Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5475 Ice Blue Star Stone

As it went deeper into the ground, the temperature became lower and lower, and even Chen Yang, a triple tyrant, felt the biting cold.

This is a bit weird. Normally low temperature can be resisted by cultivators with very low level.

Chen Yang's current state can completely ignore temperature changes.

But now, I actually feel the biting coldness, which only shows that the low temperature underground is unusual and not natural.

"Who dug such a complicated tunnel underground and what is its use?

Moreover, although this cave is 10,000 meters deep underground, it is completely uncovered. Why has it not been discovered? "

Chen Yang slowed down, thinking about everything he saw on the way here and the changes in the route.

When he sorted out his thoughts, he was quite surprised.

Because he discovered that the previously naturally formed passage was, if expected, a huge maze.

After passing through the maze, if you don't know the route, you will get lost in it and finally return to the ground through the passage you think is correct.

In fact, in that case, I actually turned around a few times in the labyrinth passage, and didn't even reach the depths of the ground. I just thought I was thousands of meters deep.

To pass through the maze, you either need to see through the formation; or someone can lead the way and go straight through the entire maze without taking any turns.

Chen Yang followed the remaining energy of Lei Feng and passed through the maze array before reaching the artificially dug area deep underground.

Incredibly, the intricate passages above actually formed a maze array.

However, the formations, patterns, and even all the runes were obtained from heaven and earth.

The appearance of this weird maze array is not too surprising.

“The people who dug the passage here wanted to use the maze array above to protect this area underground.

But what is his purpose in building a passage 10,000 meters underground? "

While Chen Yang was thinking, a huge cave appeared in front of him.

He stopped and saw that the cave was a hundred meters square, with nine passages connecting it to the front, back, left, and right. The cave floor was paved with blue bricks, and the surrounding walls were painted, but there was nothing in the entire cave.

It seems that this cave is a transfer station connecting passages.

The remaining demonic energy and thunder attribute energy of Lei Feng could be easily sensed, and Chen Yang chased straight towards the third passage on the left.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that there were a total of ten passages around the cave, which seemed to be arranged in special directions and were not evenly distributed.

He was worried that there was something fishy, ​​so he did not immediately chase into the passage. Based on the arrangement of the passages and the spatial distribution in the cave, he could tell whether there was a formation mechanism.

Soon, he discovered the danger.

This cave looks ordinary, but in fact, it forms a narrow escape array with the surrounding passages.

Of the ten passages, only one can lead to a way to survive.

The other nine passages are all dead ends. If you enter them, you don't know what kind of danger will be hidden.

Chen Yang believed that after Lei Feng came down from the ground, he moved forward without turning around. He must have known the route, so he must have taken the path of survival.

However, in this cave, in addition to the nine-death formation, the blue bricks on the ground also formed a moving formation that would transform the ten passages around the cave.

In other words, although Lei Feng's energy remains in the third passage on the left, it may not be the path Lei Feng took.

And now, with the changes in the moving formation, Lei Feng's way of survival may have become a dead end.


While Chen Yang was thinking, the ground was opened and the blue bricks were rearranged, looking like a Rubik's Cube reorganized piece by piece.

At the same time, the ten surrounding passages were also moving on the wall, and their positions were constantly changing. The movement speed was obviously very slow, but it was hard to remember where exactly that passage had moved.

Finally, the green bricks on the ground stopped moving, and the passage on the wall also stopped.

The remaining energy of Lei Feng is still in the third channel on the left, but this channel is obviously not the one just now.

"These two simple formations are trying to stump me."

Chen Yang smiled calmly, and immediately based on the principles of the Movement Formation and the Nine-Death Formation, deduced the changes, and finally determined the path forward of Lei Feng, which was the passage directly in front, which was the only way to survive.

He immediately entered the passage and saw that the surrounding scene changed. The stone walls disappeared and turned into a cylindrical steel passage, like a sewer, but the diameter was several times larger.

The entire passage is very long, and even though there is no darkness blocking the view, it has no end in sight, giving people an eerie feeling.

What made Chen Yang feel even more uncomfortable was that it was extremely cold in the steel channel, which even made him feel that even his movements were a little sluggish.

"Is it the cold air released by something, or is there a formation here to defend against foreign enemies?"

If it was the latter, Chen Yang would be even more worried.

Although he was sure that this was a way out, he did not move forward rashly. After observing the surroundings and making sure that there was no danger, he slowly flew forward.

The remaining energy of the thunder and wind was interrupted here, and no one knew what force was used to eliminate the energy.

If there is another fork in the road ahead, it will be difficult for Chen Yang to follow it. If he chooses the wrong path, he may get lost here.

He moved forward slowly. Unexpectedly, the passage continued to go down. Unknowingly, it went down for several hundred meters before reaching the end.

At this time, he could already see the cold air coming from below. Even if the star energy covered his body, he could not resist it. Chen Yang was so cold that he was shivering.

If he continued, he felt that he might be frozen into ice before he even walked out of the passage.

Moreover, the strong cold air obscured the sight, making it impossible to see the passage ahead and how far it was.

Chen Yang didn't hesitate any longer. He gritted his teeth and used the goggles method to move forward more than a hundred meters. This increased the risk but reduced the time of exposure to the cold air.

Fortunately, after reaching 100 meters, although we were still in the passage, there was no cold air and the temperature completely returned to normal.

"Such good luck!"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up and he looked back. Ten meters behind him, he saw blue stones inlaid in a ring on the iron wall.

The cold air is released from these stones, in the form of white mist, with ice crystals floating in it. It is driven upwards along the steel channel through the formation carved on the iron wall.

Although there is a trace of cold air under the passage, it is very thin and has no effect on the human body.

Chen Yang counted and found that there were a total of thirty-two blue stones surrounding the five-meter-diameter circular steel passage, evenly distributed, glowing faintly, and beautiful under the cold air.

"What kind of stone is this?"

Chen Yang had never seen this kind of stone before. He looked closer but had no clue.

"It's the Ice Blue Star Stone."

At this time, Lao Li's voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he said happily: "Hey, brat, you are rich."

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