Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5347 Adventure

Lao Li pondered for a moment and said to Chen Yang: "With your talent, I believe it won't take much time to learn "Yanxin", but if you want to use "Yanxin", you need a lot of materials. You can determine a year." , enough for you to collect materials?"


Chen Yang looked solemn and made a major decision in his heart. In this year, he would do his best to save Yin Yue. As for finding the junior sister, he would put it after rescuing Yin Yue.

Although he couldn't wait to meet his little junior sister, Yinyue's condition was critical and could not be delayed.

"All right."

Lao Li did not persuade Chen Yang, but looked at the silver moon on the ground, and then said: "The required materials are very clearly recorded in the "Book of Immortals and Demons", and many of them are very rare materials.

Especially 'quenched sand' requires very harsh conditions to be generated, so you will probably have to spend a lot of effort to find it.

In addition, the minimum limit for using "Yanxin" is to reach the five-star level, so when you are looking for materials, you still need to improve your level.

Otherwise, even if you have the materials, you will not be able to use "Yanxin". "

"Improve your realm and find materials."

Chen Yang muttered to himself, feeling tremendous pressure.

Not only because these two conditions are very difficult, but also because he has to do all this under the pursuit of Jiyin Palace, which is even more difficult.

Chen Yang looked up at Lao Li, who was in a spirited state, and said, "Yinyue's current situation is very bad. It's better to seal her first, otherwise I'm worried that she won't be able to hold off for long."

Lao Li opened the "Book of Immortals and Demons", found the secret method to seal the demon clan, and gave it to Chen Yang.

Fortunately, the secret method was not too difficult. It took Chen Yang a full day to learn it, and then he used it on Yin Yue to seal Yin Yue's life state.

In this way, within this year, as long as the seal is not broken, Silver Moon will maintain its current life state and will not die.

But if a year later, when the seal is lifted, Silver Moon's vitality will rapidly pass away, and in just an hour, it will completely die.

"Within a year, the materials must be found."

Chen Yang's eyes flashed with determination, he retracted his thoughts and looked at the cannon next to him.

Cannon had been sleeping for a long time and was still snoring loudly. Even when Old Li Shenpo appeared, he didn't react at all. It seemed that he was sleeping too deeply.


Chen Yang lightly kicked the cannon, and the cannon turned over without making any movement.

He squatted down to check the condition of the cannon and found that although the cannon was breathing steadily, there was no energy fluctuation, as if it had degenerated into an ordinary Chinese pastoral dog.

After sensing it carefully, I found that the energy was still there, but it was very weak and completely restrained, as if it had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Strange, what's going on with the cannon?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but frown, worried about the safety of the cannon.

Lao Li, who had returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, said happily: "Haha, the cannon is indeed the bloodline of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Emperor, and it is about to evolve."


Chen Yang looked puzzled and asked Lao Li, "What do you mean?"

Lao Li explained: "Coupled with the projection of the previous battle against Ku Xuan, and this time, the cannon was seriously injured one after another, the dormant blood in the body seems to be showing signs of awakening, which will lead to the transformation of his body, and more sky-swallowing demon emperors will appear. bloodline form."

"So, he will change his appearance?" Chen Yang said unexpectedly.

Lao Li smiled and said: "Hey, I don't know if it will change, but when he wakes up, his strength and ability will definitely improve greatly. However, during this period, you have to provide him with a lot of resources, anything, as long as It’s okay if it’s edible. Otherwise, it will affect the quality of his evolution.”

"Where are my resources?"

Chen Yang looked helpless. After arriving at Zhonghao Realm, he never stopped to rest and had no time to look for resources.

"The resources of the cannon are dispensable, but you must find the materials Silver Moon needs."

After saying this, Lao Li got into the "Book of Immortals and Demons" and said no more.

Chen Yang looked at the cannon and Silver Moon on the ground, his head was as big as a bucket, but he didn't know what to do for a moment.

Improve your strength, search for materials, help Cannon collect resources, find your junior sister...

This incident simply made Chen Yang feel like he was going crazy.

And all these troubles, in his opinion, stem from his not being strong enough.

If you have enough strength, these problems will arise.

"First improve the goggle rules."

After thinking about it, Chen Yang decided to first understand the wind throat and improve the law of goggles.

Because Yinyue was sealed, her Najie was ownerless. After Chen Yang erased the mark of divine consciousness, he could extract the items at will.

He took out the Wind Throat and immediately began to understand its secrets.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Chen Yang didn't do anything, except to meditate on Fenghou with all his heart and soul.

What he didn't expect was that the Goggle Law improved much faster than he expected. It had reached the fifth level, which was two levels higher than the Fire Dragon Law.

The mystery of the wind attribute contained in the Wind Throat is really advanced and very easy to understand.

In Chen Yang's opinion, if he continues, he can raise the law of goggles to the sixth level within half a month.

However, he cannot spend all his time practicing, he also needs to find ways to find materials to release the secret technique "Yan Xin".

Putting away the wind throat, Chen Yang tried to release the goggles method.

The increase in speed is particularly obvious. Whether it is attack speed, movement speed, or the speed after the magical power is released, it is completely different from the previous level.

Moreover, the speed of image release, mapping distance, release time interval, number of images, etc. are also far higher than usual.

In particular, the number of mirrors has changed from one mirror to three mirrors that can exist at the same time and can be freely converted.

In this way, Chen Yang's actions will become more flexible when fighting, which will be of great benefit in terms of offense, defense and dodge.

He weighed it up and found that even if he encountered a first-level or second-level overlord, it would not be easy for the opponent to capture him. He was 90% sure that he could escape safely.

"We must get the dragon eye as soon as possible and improve the fire dragon law."

Although he can practice "Mirror Shadow Technique" and learn to use the mysterious mirror, he can control the ancient mirror world and get the dragon's eye, but Chen Yang does not have enough time to practice "Mirror Shadow Technique" now.

He decided to find a way to collect materials first. At least he had to have a plan to collect materials before he could continue practicing.

And now, he already has an idea.

Although this idea was very risky and might even cost him his life, he still planned to give it a try in order to save Yinyue.

Because this is the fastest and fastest way he can think of to collect materials.

That is, join Jidian.

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