Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5351 Selected

"Are you crazy? What are you doing here?"

Chen Yang frowned and couldn't care so much. Even if he entered the small world and hid, the situation in front of him was completely beyond his control.

But his speed couldn't be faster than that red object.


He felt pain in his heart as the red object hit his left chest and penetrated through him.

At this moment, Chen Yang's idea was to pretend to be dead. He had a space heart and would not die even if his left chest was broken. If he wanted to avoid the people in the underworld, he could only pretend to be dead.

Otherwise, restore his original appearance, let Zeng Le recognize him, and he will naturally hide himself for safety.

The thought flashed across his mind, and before Chen Yang could make a decision, he suddenly discovered that his left chest was not broken.

"What's going on? Didn't that thing penetrate through? Did it enter my body?"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, and his face was full of surprise.

At this moment, Zeng Le and the Yin Palace cultivators had already chased after him and found Chen Yang hiding in the dark.

Thanks to Chen Yang's excellent concealment skills, otherwise he would have been discovered long ago.

Seeing him hiding here at this moment, Zeng Le and the cultivators in the Yin Palace looked surprised. They were all Saint Masters and Heavenly Masters with unrivaled strength, but they did not realize that there was anyone hiding here.

This made them all feel extremely surprised and confused.


Protector Ying immediately reminded everyone that in his opinion, Chen Yang was able to hide here, and it happened to be at the time when the tiger demon was awakening, so his origins were probably not simple.

Moreover, everyone could see clearly just now that the red object disappeared after rushing over.

From this point of view, Chen Yang's identity becomes even more suspicious.

"Who are you?"

Protector Ying pointed the black blade in his hand at Chen Yang and shouted sternly, his whole body full of murderous intent. It was obvious that if Chen Yang said the wrong thing, he would kill Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was complaining in his heart. Now he would say that he was just here to watch the fun, and he would not believe it if he beat others to death.

He thought about how to deal with the situation at hand, and finally found that it was the best way to recognize Zeng Le.

But when he wanted to regain his appearance and tell Zeng Le that he was Chen Yang, he found that he couldn't move or speak.

"what happened?"

Chen Yang was shocked. He didn't know why he had such a change.

Was it caused by the red object just penetrating himself?

"Boy, let me ask you who you are?"

Protector Ying remained silent when he saw Chen Yang, and his murderous intent became even stronger. The weapon in his hand condensed powerful star energy, and he would release it to attack Chen Yang at any time.

Chen Yang glanced at Zeng Le and saw that Zeng Le was watching with cold eyes, obviously not recognizing him. He was anxious but could not make any reaction.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Chen Yang kept complaining and seemed to be silent, fearing that the protector Ying would take action, and by then, he would have to shed his skin even if he didn't die.

Just when he was at his wits' end, he suddenly found that his body was moving uncontrollably and he took two steps forward.

"This...my body?"

Chen Yang was even more horrified, with shock in his eyes. He felt that he had lost all sense of his body and was being controlled by others.

Except for consciousness, nothing else belongs to you.

He had never felt this way before.

"Boy, it seems like you won't open your mouth without giving you some pain."

Protector Ying lost his patience. He aimed at Chen Yang's arm and emitted a beam of starlight, as if he was going to blow Chen Yang's arm into pieces.

Seeing the powerful star attack coming, Chen Yang reflexively wanted to dodge and resist, but failed to make any move.


Without dodging or dodging, how could Chen Yang withstand such an attack? He felt that he was dead.

But what he didn't expect was that a strong demonic energy was released around his body, forming a wall blocking his way.


Protector Ying's starlight bombarded the wall of monster energy, and the energy exploded. The originally collapsed valley could not withstand the impact of the energy. The cliffs were destroyed and the valley became wider.

And that demonic wall was extremely strong, and there was no damage except for a ripple when the starlight impacted.

"Monster clan!"

A Yin Temple cultivator pointed at Chen Yang and shouted.

"I didn't expect that there would be demon clans coming to welcome the tiger demon. I'm afraid these demon clans haven't given up yet and want to regroup and fight against us humans."

"Strange, why can't I tell what kind of monster this kid is?"

"No matter what kind of monster he is, we must not let him go today."

Everyone in the Yin Palace believed that Chen Yang was a demon, but Zeng Le looked thoughtful, shook his head, and said solemnly: "He is not a demon, he is a human being."

Protector Ying stared at Chen Yang warily and said to Zeng Le: "Brother Zeng, if he is a human, why does he have such strong demonic energy? You know, except for the demon clan, other races cannot possess demonic energy."

"He is indeed a human being, but the red object just entered his body and took control of his body, using his body to release power."

Zeng Le pondered, with a solemn look on his face, and turned his head to look at Protector Ying, saying: "The red object is most likely the tiger demon. He is more powerful than you expected, and now you don't have the formation. No match."

Protector Ying looked ugly, clenched the weapon in his hand, and said: "No matter how strong he is, after all, he is relying on a human body, and he will never be able to exert his full power."

"you are right."

At this time, Chen Yang spoke.

However, it was not Chen Yang's voice, but a deep voice, a little hoarse, even a little slurred, as if he had suddenly spoken after not speaking for many years.

"Am I really possessed by my body?"

Chen Yang's eyes were full of horror, and he thought to himself: "This tiger monster must be mentally ill. If there are so many people present, he won't do it, so why did he come to do it to me?"

He really couldn't understand why the tiger demon chose his own body.

And it is unknown whether he can escape the control of the tiger demon in the future.

"It's really you!"

Protector Ying's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he winked at the cultivators of the Yin Palace. The crowd spread out and surrounded Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang" said calmly: "Yes, it's me, I am the tiger demon you are looking for. I really didn't expect that I have been sleeping for so many years, and when I just woke up, someone greeted me. I am very happy."

Protector Ying said with murderous intent: "We are not here to welcome you, but to capture you. You cannot exert your full power and are definitely no match for us."

"It's true that I can't use all my power, but you don't even have a Star Lord, so you want to deal with me. It's a bit fanciful."

"Chen Yang" shook his head, bent his knees slightly, suddenly used force to rise into the air, and flew straight upward.

"Stop him."

Protector Ying shouted and took the lead in attacking "Chen Yang".

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