Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5031 Came too fast

Shen Ji is indeed stronger than Wang Lan, but his background is not as strong as Wang Lan.

Wang Lan's elder brother is Wang Xiong, the chief disciple of Water Gate.

Wang Xiong is powerful and has an extraordinary status. He will have the opportunity to compete for the position of the leader of the Water Gate Sect in the future.

Therefore, Shen Ji became friends with Wang Lan in order to have more contact with Wang Xiong.

At this moment, Wang Lan said that he wanted to fight against four, so Shen Ji was a little bit shy and stopped intervening.

At most, if they spend more time, Chen Yang and the four of them will not survive anyway.

He flew into the air and swept the formation beside him to prevent any of Chen Yang's four people from escaping.

However, when he took a closer look from a high altitude, he suddenly discovered that Chen Yang had been sitting there and not moving during the entire battle.

The other three people did not get up, or even show a trace of nervousness, they just watched the battle calmly.

These people are too calm.

Or do they have enough cards?

The more things progressed, the more Shen Ji felt that something was wrong, and now he felt a little unsure.

"Heaven, Earth and Water Prison."

Wang Lan swung his sword to attack, and the sword slashed four times in an instant. The sword light actually formed four walls, covering Chen Yang, Li Shuheng and the other four, and then closed together, as if to crush the four Chen Yang.


The ground could not withstand the impact of the starlight, and it cracked and shattered.

Yunxian Tower, which was already crumbling, completely lost its support at this moment. The walls collapsed and collapsed underground.

At this moment, the crowd had already left Yunxian Tower, but Yunxian Tower was in dilapidated condition, and the fighting inside could be seen from the outside.

Seeing how fierce Wang Lan's attack was, everyone's hearts were on tenterhooks. They wondered if Chen Yang could stop it this time.

"You're dead."

Zhang Zewen shouted again, as if he firmly supported the Xuan Shui disciples.

But at this moment, Chen Yang quickly drew his sword and swung it at an extremely fast speed. He struck four consecutive sword beam walls from left to right and back and forth.

He did not use his magical power, but the power of the sword light completely suppressed Wang Lan's attack, and the power was just right, just enough to offset most of the power.

Then, his sword light triggered a turbulent flow of energy, impacting in all directions and hitting the collapsing walls of Yunxian Tower.


The entire Yunxian Tower made a loud noise and collapsed completely, turning into ruins.

"It's finally been leveled."

Chen Yang jumped up and raised his sword to attack Wang Lan.

After hearing his words, everyone realized that he used his sword to deliberately induce turbulent energy flow and destroy the Yunxian Tower.

He just said that he would demolish Yunxian Tower, and he did what he said.

Seeing that his attack was blocked, Wang Lan's eyes flashed with surprise.

Although he has not yet used all his strength, the Heaven and Earth Water Prison just now was more than enough to kill any two-star eighth-level cultivator.

However, Chen Yang actually blocked his attack easily. This was not the strength that a two-star and eighth-level cultivator should have at all.

After coming back to his senses, Wang Lan showed a fierce look on his face, swung his sword and rushed towards Chen Yang who took the initiative to attack, and shouted coldly: "You have a treasure, do you think you are powerful? I want you to know the gap between you and me. No treasure can make up for it.”

At this point, Wang Lan still believed that Chen Yang could fight him because he had a powerful treasure in his hand.

"The spiral water sword is broken."

The sword blade in Wang Lan's hand rotated and stabbed out, and wisps of water wrapped around the sword, forming a rotating water ball at the tip of the sword. The energy in it was entangled like a ball of thread.

The power of this sword light was much stronger than the attack just now. It was obvious that Wang Lan was angered and wanted to kill Chen Yang completely without leaving any chance for Chen Yang.

Seeing the terrifying attack power, Zhang Zewen thought to himself that there should be no problem this time.

Other spectators also believed that Chen Yang was powerless.

However, Chen Yang looked calm and swung his sword to use the third style of the majestic sword technique "A Thousand Miles of Clouds and Thousand Miles A Thousand Miles Away", which blessed the law of goggles and enhanced the power of star energy. A cloud of sword light was like riding a hurricane, piercing the void and heading towards Released before leaving.

At this moment, everyone could feel from the clear energy fluctuations that Chen Yang's sword light completely suppressed Wang Lan.

The strength of both sides is not at the same level at all.

"not good."

Shen Ji's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly took action, intercepting the sword light "A Thousand Miles of Clouds".

He knew that Wang Lan couldn't block the blow. If he was hit, he would be injured. How would he explain to Wang Xiong when the time came?

However, although Shen Ji's attack speed was fast enough, it was still half a beat too slow.


The "Spiral Water Sword Break" sword light pierced the "A Thousand Miles of Clouds" from the middle. The rotating water star energy was completely unable to withstand the impact of the huge force, and it collapsed instantly.

The speed of "A Thousand Miles of Clouds and Thousands of Miles" was extremely fast, and it hit Wang Lan almost the moment it penetrated "Spiral Water Sword Break".


Wang Lan was severely injured and flew backwards, with blood spurting out of his mouth and a look of horror on his face.

He couldn't believe that he was defeated by a two-star eighth-level cultivator.

"Junior Brother Wang."

Shen Ji was shocked, fearing that Wang Lan would be seriously injured, so he quickly flew over to check Wang Lan's condition.

In the void, the rumbling sound was still ringing.

Wang Lan's power should not be underestimated. His sword light was formed by the entanglement of many star energy streams. After the energy burst, the star energy did not completely disintegrate. It was like turning into winding star energy water snakes, moving towards the surroundings. Run away.

Although these "water snakes" are not as powerful as magical powers, the entire Yunxian Tower is destroyed at this moment, and there are people all around. The "star energy water snakes" rush into the crowd. How can those people resist it? How many people will die.

"Run away!"

"Oops, dead."

The crowd was in a panic. How could they still have the mood to pay attention to the battle situation? The most important thing at this moment was to save their lives.

At this moment, Li Shuheng took action. His attack speed was extremely fast. He raised his finger and fired dozens of starbursts, all of which accurately hit the "Star Energy Water Snake" dancing in the air.

With a bang-bang-bang sound, all the "Star Energy Water Snakes" were defeated, and were swept away by Li Shuheng's finger light. Even the energy turbulence rushed into the air, avoiding casualties.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, stopped and cast grateful glances at Li Shuheng.

After being rescued by Li Shuheng, everyone was now regarded as an upright party by Chen Yang and his party, and felt very disgusted with several Xuanshui disciples.

After all, those guys don't care about the life or death of others.

Yunxian Tower was destroyed, and what happened here shocked half of the copper and iron city. More and more people gathered, and the crowd was noisy and talking.

After understanding the situation here, the crowd was shocked by Chen Yang's tough fighting power.

After all, who could not be shocked by the two-star eighth level defeating a Xuan Shui disciple?

Chen Yang acted as if there was no one around, holding a long sword in his hand, slowly walked towards Wang Lan, and said coldly: "Those who humiliate others will always be humiliated. When you humiliate us, you should think that one day, someone will punish you." You guys. It’s just that this day comes quickly."

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