Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5292 Longan and Wind Throat

Li Hongran had already asked Hu Yanshuo and Qiu Yuan for help, but these two people thought highly of themselves and never asked about Yingshan Palace.

It seemed that when they arrived at Yingshan Palace, as long as the two of them were there, all problems could be solved.

However, Li Hongran was a very cautious person. He took the initiative to bring up the matter of Yingshan Palace many times, but was interrupted by Hu Yanshuo and others, who thought that he was wasting his words.

At this moment, seeing Chen Yang taking the initiative to ask about the exploration of Yingshan Palace, he compared Chen Yang and Hu Yanshuo, and immediately had a better impression of Chen Yang. He said through a message: "As far as I know, except for me, , and Brother Three Emperors and Brother Seven Emperors will also go to Yingshan Palace.

Brother Sanhuang is very talented. He is a two-star and sixth-level cultivator, and he has a two-star and ninth-level guard following him at all times.

This time when he went to Yingshan Palace, he must have brought some guards with him.

I just don’t know if he has invited other experts to go out. If there are three-star cultivators, we will be in some trouble if we meet him. "

As he spoke, Li Hongran glanced sideways at Hu Yanshuo and Qiu Yuan, and then sent a message to Chen Yang: "Senior Hu Yan and Senior Qiu are both two-star ninth level. As long as Brother Three Emperors does not invite other experts, they can solve the problem.

As for the Seventh Emperor Brother, he is a one-star realm cultivator, and he also has a two-star realm guard beside him, but he is only at the sixth level.

Now it seems that Brother Seventh Emperor's competitiveness is the weakest.

However, the Seventh Emperor Brother is very smart. If he is not sure, he probably will not go to Yingshan Palace.

If you encounter the Seventh Emperor Brother, I think it is best to avoid fighting and stay as far away as possible.

Of course, our goal is to find Yingshan Spring. It is best not to conflict with anyone, as long as we find Yingshan Spring. "

Chen Yang nodded and sent a message: "Besides your two royal brothers, is there anyone else going to Yingshan Palace?"

"I only know that the two royal brothers will go."

Li Hongran looked thoughtful and said: "However, many big families have inquired about the news about Yingshan Palace this time. I'm afraid they will also go there when the time comes."

"Will there be cultivators in the five-star realm?"

Chen Yang asked.

Li Hongran looked shocked, then he laughed dumbly and said: "Brother Chen, you are worrying too much. There are only a few five-star cultivators in the entire Xinyuan Kingdom, no more than twenty at most.

Although the ruins of Yingshan Palace are quite famous, they have declined after all and have been explored several times in history, so those cultivators at the five-star realm are not interested in them.

Not to mention the five-star realm, even four-star and three-star cultivators would not be interested.

Therefore, when going to Yingshan Palace this time, the realm of the two-star ninth level is already considered extremely high. "

Chen Yang was completely relieved when he heard that there were no five-star cultivators.

With his current strength, as long as he doesn't encounter cultivators above the five-star realm, he doesn't have to worry about any opponents.

"Besides Yingshan Spring, what other treasures are there in Yingshan Palace?"

Since he was going to explore the ruins, Chen Yang had to make some plans for himself. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time if everyone helped Li Hongran and he would get nothing.

Li Hongran knew what Chen Yang was thinking and looked regretful as he said, "Brother Chen, Yingshan Palace was once very powerful, and it is said that there are indeed precious treasures hidden in it.

However, no one knows where the treasure is in the palace.

Moreover, in history, our royal ancestors have explored Yingshan Palace several times, but have not obtained those legendary treasures.

Maybe the rumors are false and the treasure doesn't exist at all. "

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, showing some interest.

Since the treasure has not been found, there is a high probability that it is still buried somewhere in Yingshan Palace. Maybe I can find it if I have a chance.

He asked: "What kind of treasures are they?"

Li Hongran said: "The most precious thing among them is the dragon's eye. It is said that it is the eye of a real dragon and is inlaid on the huge stone eagle's eye in Yingshan Palace.

The power of the dragon's eye is so strong that it causes Stone Eagle's other eye to explode no matter which eyeball is used.

Eventually, the stone eagle became one-eyed.

That one eye is the most powerful power of Yingshan Palace. It is said that when the dragon eye is angry, it can sweep across thousands of miles and nine states, and its power is unparalleled. "

When he heard that it was actually longan, Chen Yang's eyes lit up and his heart became eager.

If it is the eye of an adult real dragon, then it is a precious treasure, a treasure, a rare treasure.

The dragon whiskers, dragon scales and other objects that Chen Yang once obtained were all from young dragons, not complete bodies. They were all cuticles of dragons and did not contain much power of real dragons.

The eyes are different. They are an indispensable part of the true dragon and contain the spirituality of the true dragon.

If the activity of that eye has not been completely lost, there will be a great deal of things that can be obtained from the eye.

The energy, dragon power, and even the scene that the real dragon once saw may also be restored.

However, before Chen Yang could be happy, Li Hongran continued: "According to ancient records in the royal family, the remains of the stone eagle were found many years ago, but there were no long eyes found on the head of the stone eagle, only two carvings. The eyes are made of eyes. Although they are lifelike and murderous, they are definitely not dragon eyes."

"It turns out it's just a rumor." Chen Yang couldn't help but frown.

Li Hongran pondered: "I don't think it's a rumor, because there are indeed relevant records in the ancient royal books. I just don't know why it changed later."

"Perhaps only when you see the stone eagle will you know what's going on."

Chen Yang decided that after arriving at Yingshan Palace, he would go and see the stone eagle, and he might gain something unexpected.

He asked again: "Besides dragon eyes, are there any other treasures?"

Li Hongran said: "Needless to mention pills, star stones and the like. However, as time goes by, those things have been excavated and taken away. Others, except for the dragon eyes, seem to be the only treasure called wind throat. It hasn’t appeared yet.”


"It seems to be a treasure. It is said that it can release violent hurricanes that even practitioners at the five-star and six-star realms cannot stop. But no one knows what the wind throat looks like."

"It seems that there are quite a lot of treasures in Yingshan Palace."

Chen Yang also became interested in Fenghou. It sounded like it could help him improve his goggles rules.

But according to Li Hongran's story, he discovered a problem.

He asked: "Yingshan Palace should have been very powerful back then, but why did it suddenly collapse and sink into the valley? If someone defeated them, why didn't they take away the elixirs, star stones and other items?"

Li Hongran muttered: "This is indeed a bit strange. Not only that, there is not a single corpse or a drop of blood in Yingshan Palace. It seems that all the cultivators there have disappeared out of thin air. If there is a strong person who caused all this, I don't know how powerful it is. Only people can do it.”


Chen Yang frowned, feeling that this Yingshan Palace was a bit unusual.

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