselves to guard the ancestral gravesite every day. Du Hao came several times, but he didn't dare to go up the mountain. He took a second look and left quietly. He brought these people here today, I'm afraid they are It’s going to be hard.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Caibao's eyes showed despair.

In his opinion, Du Hao was rich and his brother was a master of martial arts, so Zhaojiacun couldn't deal with him at all.

"Master said that it is wrong to dig up other people's ancestral graves."

Tao Xiaotong muttered, looking at the sinister Du Hao, clenching his fists in anger.

Chen Yang patted Tao Xiaotong on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, little junior sister, let's see what this bastard is going to do first."

At this time, the villagers stopped Du Hao and his party and kept shouting and cursing.

Especially the few villagers whose ancestral graves were dug up were so angry that they jumped up and down.

Du Hao remained silent. Suddenly, he took a step forward and shouted: "Which of you can make the decision, please stand up for me."

"Hmph, I, Zhao Dashu, will come to meet your turtle son today."

A sturdy middle-aged villager walked out of the crowd and stood in front of Du Hao.

Du Hao looked at Zhao Dashu, pointed at the villagers blocking the ancestral gravesite behind Zhao Dashu, and said in a deep voice: "Are you sure you can represent them?"

Zhao Dashu said: "Zhao Binglin betrayed us. I am the new acting village head elected by everyone. If anything happens, tell me."


Du Hao nodded, took out a stack of documents, held it up and said, "This is the land sale agreement signed and sealed by Zhao Binglin. What is being sold is the land behind you. It is written in black and white. You can read it clearly for yourself."

Zhao Dashu rolled his eyes at Du Hao, without even looking at the document, and said coldly: "Are you mentally ill? I'm illiterate, so show me your shit.

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