Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5299 Half human and half demon

"How long do we have to wait?"

Chen Yang waited quietly, but after several hours, the four men in black seemed to have disappeared, neither appearing nor making any sound.

But Chen Yang was sure that the man in black was in this cave and had not left.

"What are they waiting for?"

Chen Yang became more and more curious. He could make the four men in black wait patiently. He was afraid that the treasure that was about to appear was extraordinary. Even if it did not reach the level of Dragon Eye and Wind Throat, it would definitely be a treasure.

And nine times out of ten, it's Longyan and Fenghou.

But a day passed without realizing it, and the whole cave was quiet without any movement.

Chen Yang waited patiently, but got nothing. For a moment, he was wavering in his heart. He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to continue waiting like this.

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly saw the head of the stone eagle, its eyes emitting a faint light, then gradually brightened, and finally turned into a dazzling pillar of light, rising into the sky.

"The eyes are really weird."

Finally waiting for the change, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly brightened and he stared intently at the light radiating from Shi Ying's eyes. However, due to the restrained energy and consciousness, he could not sense anything else except the light.

He didn't dare to sense it rashly, otherwise he would offend the four men in black and the consequences would be disastrous.

The four hidden men in black finally made some movement. Their figures flashed and appeared in four directions of the light beam.

They opened the hoods on their heads. All four of them had very old faces, and their eyes were full of excitement. They looked up at the top of the light pillar.

However, the light pillar did not have a top. It was still extending, impacting the top of the cave, opening a passage, and continuing to advance.

After about three minutes, the light emitted by the eagle eye gradually stabilized, the light did not increase, and the energy fluctuations of the light pillar also weakened, seeming to have reached a certain balance.

The four men in black had a tacit understanding and soared into the air at the same time, flying towards the top of the light pillar.


At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the entrance of the cave.

Chen Yang did not expect that someone would appear at this time, but he did not care who came. He was still staring at the four men in black with all his attention, wondering what they were going to do and what changes would happen.

The speed of the men in black was so fast that Chen Yang could hardly keep up with their speed without using his star energy.

However, he still saw four men in black rushing into the beam of light.

Because after the man in black entered the light pillar, his body seemed to lose control, and he was just drifting upward slowly within the light pillar.

Gradually, the man in black disappeared into the passage opened by the light beam, and he didn't know where he was going.

"It looks like the destination is up there."

Chen Yang thought to himself, then turned to look at the group of people walking out of the passage.

There were five people in this group, all of whom were old men. They were wearing brown robes with an inverted loft embroidered on their collars.

The five people looked solemnly and stared at the light beam in front of them, but there was no look of surprise in their eyes.

Obviously, they knew about the light pillar and that it would be activated at this time, but it was a pity that others took the lead.

"The attic hanging upside down is a hanging building?"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows. Just now, he thought these people were just like the Third Prince and didn't know the situation. Now it seems that they are strong enough to compete with the four men in black.

After all, Chuixuanlou controls Haizhou and is very powerful. There are many Heavenly Masters in the seven-star realm among them.

And it seems that these five Hanging Tower cultivators are at a high level, and nine out of ten of them are powerful Heavenly Masters.

"I didn't expect that Jinlin Pavilion would be one step ahead of us."

One of the Hanging Building cultivators snorted coldly, with a look of displeasure on his face.

Another person said: "Since Yingshan Palace is in Haizhou, the things here naturally belong to our hanging building. Jinlin Pavilion secretly sent people to snatch the things that belong to us. It would be too disrespectful to us and hanging building." "

"Since they are here, let them come and never come back."

"These guys are of a very high level. They seem to have absolute self-confidence, which is why they risk their lives and come to fight for the treasure. However, they will never know that we still have a trump card."

"The Eagle Eye Road is finally opened. We must get the treasure this time."

"Don't let those old guys from Jinlin Pavilion get there first."

"I saw that the Green Scaled Snake was old just now. If there is a fight later, you must be careful with him. His one-on-one strength is probably stronger than ours."

"If we can kill Old Green Scale Snake, the strength of his Golden Scale Pavilion will definitely plummet. By then, his control over Quzhou will inevitably weaken, and we can merge Quzhou's territory into our Haizhou. And, we can get A lot of resources.”

"Resources can be divided, but don't think about territorial boundaries. Those are the thirteen states divided by Jiyin Palace, Nanhai Daozong, Tiansheng Pavilion, and Miaoyin Temple. We cannot decide the boundaries."

"let's go."

The five cultivators of the Hanging Tower flew to the top of the cave, then entered the light pillar and slowly rose upwards.

"Both the Hanging Tower and the Jinlin Pavilion are actually dispatched. The treasure must be very precious. If I can get it, it will be of great benefit."

Chen Yang was so excited that he wanted to enter the light pillar immediately and follow him to hunt for treasure.

However, he did not get carried away and remained calm, observing the entrance of the passage and appearing again after making sure it was safe.

After a while, when no one appeared again, Chen Yang felt relieved and wanted to enter the light pillar.

But the moment he started to move, suddenly, the cold feeling that he had before appeared again, and it was stronger than before.

It was as if the person staring at him secretly was behind him.


Chen Yang turned around and looked behind him, only to see a black shadow lingering on the boulder. It seemed that he was startled by his sudden shout. The black shadow trembled and moved on the boulder.

Chen Yang didn't dare to take it lightly, and immediately used Po Void Palm to grab the black shadow with one palm.

The black shadow fled in a hurry, but seemed to hesitate for a moment. After a short pause, he was caught by Poxu Palm.

The boulder cracked, and the black shadow was imprisoned in Poxu's palm. It flowed rapidly, turned into a human form, and then gradually materialized.

What appeared in front of Chen Yang was a girl about twelve or thirteen years old. She looked innocent and cute, with scales covering her body and a long tail trailing behind her butt.

Obviously, this was not a human being, but a demon clan, and for some reason, her body did not completely transform into a human one.

Chen Yang didn't talk nonsense. He immediately clenched his Poxu palm and wanted to kill this monster who was spying on him secretly.

The demon tribe didn't resist, and there was a look of panic and fear on its young and pretty face, and he said quickly: "Spare your life, sir, spare your life, I don't mean to hurt you!"

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