Urban magic doctor

Chapter 494 Torture

Swish, brush, brush...

Tao Xiaotong grabbed a few machetes on the ground and threw them at the frightened gangsters who ran away.

The machete spun, sliced ​​through the air, and struck several gangsters on their legs, causing them to fall to the ground on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, all the people Du Hao brought were eliminated by Tao Xiaotong and lost their fighting power.

Except for the few people who were chopped down in the end, everyone else had their shoulders broken by Tao Xiaotong.

This simple and violent way is jaw-dropping.

For a moment, everyone stood stunned on the spot.

"Master said that you can explore people's graves, but you can't dig up other people's bones. If you dig up the ancestral graves in Zhaojia Village like this, the bones of the Zhao family's ancestors will be exposed, and everyone can kill them."

Tao Xiaotong looked at Du Hao and said with an angry tone, breaking the silence.

Du Hao shuddered and turned pale with fright.

The fighting power of the little Taoist nun in front of him exceeded what he had seen, which made him feel scared.

He said tremblingly: "You... what do you want to do? I can tell you, my brother is the leader of Ben Lei Zhang, and his kung fu is very high. If you dare to hurt me, he can split you in half with one palm. The entire Zhaojia Village is not enough for him to fight."

"It's over!? Humph, Du Hao, you don't even look at the situation, and you dare to threaten us."

"Du Hao, believe it or not, you can't leave Zhaojiacun."

"Son, I'll crush you to death with a hoe."

The villagers yelled and cursed excitedly. Du Hao was so frightened that he couldn't help but step back. He tripped on a tree root protruding from the ground with his heel and fell to the ground with a thud.


The villagers laughed when they saw Du Hao's embarrassed look.

Du Hao gritted his teeth, but did not dare to shout any more.

Tao Xiaotong glanced at Du Hao with disgust, turned to Chen Yang and said, "Senior brother, what should we do next?"

"give it to me."

Chen Yang nodded to Tao Xiaotong, walked forward, looked down at Du Hao who fell to the ground, and asked, "Where is Uncle Binglin?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, wondering why Chen Yang suddenly asked about the whereabouts of the village chief Zhao Binglin.

Du Hao's eyes averted for a moment and he said, "Village Chief Zhao took the money to buy the land and entered the county seat."

"You think I'll believe it?"

Chen Yang stared and said in a deep voice: "Uncle Binglin has been the village chief for so many years and has never betrayed Zhao Village. You must have forced him to sign the land purchase contract. Now Uncle Binglin Where?"

Chen Yang shouted these last words in a fierce voice, which made Du Hao tremble with fright.

However, he did not dare to admit it and shook his head: "I don't know where Zhao Binglin is."

"You won't say it, right?"

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Chen Yang's lips, and he slapped Du Hao on the face.

There was a snap.

Du Hao's cheeks immediately swelled up, and the cheeks in his mouth were beaten to pieces. Blood flowed from his mouth, and two back molars fell out.

"Tell me, where is Uncle Binglin?"

Chen Yang asked again.

This time, before Du Hao could speak, he slapped Du Hao with his backhand, causing the other cheek of Du Hao to become red and swollen.


The crisp sound echoed in the mountains and forests.

Du Hao's face was swollen into a pig's head, and saliva and blood flowed out of his mouth. Because his mouth was numb, he could not control his mouth.

He covered his face with his hands and shouted loudly: "Don't, don't fight, I said, I said. Zhao Binglin is at his home and has not gone anywhere else."

"Puppy, go and visit Uncle Binglin's house."

Chen Yang turned around and shouted to a young man.

The boy played with Chen Yang when he was a child, and at that time he regarded the naughty and mischievous Chen Yang as his idol.

When he heard Chen Yang's words, he immediately ran towards the village.

After a while, he supported a thin middle-aged man and walked over from the direction of the village.

That middle-aged man is the village chief Zhao Binglin.

Zhao Binglin is strong and well-known in the village as a strong man and a good worker.

But now, Zhao Binglin has become skinny and skinny, with a haggard look and a stooped back. His whole body is like a bent bamboo pole. He has obviously suffered a lot of torture.

Seeing this, everyone in Zhaojiacun frowned.

In fact, they thought Zhao Binglin would not betray Zhaojiacun from the beginning, but when they saw the land sale agreement, everyone became completely angry.

Seeing Zhao Binglin's appearance at this moment, everyone realized that they had wrongly blamed the village chief.

Zhao Binglin walked over tremblingly. Chen Yang stepped forward to support Zhao Binglin and quietly passed a ray of energy. Zhao Binglin's originally pale face became a little more angry and his back straightened up.

Chen Yang asked: "Uncle Binglin, what happened?"

Zhao Binglin looked at the villagers with an expression of self-blame and said: "That turtle son Du Hao, he forced me to sign the land sale agreement, and if I didn't sign, he would throw my one-and-a-half-year-old grandson into the river and drown him. . I had no choice but to sign the land sale agreement. Everyone, I, Zhao Binglin, am sorry for the village and everyone."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Du Hao actually threatened Zhao Binglin with a one-and-a-half-year-old child. This is really abominable.

"Village Chief, your grandson's life is threatened and there is nothing you can do. We don't blame you for this."

"Village Chief, it doesn't matter. The agreement has been torn up by Chen Yang and is useless."

"Du Hao, this bastard, is really vicious. Village chief, don't take this matter to your heart."

The villagers did not blame Zhao Binglin, but offered words of comfort one after another.

Zhao Binglin was moved for a while and continued: "After signing the agreement, I wanted to tell everyone the news so that everyone could be prepared. But unexpectedly, Zhao Binglin locked me in a wooden box. It was dark inside, except for a ray of light. Light came in through the cracks, and I shouted for help, but no one could hear me. They only gave me half a loaf of bread and half a bottle of mineral water every day, and I kept all my food, drinks, and toiletries in the box. I..."

Having said this, Zhao Binglin was a little excited, his body was shaking, and he couldn't continue.

Everyone could not imagine that Zhao Binglin had endured such inhuman torture, and Du Hao was completely heartless.

If Zhao Binglin hadn't been rescued today, he might have died in that wooden box.

The villagers were all furious and stared at Du Hao fiercely.

Zhao Binglin's mood gradually stabilized. He glanced at the injured gangsters around him and asked, "What's going on now? Are these the people Du Hao brought to dig up our ancestral graves? Are they all defeated by you?"

Someone said: "These people are gangsters from the county. Du Hao brought them here to kill us, but they were all defeated by Xiaotong."

Zhao Binglin looked at Tao Xiaotong, who was wearing Taoist robes, nodded and said: "Xiaotong is indeed Taoist Master Li's disciple, he is really powerful. Hey, Yangzi is here too."

At this time, Zhao Binglin noticed Chen Yang.

He asked: "By the way, where is that villain Du Hao? We can't let him go."

"Uncle Binglin, Du Hao is here."

Chen Yang pointed at Du Hao next to him, whose face was swollen into a pig's head. Zhao Binglin was so startled that he almost didn't recognize him.

After taking a closer look, he found that it was really Du Hao, and Zhao Binglin became excited.

"I'll kill you."

Zhao Binglin cursed loudly, grabbed a stone from the ground, and threw it at Du Hao's head.

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