Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5343 At a loss

After the loud noise, everything calmed down.

Chen Yang looked in the direction of the sound, with a solemn look on his face, and said secretly: "Is the battle over? I don't know who won between Yixi and Tang Zhou. If the Jiyin Palace starts hunting tonight, Taoxi Village is so close. , I’m afraid it will be a key hunting area.”

Seeing Chen Yang thoughtful, Lin Lang whispered: "Brother Dongfang, could the battle over there have something to do with you?"

Chen Yang nodded and did not go into details.

Lin Lang opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't ask. The less we knew about this kind of thing, the better.

Chen Yang said: "Brother Lin, can you give me the identity tag tonight? I want to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise Jiyin Palace will search for me and I will be in trouble."

Lin Lang looked embarrassed: "I have the identity book of Taoxi Village in my hand. I can add notes for you tonight, but the identity card must go to the city and be made by the Jidian disciples in the city and leave a mark. In the evening Identity card level production is not open, and I have nothing to do with the city, so... I can only wait until tomorrow."

Chen Yang thought that Jiyin Palace would most likely search him tonight, and it would be dangerous if he waited until tomorrow.

He thought for a while and said to Lin Lang: "In that case, please trouble Brother Lin to bring back the identity tag tomorrow, and I will come to your home to get it. If the Jiyin Palace searches for my whereabouts, I hope Brother Lin can help me hide it."

"You are a good person, so of course I will help you."

Lin Lang clapped his chest in assurance, and then said suspiciously: "However, the immortal masters in Jiyin Palace are all kind-hearted, why would they pursue a good person like you?"

"Is the Immortal Master from Jiyin Palace very kind?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment. All the cultivators in Jiyin Palace practiced Yinxie techniques. They were extremely vicious, but they could actually be kind?

He frowned and said, "Did you hear what others said, or did you see it with your own eyes?"

Lin Lang said: "I have never met the immortal masters of Ji Yin Palace and Yin Palace, but the disciples and immortal masters of Ji Palace are all good people. Although there are occasionally evil people, they are generally good. Now we can live and work in peace and contentment and enjoy The peaceful and prosperous age is the result of Jiyin Palace, so we all respect the immortal masters of Jiyin Palace."

Chen Yang was completely stunned. He never expected that the real Jiyin Palace was completely different from what he expected.

Has Jiyin Palace really changed its appearance?

But Ku Xuan is a person who can even smelt the entire Bai Realm. Chen Yang will never believe that such a person is a good person.

"There must be something wrong somewhere, or is it that the people who manage the world below have different ideas from Ku Xuan?"

Chen Yang shook his head. The answer to this question can only be obtained by understanding the Ji Yin Palace.

But what he can be sure of is that Ku Xuan is definitely not a good person.

After retracting his thoughts, Chen Yang asked Lin Lang: "By the way, what are the Ji Palace and Yin Palace you just mentioned?"

Lin Lang explained: "Under the Ji Yin Palace, there are Ji Palace and Yin Palace. It is said that Ji Palace and Yin Palace manage different areas respectively, and there are competitions and fights between them, but overall they are peaceful. The area we are in belongs to Ji Palace management. As for the management scope of Yin Palace, I don’t know.”

Chen Yang asked doubtfully: "You have never been to the area under the jurisdiction of the Yin Palace?"

Lin Lang said: "Unless you join the Ji Palace or the Yin Palace, no one can cross the border at will, so I have no right to enter the area under the jurisdiction of the Yin Palace."

Chen Yang shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He stood up and said goodbye to Lin Lang: "I'm leaving first. See you tomorrow."

Lin Lang sent Chen Yang to the door before returning.

Chen Yang did not stay away, but went to the woods behind Taoxi Village, climbed to the top of the tree, and then entered the small world of Fury of the Sky.

Although weak energy fluctuations would remain after opening the door to the small world, he used a secret method to erase it. When someone comes to trace it tomorrow, the energy has disappeared.

"I wonder what Cannon and Silver Moon are like?"

Chen Yang frowned and immediately checked the conditions of Cannon and Yinyue and found that they were seriously injured and fell into a coma.

The cannon is slightly better, and can be gradually restored as long as you have high-level elixirs.

However, Silver Moon's scales were all gone, and her body was almost completely destroyed except for the skeleton. Even the fluctuations in her consciousness were gradually annihilated. If she was not treated as soon as possible, she would probably die.

Moreover, the most silvery moon could not survive three days.

"It's bad!"

Chen Yang looked ugly and immediately opened the "Book of Immortals and Demons" to find a way to cure Yinyue.

There are many ways to extend life and treat him, but Chen Yang doesn't have any of the required materials or elixirs.

Moreover, after searching for a long time, I still couldn't find the real way to completely recover Yin Yue.

"There is too much content in the "Book of Immortals and Demons", and it may not be possible to finish it even if it takes a few days. I hope that a way to save Yin Yue can be found as soon as possible.

But even if I find it, I don’t have the elixir, I don’t have the materials, and I don’t have enough realm, so what should I do? "

Chen Yang was confused and regretted taking Yinyue with him.

"Woof woof woof..."

Suddenly, Cannon screamed, opened his eyes suddenly, and shouted: "Boss, boss, are you okay?"

Once he saw that Chen Yang was okay, Da Pao breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground, motionless.

Chen Yang didn't expect that the cannon who seemed to be rescuing Yinyue actually cared most about himself. It seemed that this guy hadn't been carried away by love yet.

"By the way, where is Silver Moon?"

Suddenly, the cannon jumped up. He looked around but did not see Yin Yue. He stared at Chen Yang and said, "Where is Yin Yue? She can't..."

"Not dead yet, but the situation is very bad."

Chen Yang pointed to the little snake on the ground and said solemnly.

Cannon's face became very ugly. He dragged his seriously injured body over and stared at Yin Yue who turned into a little snake for a long time. Then he asked Chen Yang, "What's the situation now?"

Chen Yang told Da Pao about Yin Yue's situation. Da Pao frowned and gritted his teeth and said, "If Yin Yue dies, that guy named Yi Xi, I will definitely kill him."

"The problem now is not revenge, but saving Yinyue." Chen Yang said at a loss.

Canao was silent for a moment and exclaimed: "Where is Lao Li? Lao Li knows everything. He may have a way to save Yinyue."

"Lao Li fell into a deep sleep and I don't know when he will wake up."

Chen Yang shook his head and said: "I'd better read the "Book of Immortals and Demons" first, hoping to find a way as soon as possible, at least to help Yinyue survive first, otherwise, three days later..."

Cannon said with excitement: "Can you exchange my life for it? I have heard Lao Li tell you about this life-killing technique before. Although I am seriously injured, I can't die yet. I can exchange my life for Silver Moon.”

"You're crazy."

Chen Yang glared at the cannon, but then his mind changed, and a light flashed in his eyes, and he said: "I will read the "Book of Immortals and Demons" first. There is really nothing I can do. Maybe I can capture a demon clan and use the life-killing technique to help Yinyue continue. Life. However, I don’t know what she will be like by then.”

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