Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5602 Unbalanced Fighting

No. 1 Golden Platform.

This is the top level arena among all levels of arenas in Wuji Terrace, except for Wuji Terrace.

According to common sense, it is impossible to reach the No. 1 Golden Platform in a tyrant-level battle.

But today, Song Xian, the gatekeeper of the Triple Overlord, went to battle.

Therefore, Golden Platform No. 1 is opened.

This is the honor that belongs to the gatekeepers. Only they are qualified to use Golden Platform No. 1.

On weekdays, this arena is closed.

Moreover, Golden Platform No. 1 has not been opened for thirty years.

It has been too long since the last time they challenged the Gatekeeper, and most people have even forgotten Golden Platform No. 1.

This is a gladiatorial arena built on the bottom of the sea, tens of thousands of meters wide, and the surrounding auditorium can accommodate 100,000 people watching the battle.

In the center, a golden cage with a width of 10,000 meters shines and is particularly eye-catching.

This is not an iron cage, but a cage made of pure gold. Each of the ten-meter-wide gold pillars is carved with golden petals, blooming in luxuriant leaves, as if the flowers were originally golden.

At this moment, the auditorium around the golden cage was full of spectators, or gamblers.

Previous Gatekeeper Challenges have been overcrowded, and this time is no exception.

It stands to reason that the time is short, and even if Wuji TV is heavily promoted, it should not be packed with seats.

After all, the strength of the challenger is an important reason why the cultivators come to watch the battle.

According to previous regulations, you must win six games in a row, which means you must cross two realms and defeat your opponent twice before you can ascend to the No. 1 Golden Platform.

However, Chen Yang only defeated two opponents of the same level before challenging Song Xian. His strength was not recognized by everyone, and he should not attract much attention.

But these cultivators are not here to enjoy fighting.

They are gamblers with only one purpose, gambling.

After getting the news, they all believed that Chen Yang would definitely lose. This was Wuji Taiwan's gift of star stones to them. How could they miss the opportunity?

Therefore, many gamblers come from thousands of miles away to gather here.

They were not worried or nervous at all. In their opinion, the outcome of this battle was already uncertain.

Most of them have staked all their belongings on Song Xian.

Some people even converted their own lives into star stones and made bets.

In this case, if you lose, you will be left in Wuji Terrace, become a gladiator, and be enslaved by Wuji Terrace.

"You're so crazy that you put your life on the line."

"Don't worry, Song Xian is very strong and there is absolutely no way he will lose. Wujitai will give us the Star Stone."

"Wujitai will not do such stupid things. There must be something special about that Chen Yang, so they arranged for Chen Yang to challenge Song Xian."

"Wuji Taiwan's operating conditions have not been very good in recent years. They may want to use this battle to give us a taste of the sweetness."

"More than 100,000 people have bet on how many star stones there will be, and almost all of them are on Song Xian. If Song Xian wins, Wuji Taiwan will lose a lot. I don't think they will do this." A bone-breaking stupidity.”

"Song Xian's odds are 1:1.04. As usual, the gatekeepers have such odds."

"Chen Yang's odds are very high, 1:9. It's a pity that not many people bet on Chen Yang."

"Only a fool would take Chen Yang into custody."

"The challenger this time is too weak. I always feel that there is something fishy."

"It doesn't matter what he does, Song Xian will win anyway. I don't believe that a master who has guarded the gate for three thousand years will be defeated by a newcomer."

"Yes, Chen Yang is indeed a newcomer. It is said that he has only been a gladiator for more than ten days, and his experience and strength are not very good."

"However, in the previous two battles, he upset and defeated his opponent."

"What does this mean? The challengers together, who are not the top masters among the three overlords, have not been defeated by Song Xian."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience. Chen Yang really didn't have a very impressive record, and everyone didn't think highly of him.

In the box.

Xu Lingfeng frowned, stood behind Gu Ye, and muttered: "Gu Ji, according to statistics, the current amount of bets, after calculation, has reached one hundred and three thousand, seven hundred and fifty-one blue star stones.

In the past, the balance of bets was on both sides. Regardless of victory or defeat, we would get a certain amount of profit.

But this time, one hundred and three thousand, seven hundred and forty blue star stones were bet on Song Xian.

In other words, if Song Xian wins, we will lose more than four thousand blue star stones.

More than four thousand blue star stones, this is definitely not a small amount, equivalent to three months of our revenue.

And I think Song Xian will definitely win.

Therefore, with these more than four thousand blue star stones, we are definitely going to lose. "

Although the Wuji Tai family has a great cause, after all, it is not about grabbing the star stone, but about letting people bet on it.

Most of the time, they benefit.

But there are also times when you are upset and you will lose some star stones.

In one year, the entire Wuji Platform can earn about 20,000 blue star stones.

This is blue star stone, not red, orange, yellow and green blue star stone. Only purple star stone and the legendary black star stone are more advanced than it.

Therefore, Wujitai's income is actually very large, and what is in its hands are star stones that can be easily circulated.

Of course, although four thousand blue star stones would not bankrupt Wujitai, if they were exported, it would undoubtedly be a huge loss.

Moreover, it will become the largest loss in Wujitai’s history.

After Xu Lingfeng finished his report, when he saw that Gu Ye was silent, he finally couldn't help it and said: "Gu Jiji, I really don't understand why... you must let Chen Yang challenge Song Xian?"

Gu Ye looked calm and asked: "If Chen Yang wins, how many blue star stones will we win?"

Xu Lingfeng was stunned for a moment. Although he felt that Chen Yang could not win, he still replied: "Chen Yang's bet amount is eleven blue star stones. According to the odds of 1:9, if he wins, we will lose." Ninety-nine blue star stones will be lost, but the bet amount of the other one hundred and thirty-seven hundred blue star stones will belong to us."

Gu Ye smiled and said: "That's right. If Chen Yang wins, we will get more than 100,000 blue star stones. This is Wuji Taiwan's income for several years. And it is the largest income in Wuji Taiwan's history. Look at it this way Come on, this challenge is actually a good deal for us.”

Xu Lingfeng twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer: "But, can he win?"


At this moment, the box door suddenly opened, and an old man walked in with a gloomy face and said angrily: "Gu Ye, what did you do?

That guy named Chen Yang has only won two games. You actually asked him to challenge Song Xian. Isn't this asking for death?

Now that so many people are betting on Song Xian, you are giving star stones to others.

I want you to explain to me, why do you do this? "

Seeing the old man, Xu Lingfeng showed awe in his face, and quickly bowed and said: "Meet the second shopkeeper."

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