Urban magic doctor

Chapter 500 Full of Evil

Chen Yang and Tao Xiaotong walked through the cornfield and rushed towards Zhaojiacun.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, the two hid in a tree. Chen Yang said to Tao Xiaotong: "Little junior sister, you go in from the east of the village, and I will go in from the west. Don't fight with them. Our goal is to find Du Hao and take him hostage. "


Tao Xiaotong nodded, jumped off the tree, and ran towards the east of the village.

Chen Yang got off the big tree, walked around behind a house, and quietly lurked into the village.

He often made trouble in Zhaojia Village when he was a child. Although many new houses have been built in Zhaojia Village, the overall layout has not changed. He knows this place very well.

Moreover, he moves quickly, making it almost impossible for outsiders to discover him.

"We found that Taoist nun, everyone come over quickly."

"Wait until there are more people before taking action. Don't be anxious. This Taoist nun is very powerful."

"Fuck, run quickly, you can't beat me."

A voice came from the east of the village. Tao Xiaotong had already made contact with the other party, and it seemed that the other party was unable to do anything to her for the time being.

More than a dozen disciples of Ben Lei Palm swarmed forward. Although their skills were rough, they obviously often practiced martial arts together and they cooperated very well.

Seeing this, the villagers became nervous.

Chen Yang was not worried about the safety of his junior sister. He just didn't expect that Du Hao would bring martial arts practitioners with him to deal with some villagers.

This is breaking the rules of the world.

Even if Du Hao doesn't understand, his brother who is the leader should understand.

Not only did you dig up people's ancestral graves, but you actually wanted to kill people? !

Chen Yang snorted coldly, becoming even more angry.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the east of the village, he sped up and searched for Du Hao's location in the village.

"No, let me go, let me go!"

Suddenly, the girl's screams came from a house on the left.

Chen Yang's eyes darkened and he hurried over there.

From the window, he saw a man in colorful uniforms and a black mask pushing a girl to the ground.

Chen Yang recognized the girl, her name was Zhao Cuier.

Zhao Cuier was so frightened that she burst into tears and struggled with all her strength, but she couldn't find the strength to push the villain in front of her.

The more she struggled, the more excited the villain became: "Haha, little girl, don't worry..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a bang, and the villain rolled off Zhao Cuier's body and fell to the ground motionless, with a pool of blood soaking under the back of his head.

Zhao Cuier was a little frightened. She looked up and saw the person standing in front of her, and burst into tears: "Brother Yang, hurry up and save my mother. She was dragged to Uncle Zhao Dalong's house."


These bastards are so inhumane that they took advantage of the chaos to humiliate women!

"Tui'er, you hide, I'll save your mother."

Chen Yang warned, turned around and left the room.

Soon, he arrived at Zhao Dalong's home.

Children are born early in rural areas. Zhao Cui'er's mother is only thirty-four years old now, and she is pretty good-looking, so she was attracted by the gangsters.

There was a sound in the room, and Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Zhao Cuier's mother had not been violated yet.

He rushed forward and kicked open the door.

Inside the house, Zhao Cuier's mother was pinned to the ground and was being torn apart by a gangster. Her clothes had been torn, exposing her skin and underwear.

Next to it, a villain was watching with interest.

Before the other party could react, Chen Yang stepped forward, knocked down the bystander with one punch, and then kicked over the person who was holding Zhao Cuier's mother down.

Zhao Cuier's mother was very fierce. She stood up without caring about her naked body. She picked up the bench next to her and beat the two thugs hard.

Seeing that the two men might be beaten to death, Chen Yang did not stop them.

Damn these people!

Chen Yang withdrew his gaze and moved. Just as he was about to continue looking for Du Hao, he suddenly heard screams coming from the pig pen of Zhao Dalong's house.


"You... beat me to death, and I won't sell my ancestral graveyard!"

This was Zhao Dalong's voice, his tone was very weak, and it was obvious that he had been seriously injured.

In the pig pen, two thugs, holding wooden rakes for cleaning pig manure, kept hitting Zhao Dalong's body.

Zhao Dalong's strong body was already covered in blood red, covered with pig manure, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

Several pigs in the pigsty were so frightened that they hid in the corner and did not dare to move.

"Damn it, I made you resist and I won't beat you to death."

The two villains yelled and cursed, and the wooden nail rakes in their hands were about to drop again.

But before their rake could be swung out, a figure rushed in from outside the pig pen.

They looked back, but before they could see clearly, they were each kicked and flew to the corner of the pig pen, scaring the few pigs hiding there and running away.

"Uncle Dalong, are you okay?"

Chen Yang helped Zhao Dalong up, helped him out of the pig pen, and after giving him a healing elixir, he immediately continued searching the village without saying anything else.

The five hundred thugs brought by Du Hao, with the support of his brother Du Geng, were able to commit all kinds of evil.

I don’t know how many people are taking advantage of the chaos to insult women and beat men.

The villagers of Zhaojiacun suffered from this unreasonable disaster.

Zhaojiacun said it was too big or too small. Chen Yang wanted to save everyone at this moment, but he really couldn't do anything at all.

There is only one way to find Du Hao as soon as possible, hold him hostage, and ask him to order these villains to stop. Only in this way can the crisis in Zhaojiacun be relieved.

Otherwise, I don’t know how many people will be harmed.

But for a while, Chen Yang found no trace of Du Hao.

And when he encounters someone in danger, he can't just sit back and ignore it, he has to take the time to save it.

Finally, while rescuing Zhao Caibao, he forced out Du Hao's whereabouts from a villain.

Du Hao, this bastard, actually had someone carry him to the Zhao family ancestral hall.

Not only did he dig up his ancestral graves, but he also demolished the old Zhao family ancestral hall that had been passed down for hundreds of years, causing Zhaojia Village to completely lose its foundation.

"This heartless guy!"

Chen Yang gritted his teeth and cursed, and quickly rushed towards the Zhao family ancestral hall.

Soon, he arrived at the ancestral hall.

Zhaojia Village is not wealthy, and the ancestral hall is very simple, but very neat and clean.

When Chen Yang arrived, he saw two poorly carved stone lions at the entrance of the ancestral hall, which had been pushed to the ground.

The "Zhao Temple" plaque above the ancestral hall was also thrown to the ground and broke into two pieces.

At the entrance of the ancestral hall, Du Hao sat on a chair and ordered the three villains who were walking into the ancestral hall: "Smash all the memorial tablets inside, destroy the offering tables, tributes, and incense. These bastards in Zhaojia Village simply cannot He doesn’t deserve to be buried, and he doesn’t deserve to have an ancestral hall.”

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