Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5588 Shadowless Pirate Group

After bypassing the Sea Monkey Man's territory, Jiang Yu ordered the soldiers behind him: "Everyone, be careful, there are pirates ahead."

Jiang Yu knew the waters around the Yuqiang tribe very well. She knew exactly what races, forces, and even wandering pirates there were.

When passing through a long and narrow trench, hundreds of cultivators suddenly rushed out from below and attacked the fish-men tribe's troops.

The pirates are composed of different races. Their strength is not weak, but they are no match for the fishmen.

While dealing with the pirates, Chen Yang observed the battle situation and found that although Jiang Yu was a woman, she was quite capable of dispatching troops.

In the end, all the pirates were wiped out, and only two murlocs were slightly injured.

Jiang Yu's command was certainly important, but Chen Yang's combat prowess also played a key role.

This also made Jiang Yu look at Chen Yang with admiration and said with admiration: "Mr. Chen, I didn't expect that although you are a third-level overlord, your strength is already comparable to that of a fifth-level overlord."

"My little strength means nothing in the Divine Sea."

Chen Yang smiled and asked: "By the way, these pirates actually dare to rob even your fish-men tribe. They are too courageous. Even if they succeed, aren't they afraid of being hunted down by the Yuqiang tribe?"

"The Divine Sea is too big. After the pirates successfully robbed them, they immediately fled away. The sea water can wash away all traces. It is too difficult to hunt them down.

Therefore, these pirates dare to rob at the bottom of the sea without restraint.

Not to mention our Yuqiang tribe, even the Rift Valley Gate, one of the four major forces, was robbed by pirates and even killed many of its members.

At that time, the Rift Gate was furious and searched the entire Divine Sea, but found nothing. It was impossible to hunt down some pirates.

Even today, the Rift Gate has not been able to take revenge.

By the way, that group of pirates has a reputation that is no weaker than that of the four major forces in the Divine Sea, and is called the Shadowless Pirates Group.

As long as they are met by the Shadowless Pirates, no one can survive.

At that time, people from the Rift Valley Gate sent back the news through Yunyinluo in time, so that the information about the Shadowless Pirates Group could be left. Otherwise, the Rift Valley Gate wouldn't even know who had done it.

There are only five people in the Shadowless Pirate Group. Although they are small in number, they all have outstanding strength.

It is said that these five people are all holy masters.

Five Saint Masters are wandering in the Divine Sea. You can imagine what a terrifying force this is, and no one can defeat it. "

Chen Yang said: "So, if you encounter the Shadowless Pirates, you will be unlucky."

Jiang Yudao: "Ordinary people will not encounter the Shadowless Pirates. As Saint Masters, they will naturally not rob ordinary items. Usually, it must be a very precious treasure that will attract them. Moreover, I heard people I have said that the real purpose of the Shadowless Pirates is not to rob, but to find something in the Divine Sea."

"As a Saint Master, you must have a special purpose to become a pirate."

Chen Yang analyzed: "The Divine Sea is huge and there are countless treasures on the seabed. This shadowless pirate group most likely obtained some kind of map, so they searched for it on the seabed."


Jiang Yu's eyes flashed, and it seemed that she was also eager to explore the outside world.

But the fish people do not advocate external expansion, nor do they explore and compete for resources, so Jiang Yu has no chance.

"What, you also want to be a pirate?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Jiang Yu came back to her senses, shook her head and said: "I do not want pirates to do evil. However, the sea of ​​​​the gods is vast, but I hope to be able to explore its mysteries."

"The sea of ​​gods is vast, and the sea of ​​stars is even more vast."

Chen Yang smiled and joked: "In that case, your goal should be more ambitious. One day, explore the sea of ​​​​stars."

Jiang Yu's eyes lit up and she turned to look at Chen Yang. She felt like she had found a confidant and shouted, "How do you know? I still want to explore the sea of ​​​​stars."

Chen Yang just said it casually. Unexpectedly, he hit the mark and said with a smile: "In fact, I also want to explore the mysteries of the Star Sea."

Jiang Yu looked envious and sighed: "You have freedom and can try. But my father and brother will never allow me to fall into a dangerous situation. And there is no doubt that exploring the sea of ​​gods and stars will It’s very dangerous behavior.”

Chen Yang asked: "Your brother is Jiang Huai, what about your father?"

Jiang Yudao: "The first leader of the Yuqiang tribe is my father. As his daughter, I have the mission of guarding the Yuqiang tribe. According to our tradition, I can't let go of my mission until I die. Therefore, I have no chance to explore this world."

Chen Yang didn't expect that Jiang Yu had a big background.

However, as the daughter of the leader of the fish-men tribe, Jiang Yu has no freedom, which is not a good thing.

He comforted: "Maybe you can talk to your father, as long as..."

"He's an old-school guy."

Jiang Yu interrupted Chen Yang, shook his head and said: "Forget it, I have long given up the idea of ​​exploring the Divine Sea. As the daughter of Xianda, it is my mission to protect the Yuqiang tribe. I must persist and complete my mission. "

"It's a mission, but it's not the mission you want."

Chen Yang sighed and then said no more.

As they moved forward, they passed two underwater cities, where different forces lived, all of which were human races.

Although there are differences in race, the Yuqiang tribe has a very friendly relationship with the surrounding forces.

And because of Jiang Yu's identity, Chen Yang and his party passed through the two cities without encountering any obstacles.

They continued walking for another day and night. During this period, in addition to seeing more underwater cities, Chen Yang also experienced the beauty of the underwater world.

In addition to the unusual sophistication, he also saw some undersea resources.

The most common ones are seabed mineral deposits, which are more abundant than those on land. Almost every not far away, there is a vast seabed mine.

These mines are occupied by people and are being mined continuously.

Chen Yang could see clearly that those mining workers were all low-level monsters.

"By the way, General Jiang, are there any demon clan forces in Shenhai?"

After passing an undersea mine, Chen Yang asked Jiang Yu beside him.

Jiang Yudao: "There are also demon clan forces. They are the demon clan alliance in the entire Divine Sea. They are not weak, but they are not powerful either.

Moreover, the demon clan is suppressed by various races, and they are very cautious for fear of provoking attacks from other races.

In fact, no matter where the demon clan is, they live a very miserable life. "

Having said this, Jiang Yu patted the shark sitting next to him sympathetically. The shark swung its tail and seemed to understand Jiang Yu's words.

"Hehehehe, Your Royal Highness, where are you going?"

Suddenly, a sneer came from the coral in front.

Chen Yang and Jiang Yu both changed their expressions.

Then, a rumbling sound sounded on the bottom of the sea.

I saw the mud and sand on the seabed surging in front of me, as if there was an earthquake, and the corals and aquatic plants all burst into pieces.

A huge figure stood up from the rocks and sand on the seabed. It was three hundred meters tall and turned out to be a giant.

"not good."

Jiang Yu immediately drew his sword in his hand and ordered to the soldiers behind him: "Form up, there is an ambush."

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