Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5560 General’s Mansion

Wan Yanhui opened the curtain, pointed to a splendid mansion next to the carriage, and said to Chen Yang: "Liang Mansion is the residence of Liang Qimeng, the current general of the Anxia Dynasty.

Liang Qimeng was the second-ranking military officer, and he and I were close friends who grew up together.

The princes of various places cannot set up mansions in the east. When I went to the east capital, I always lived in Liang Mansion. "

In a world where the strong are respected, the number two figure among the military attaches is the number two figure in the entire Anxia Dynasty court.

As for those civil servants, most of them were of low status. Even if they had outstanding political abilities and became the prime minister of the dynasty, their status would not be as high as that of a junior lieutenant.

Liang Qimeng was the second most powerful person in the court and Wan Yanhui's younger brother. Chen Yang immediately understood why Wan Yanhui had the confidence to come to Dongdu to question Wanyan Canglan.

If there really is a fight between the prince and the emperor in the Eastern Capital, not only will the royal family's rules help Wan Yanhui, but some forces from the upper and lower court will also support him.

Don't read it until Yan Hui has no pursuit of power and status, but he knows how to protect himself.

"Where did the carriage come from? It dared to block the door of Liang Mansion. Move away quickly."

As soon as Chen Yang got off the carriage, a guard from the Liang Mansion stepped forward and scolded him.

Wan Yanhui's carriage was too low-key. It looked like the equipment of a wealthy businessman at most. No one would have thought that it was the vehicle of the county prince Wan Yanhui.

"Please also inform me that Wan Yanhui wants to see you."

Wan Yanhui was not angry either. He handed over his hand to the young guard and said very politely.

The guard snorted coldly: "Huh, what Wan Yanhui, I..."

"Your Highness the County King!"

Before the guard could finish speaking, an older guard from behind quickly rushed forward and stared at Wan Yanhui with surprise on his face.

Wan Yanhui smiled and said, "Old Wei, I didn't expect you to still be guarding the door."

The guard, who was called Old Wei, had a look of pride in his eyes and said, "The general only trusts me. How can he trust others to guard the gate?"

After speaking, Old Wei nodded quickly, made an invitation gesture, and said respectfully: "Your Highness, the general is going to court. Please go inside first and wait for a moment."

"County...King of County..."

The young guard who had scolded Wan Yanhui earlier had a confused look on his face and hurriedly knelt down and saluted: "Your Highness, you are so offensive, but..."

"Aben, stop kneeling, this is Prince Hui."

Old Wei smiled and pulled Aben up.

Abben was stunned for a moment, then his face lit up with joy, he stared at Wan Yanhui with admiration and said, "Are you Prince Hui?"


Wan Yanhui smiled and nodded, and then entered the Liang Mansion with Chen Yang.

Abben looked excited, as if he had met his idol, and followed Wan Yanhui for a few steps. Then he remembered that he could not leave his post, so he had no choice but to return to the door and stand firm.

Seeing this, Chen Yang smiled and said: "It seems that your reputation is well known, Prince."

Old Wei took over the conversation: "Prince Hui has a reputation as a virtuous man and is well-known to everyone in Dongdu. That's why Aben breathed a sigh of relief because he knew that Prince Hui would not punish him. Moreover, Hui The prince is also the idol of women in the Eastern Capital, and his reputation as a loving wife can be..."

"Old Wei."

Wan Yanhui rolled his eyes and interrupted Lao Wei's words.

Old Wei chuckled, took Wan Yanhui into Liang Qimeng's private study, and then asked the maid to pour tea and water, while he said goodbye and returned to the front door.

Seeing this, Chen Yang asked Wan Yanhui: "Prince, this is the general's mansion. No one dares to act arrogant here. Why is Old Wei so cautious and guarding the gate at all times?"

Wan Yanhui's face condensed and he said: "The position of Enlightenment is very sensitive. There are countless people who want his life, so he cannot take it lightly. Let alone an assassin, not even a fly can be let in."

Chen Yang said: "But Old Wei's level is not high. If a master really jumped over the wall, he wouldn't be able to notice it at all?"

Wan Yanhui said: "Liang Mansion has a huge formation that covers the entire Liang Mansion. It can sense energy and life force. If someone passes through the formation, they will be discovered immediately.

As for the formation eye that controls the formation, others don't know it, but I know that it is at the most conspicuous gate.

Old Wei didn't stick to the gate, but to the center of the formation, always paying attention to the situation of the entire formation. "

This is a secret. Wan Yanhui actually told Chen Yang, obviously trusting Chen Yang very much.

However, Chen Yang is not from the Anxia Dynasty, so it doesn't hurt to tell him such things.

After a pause, Wan Yanhui continued: "Not only that, this formation can also isolate the inside and outside, and even fifth-level earth masters cannot break through it. In this way, there are very few people in the entire Anxia Dynasty who can break through the formation. Only a few elders of the royal family can do it."

Chen Yang asked unexpectedly: "That General Wei is also a brilliant formation master?"


Wan Yanhui shook his head and said, "The formation was set up by Liang Qimeng, who spent a lot of effort and was arranged by formation masters invited from other dynasties. For this formation, he almost exhausted all his resources. However, , and also gave the Wei family a guarantee. Of course, this is his secret, and apart from me, even many people in the Wei family don’t know about it.”

Chen Yang smiled and said, "In that case, why don't you tell me."

"Because you are trustworthy." Wan Yanhui smiled and said: "Besides, you are not from the Anxia Dynasty. What's more, even if you know that there is a formation here, how can you, an alchemist, still break the formation? "

"Haha, that's not necessarily the case." Chen Yang laughed.

Wan Yanhui only thought he was joking and didn't take it to heart.

The two of them were idle and bored, so Wan Yanhui told Chen Yang some things about the royal family of the Anxia Dynasty.

The most powerful force in the royal family is not the emperor, but a few retired elders.

These elders were all former emperors. Their realm ranged from the sixth level to the eighth level. There were seven of them in total.

The emperor's appointment is decided by the elders, who select the person with the strongest comprehensive abilities such as talent, strength, wisdom, etc.

As an emperor, you not only have to expend your energy to rule the entire Anxia Dynasty, but you also have to work hard to practice and strive to become a member of the elders.

The current emperor, Wanyan Canglan, is a very talented person.

Although he is at the same level as Wan Yanhui and is a fifth-level earth master, all members of the royal family believe that he has great hope of advancing and becoming an elder in the future.

In fact, only by becoming the elder of the Wanyan family can one have real power.

The emperor is the only way to become an elder, so members of the royal family will compete for the throne.

After hearing these words, Chen Yang looked solemn and said: "Prince, have you ever thought about how you can fight against the emperor if the elders don't help you?"

Wan Yanhui was stunned for a moment and then said thoughtfully: "The royal family has royal rules. If the emperor breaks the rules, the elders will never sit idly by and ignore it."

Chen Yang said: "But... I always feel that things will not be that simple."

Wan Yanhui patted Chen Yang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Chen Yang, you can go to Shenhai with peace of mind. There are elders to uphold justice, and Liang Qimeng and other brothers to support me. Brother Huang will not do anything to me. .”

"I hope so." Chen Yang muttered.

"Brother Hui."

At this moment, a rough voice came from outside the study.

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