Urban magic doctor

Chapter 510 Hellfire

Chen Yang greeted everyone in the Fourth Courtyard and left for Calvary City, the Lion Kingdom.

There are two masters in the Fourth Courtyard, Karla and Tao Xiaotong, so Chen Yang doesn't have to worry about their safety and can leave with peace of mind.

When he arrived in the Lion Kingdom, it was already nine o'clock in the evening local time.

He didn't have time to compensate for the so-called jet lag, so he immediately contacted Xiaojiu, and the two agreed to meet outside Sifu University.

Yang Xuewei was fortunate enough to come here for academic exchanges, and Chen Yang knew that she must be very happy.

But I didn't expect that she would be kidnapped for no apparent reason.

When Chen Yang arrived outside Sifu University, Xiaojiu was already waiting there.

Although Xiao Jiu is "little" Jiu, he is already thirty-six years old, but he looks very young and looks like he is only in his mid-twenties.

Moreover, he is quite handsome and has a fair face. He is definitely the Prince Charming in the eyes of girls.

He stood at the gate of Sifu University for a while, and several girls already came to strike up a conversation.

Of course, this also has something to do with the Bentley next to him.

Handsome and rich, it's not you who picks up girls, but the girls who pick up you.

"Boss, here."

Xiaojiu saw Chen Yang coming over and waved quickly.

Chen Yang nodded, walked over and got into the passenger seat of the Bentley. Xiaojiu got in the car and sat down, saying guiltily: "I'm sorry, boss, it's my fault."

"I don't blame you. The other party is going for Teacher Yang. Even if you arrange a hundred people to protect him, the result will be the same."

Chen Yang saw that Xiao Jiu's eyes were bloodshot and knew that he must not have rested for a long time, and Xiao Jiu was not to blame for this matter.

He continued: "Let's go, take me to Teacher Yang's residence to see."


Xiao Jiu responded, started the Bentley, and the car sped out with a roar.

After a while, Bentley stopped in front of a small single-family two-story bungalow. Xiaojiu pointed and said to Chen Yang: "Boss, this is where Professor Yang lives. There are six professors in total. They rented it." We all have this house and live here.”

Chen Yang looked over and saw that the house was cordoned off and the police were talking to several Huajin people at the door.

Xiao Jiu said: "I am friends with the local detective. I have contacted him. He told me that the police have not found any clues about Teacher Yang. The only suspicious thing is a Cadillac without a license plate, but that car Like Professor Yang, he is missing now. Boss, should we go down and have a look."

"No need, the other party is so strict in handling matters, they will definitely not leave any clues."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said: "Let's go, Xiaojiu, take me to your territory and let me see how you are doing in the Lion Country guy's place."

Xiao Jiu was stunned for a moment, frowned and said: "Boss, why are you not in a hurry?"

Chen Yang shrugged: "Of course I'm anxious, but there's no point in being anxious. The other party is prepared and won't hurt Teacher Yang. Now we just need to wait for the other party to call and then meet their request."

Xiao Jiu muttered: "Boss, to be honest, your teacher Yang is so beautiful, and she has a strange attraction to men. I'm afraid that if she stays with the gangster for a long time, the gangster will commit murder."

"Whoever dares to touch Teacher Yang, I will kill his whole family."

Chen Yang said coldly, his whole body filled with murderous intent, and Xiao Jiu next to him felt a chill in his body.

Chen Yang calmed down and pointed ahead: "Let's go, take me to your territory."

Xiaojiu nodded, started the Bentley, and drove towards the city.

Jinshan has high-tech industries and institutions of higher learning, and the economy here is naturally very developed.

Chen Yang followed Xiaojiu and visited seven nightclubs, five restaurants, a loan company...

"Your properties together probably amount to a few billions of gold."

Chen Yang looked at Xiao Jiu in the driver's seat and said with a smile.

Xiaojiu shook his head: "How can there be so many? The properties you saw today are indeed mine, but I only hold shares in them. Some of the shares belong to the Hellfire Organization, and others belong to the families of local officials. Shares. In total, I only have assets of three to four billion gold at most."

Chen Yang said: "It's not a lot. At least your life is nourishing enough."

Xiao Jiu said: "To be honest, I actually miss the days in Black Flag more, with the flash of swords and the crisis of life and death. That is the life a man should live."

"You're stupid, you don't enjoy it when you're lucky. Do you want to take risks?"

Chen Yang joked.

At this time, Bentley drove into a villa.

Chen Yang looked from a distance and saw that the villa covered an area of ​​about one thousand square meters. It was very luxuriously decorated, brightly lit and very grand.

As the Bentley drove in, many young men dressed in black came up to them and opened the car door for Xiaojiu.

When these people saw Chen Yang sitting in the passenger seat, they were a little surprised. They couldn't understand why the boss would be the driver for this thin boy.


The younger brothers said respectfully.

Xiaojiu pointed at Chen Yang: "This is Brother Yang."

"Brother Yang."

everyone shouted.

A young man stepped forward and said to Xiao Jiu: "Boss, several managers are waiting for you inside. They said they have important matters to discuss with you."

Xiao Jiu nodded and said to Chen Yang: "Boss, go in."


Chen Yang responded and followed Xiaojiu into the villa.

In the living room of the villa, there were five people sitting, four men and one woman. One of the men was a foreigner.

When they saw Xiaojiu coming in, they all stood up with respectful expressions on their faces.

Obviously, Xiaojiu, the boss, has a very high status in the minds of these people, and no one dares to neglect him.

Xiaojiu led Chen Yang to sit down at the main seat and said to the five of them in a different language: "This is my boss, you can just call him Brother Yang."

"Brother Yang."

Although the four Huajin people were confused, they still shouted.

But the foreigner pretended not to hear and remained indifferent.

Xiao Jiu frowned, with a look of displeasure on his face. Chen Yang pulled him, so he didn't get angry.

He sat down and said to everyone: "Tell me, you are all waiting for me here. What do you want?"

The only woman among the five people leaned forward, attracted everyone's attention, and said: "The Hellfire Organization's Solomon Family called and said that the person you are looking for is in their possession, boss. He said he would call you at nine o'clock in the evening."

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