Urban magic doctor

Chapter 518 Bloody Thorn Flower

The computer room was filled with thick smoke, and the smell was very pungent and dizzying.

"No, the smoke is poisonous!"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat and he quickly held his breath while following the footsteps of the leader of the temple and quickly chasing after him.


Screams were heard, and the three senior church officials with keycaps embedded in their foreheads were unable to resist the poison and died of poisoning.

Chen Yang walked out of the computer room in a few quick steps and chased out of the tunnel without looking back.

Soon he returned to the ground, looked at Ye Zi standing next to him, and asked, "Ye Zi, didn't you see anyone coming out of here?"

Ye Zi shook his head: "No, I have been here all the time. No one goes in and no one comes out."

"how could be?"

Chen Yang looked puzzled, raised his eyebrows, and said, "No, there must be another exit in the basement."

He quickly returned to the basement, and Ye Zi followed him.

There was a thick smoke in the computer room that did not dissipate for a long time. Chen Yang held his breath and rushed in, quickly rummaging inside.

There is no secret passage here, but the ventilation duct is opened, and the leader of the temple apparently escaped from here.

Chen Yang jumped into the ventilation duct and quickly chased forward.

After a while, he came out of the ventilation duct, looked forward, and saw the figure of the leader of the church.

There are several footprints on the ground, and the people have disappeared.


Chen Yang cursed secretly, and had to return to the basement through the ventilation duct, and said to Ye Zi: "The leader of the temple has escaped. When the smoke dissipates, let's go into the computer room and search."

Ye Zi nodded and asked: "The Holy Church is notorious and does all kinds of evil. Who are they?"

Chen Yang muttered: "The other high-level officials were from Nanzhou, and their thoughts were crazy, but they were all ordinary. One of the women was from the Huajin Kingdom, and she used two swords. She was killed by me. Their leader was a little strange. He uses a tachi and carries smoke bombs with him, he looks a bit like a monk."

"Monk? Are you a Nicai person?" Ye Zi frowned and said in a deep voice: "If you are a Nicai person, you can indeed do those inhumane things in the temple."

Chen Yang shook his head again: "But that man's swordsmanship is not like that of Nicai country, and he can speak Huajin dialect and has a Dongcheng accent. I suspect that he is from Huajin country."

Ye Zi was surprised: "He has a Dongcheng accent? This is really strange! By the way, did you see his appearance just now? Now that all the senior leaders of the church are dead, the church will surely fall into chaos. At this time, this person is wanted all over the world. good time."

Chen Yang said: "That man was wearing a mask. Although I took off the mask for him, he turned his head away and I didn't see his face."

Ye Zi said: "This is a bit regretful. It will be difficult to meet this person again."

The two talked for a while, and the thick smoke in the computer room dispersed, and they entered the computer room to search.

Everyone in the computer room was lying on the ground. The leader of the church did not care about the life and death of other people. The faces of several senior church officials were purple and black, bleeding from seven holes, and they looked very scary.

Chen Yang and Ye Zi searched the computer room for a while, but found no useful clues.

They began to search for corpses on the ground again. When Chen Yang touched the body of a Nanzhou man, he actually still had some body temperature and was not completely dead.

Chen Yang poured a ray of true energy into it and tapped a few acupuncture points. The man slowly opened his eyes and said weakly: "Oh my God, I'm not dead yet?"

Chen Yang said: "You are not dead now, but you won't live long."

The man looked at Chen Yang with a look of pain on his face: "The poisonous smoke was so powerful that my internal organs were broken. It hurts!"

Chen Yang said: "You answer a few questions and I will let you die easily."

Hearing this, a ferocious look appeared on the man's face: "Your Majesty doesn't care about our life or death. If you want to kill your Majesty, kill him and I will answer your question."

"Don't worry, he will definitely die."

Chen Yang nodded calmly and asked: "What is the purpose of the existence of the Holy Church?"

There was a perverted expression on the man's face: "Just to satisfy our desire to kill, we are all a group of lunatics. As long as we can cause destruction and kill people, we will be excited. However, several of our senior officials know that he is just He's using us, he's using the power of the Temple."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up: "What is he using you for?"

"He seems to be looking for something, but he has never revealed it and has always been very secretive. This time the Holy Church wants you to steal the black hole project data of Wei Li. He is also looking for something, not for a terrorist attack. Humph, he thought we didn’t know, but actually everyone knew it.”

Looking for something, it seems that the temple is just a tool of the leader. Everything he does on the surface is a cover-up. The real purpose is to find something or something.

Chen Yang pondered for a moment, then asked: "What is your leader's name? Which country is he from?"

The man said: "We don't know the leader's name. He asked us to call him 'Ling Shang'. As for the country he comes from, he never said it. And he can speak several languages, so we can't guess which country he comes from." nation."

Chen Yang frowned, and the man's answer was equivalent to saying nothing.

He asked again: "What secrets does your leader have? Does he have any habits?"

"Secret? His appearance is a secret. He has never been exposed. And every once in a while, he will leave, and then he will usually come back after a month or two."

"Where did he go when he left?"

"I don't know. He will never tell us. But this time, he is going to Hua Jin Country. He asked us to go with him, but he won't let us kill people. We are not interested."


Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, and his intuition told him that the leader of the temple was from the Huajin Kingdom, and every time he left the temple before, he always went to the Huajin Kingdom.

Chen Yang pondered: "Did he say why he went to Hua Jin Country?"

"No, but it's definitely something big."

Not only is it a big thing, but it's also a bad thing. How can such a person do anything good?

Chen Yang changed his mind and asked a few more questions. Without getting any more useful information, he slapped the Nanzhou native to death, ending his life completely.

At this time, Ye Zi came over, and he told Ye Zi the news, and the two planned to leave here.

When leaving the computer room, Chen Yang noticed the bloody mask on the ground.

The mask was cut in half by him, and someone stepped on it, breaking it into several pieces.

He hesitated and went over to pick up the mask.

After careful inspection of the front and back, a mark appeared on the inner orbit of the eye.

The symbol is about the size of a thumb and is a black thorn flower with bright red blood dripping from the petals.

Bleeding Thorn Flower!

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