Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5567: Adjust to the wind

Seeing that Wan Yanhui wanted Queen Zhao Qian to testify, everyone looked surprised.

If Zhao Qian confirms that Wanyan Canglan ordered the poisoning, then the seriousness of the whole matter will change.

When the time comes, Wanyan Canglan violates the clan rules, and he cannot get the support of the Wanyan family elders. It will be difficult for him to secure his position as emperor.

However, everyone found that after hearing Wanyan Hui's words, Wanyan Canglan was very calm and seemed not to be worried about the Queen's appearance at all.

Seeing this, Chen Yang secretly said: "It seems that Wanyan Canglan has already solved the hidden dangers."

Lian Shang took the order and left. After a while, he turned back.

However, he brought back only one palace maid, but not the current queen Zhao Qian.

"what happened?"

Wan Yanhui realized something was wrong and asked in a deep voice.

Everyone also pricked up their ears, wanting to know why Zhao Qian didn't show up.

Lian Shang looked ugly and said to Wan Yanhui: "Prince, when I arrived, the queen had...committed suicide."


Wan Yanhui was shocked.

He tried every means to finally get Zhao Qian to admit that it was Kanwang who had poisoned her, and was willing to testify against Wanyan Canglan.

But he never expected that at the most critical moment, Zhao Qian would commit suicide.

Now, the most important witness is gone, how can he still testify against Wanyan Canglan.

"The queen actually committed suicide!"

"What exactly is going on?"

The queen committing suicide was not a trivial matter. For a moment, the people at the banquet were in an uproar.

Wanyan Hui stared at Wanyan Canglan. He believed that this matter was definitely related to Wanyan Canglan, and wanted to find some clues from Wanyan Canglan's eyes.

Wanyan Canglan's eyes showed no emotion. The more so, the more Wanyan Hui believed that it was Wanyan Canglan who killed Zhao Qian and erased the last evidence.

"What's going on with this palace maid?"

Wan Yanhui withdrew his gaze, pointed at the palace maid kneeling on the ground, and asked Lian Shang.

Lian Shang glanced at Wanyan Canglan, lowered his head and said: "To inform the prince, the palace maid Xu Ying is the queen's confidant. She said that the queen was forced to die by the emperor. She knows the inside story and has come here to ask the prince to seek justice."


As soon as this statement came out, there was another heated discussion in the audience.

Once the queen died, the evidence of poisoning disappeared.

But if the palace maid can produce evidence that it was Wanyan Canglan who killed Queen Zhao Qian, then the situation will change again.

Wan Yanhui's eyes flashed with joy, and he asked the palace maid Xu Ying: "What is going on? Please tell me quickly?"

Chen Yang always felt that something was wrong. Looking at the palace maid kneeling on the ground, he suddenly thought that this palace maid was probably not the queen's confidant. Otherwise, Wanyan Canglan would not spare her life if Zhao Qian died.

I'm afraid that this palace maid is actually Wanyan Canglan's confidant. She stays with Zhao Qian to monitor Zhao Qian.

Now, Wan Yanhui is shooting himself in the foot by asking this palace maid to testify.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang wanted to stop Xu Ying from speaking, but it was already too late.

"Your Majesty, save me."

With a look of fear on her face, Xu Ying rushed towards Wanyan Canglan and shouted in a panic: "Save me, don't let Prince Hui kill me too!"


Everyone was dumbfounded by the changes in this scene.

Now, what's going on?

"No, the prince has indeed fallen into the trap."

Chen Yang frowned and whispered.

Zhu Zhiying beside him was still confused and asked: "What's going on?"

Chen Yang said: "This palace maid is also a member of the emperor. I'm afraid they have already colluded to frame the prince."

Zhu Zhiying thought for a moment and then understood what was going on.

"Xu Ying, don't panic."

Wanyan Canglan stopped Xu Ying from rushing towards him and said in a deep voice: "Now that the queen is on the verge of killing her, no matter what, I will uphold justice for her. You are her confidant, you must know what happened, hurry up tell me!"

Xu Ying knelt on the ground, with a look of fear on her face, and said in a panic: "To inform the emperor, the queen was killed by Prince Hui.

Prince Hui forced the queen to frame you for poisoning and persecuting the prince's wife. The queen refused and Prince Hui wanted to insult her, so she...she committed suicide.

Just now Lian Shang forced me to give false testimony, saying that the empress committed suicide out of fear of crime. In order to save my life, I could only agree superficially.

Your Majesty, you must make the decision for your empress. "

Although it was only a few words, Xu Ying had already made things clear.

Everyone looked at Wan Yanhui, and a few people thought that Wan Yanhui was the director of the incident and that he was looking for an excuse for rebellion.

But more people knew that everything was under Wanyan Canglan's plan.

Wanyan Canglan snorted coldly and said: "Fifth Emperor Brother, I really didn't expect that on the surface you have no desires and desires, but on the inside you are so vicious and vicious!"

"Brother Emperor, I really admire you. Not only did you erase the last evidence, but you also defeated me."

Wan Yanhui had a gloomy look on his face. He was completely unexpected that things would develop to this point.

The most important thing is that he did not expect that Wanyan Canglan would be so cruel and ruthless that he would directly kill Zhao Qian in order to erase the evidence.

Don't the couple have any feelings at all?

Wanyan Canglan said coldly: "Fifth Emperor Brother, you persecuted the queen, attempted rebellion, and framed the king. All of this is proven by conclusive evidence. I wonder, what else do you have to say now?"

Wan Yanhui gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "What is white becomes black, and what is black becomes white. Brother Huang's methods are indeed inferior to mine. However, if you want me to admit defeat, it is absolutely impossible."

Wanyan Canglan said coldly: "You have violated national laws and clan rules. Do you think you can still walk out of the palace alive?"

Wan Yanhui said: "The elders are not in Dongdu. It's not that easy for you to keep me here alone."


Wanyan Canglan smiled disdainfully, pointed to the crowd surrounding Wanyanhui, and said, "You are so naive. Do you really think that just by relying on these people, you can leave?"

Wan Yanhui glanced at the people around him. These people were all his cronies in Dongdu back then. When he came to Dongdu this time, after he contacted them, everyone expressed their support for him.

He still trusts these people quite a bit.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wanyan Canglan finished speaking, someone came out of the crowd and said to Wanyan Hui: "Prince Hui, I'm really sorry. You intend to rebel, and I really can't help you."

"Prince Huijun, I thought you were justified, but I didn't expect... Well, I'm very disappointed."

"Prince Hui, you actually came here for the throne of the king. I thought you really just wanted to seek justice for the prince's wife, but it turns out it was all a lie."

"If you intend to commit rebellion, I will find it difficult to follow you."

For a time, the cultivators who originally expressed their willingness to live and die with Wan Yanhui expressed their opinions one after another, drew a clear line with him, and even rebuked him.

Then, these people all stood behind Wanyan Canglan.

In the end, only Chen Yang, Liang Qimeng, and Lian Shang were left on Wan Yanhui's side, as well as Zhu Zhiying, who had been sitting still.

Looking at those sanctimonious guys who acted according to the wind, Wan Yanhui was suddenly filled with a sense of powerlessness and desolation.

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