Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5695 The strong are like a forest

In the main hall, everyone sat down on both sides.

A total of twelve cultivators sat on both sides of the three-meter-wide and ten-meter-long stone table, six on each side.

These twelve people are all Saint Masters.

Behind them, there are dozens of seats.

Those top Celestial Masters who were usually so majestic could only play second fiddle to others at this moment, and were not even qualified to speak at will.

In the area further back, there were still some people standing.

These people are not many in number, and their realm is not high. They are just earth masters.

However, these people are not old. They are elite disciples of Rift Valley Gate, Taotian Palace, and Yinquan Sect, and are about to participate in the Tianhuang Island selection.

In addition to Duan Qiumo, Yan Xiaozhuo, a beautiful disciple of the Yinquan Sect who had appeared on Peach Blossom Island, was also in the crowd.

At that time, the spring boat was about to leave Taohua Island and was hit by a fireball. The entire boat was smashed and almost everyone on board died.

Duan Qiumo did not expect that Yan Xiaozhuo would survive.

However, there were so many people on the boat that diverted the spring, and Yan Xiaozhuo was the only one who survived. It must be said that she was very lucky.

On the contrary, Rift Gate, Sha Yanchi and Hu Zhanfeng were both dead.

"Everyone is here, let's start."

A voice sounded in front of the conference table.

The speaker was an old man on the left.

This man has a Chinese character face, wears a black robe, and a red cloak on his back, which sets off his tall figure and makes him appear majestic and majestic.

His eyes were gloomy, his face was cold, and there was a hint of anger in his aura.

This person is Zhou Yong, the master of the Rift Valley Gate.

Ever since Chen Yang killed his son Zhou Chuhao, he began to take revenge.

However, Chen Yang seemed to be missing and could not be found.

This made him even more angry.

However, he believed that since Chen Yang had obtained the coastal order, he would definitely come to Tianhuang Island for selection. Now that he has joined forces with Wuji Taiwan and other forces to block this area, Chen Yang would definitely be found.

Of course, in setting up such a big battle, he not only wanted to avenge his son, but also had another important matter.

"The meeting can begin."

On the right, an old man wearing a gray gown nodded slightly.

This man had a bun on his head and a long beard on his chin. His beard and hair were all white, and he had an indifferent aura, quite a bit of an immortal demeanor.

Miraculously, there was a faint mist of water flowing around his body, exuding a faint fragrance.

This is the method of Yinquan Sect.

The identity of this person is Cheng Xiao, the leader of Yinquan Sect.

Among the four major forces, the Yinquan Sect is the most independent of the world. It guards its own one-third of an acre of land, develops resources, and rarely has large-scale conflicts with others.

Today, the Yinquan Sect participated in the Sun Hunting operation, and something big was obviously happening.

"Zhou Yong, please speak first."

Another Saint Master turned his gaze and looked at Zhou Yong, the master of the Rift Valley Gate.

This holy master looks like a middle-aged man, wearing golden armor. He is tall and sitting there like a big mountain.

Being able to call Zhou Yong by his first name means that he certainly has a lot of background.

He is the master of Taotian Palace, Yun Batian.

Yun Batian was originally an outsider, but later he joined the Taotian Palace, grew up at an extremely fast speed, and became the master of the Taotian Palace.

He is fierce and decisive, but he is also calm and intelligent. He is a very difficult character.

Many people are unwilling to make grudges with it.

Even Zhou Yong and Cheng Xiao gave him three points.

"Let Wujitai talk about this matter first."

Zhou Yong looked at the people in Wuji Terrace and said: "After all, Wuji Terrace has had a lot of contact with Chen Yang and has a deeper understanding of Chen Yang. Moreover, they also met Chen Yang when they were on Peach Blossom Island."

Ding Mao, the shopkeeper of Wuji Taiwan University, looked back at the group of heavenly masters brought here. His eyes fell on Gu Ye and said in a deep voice: "Gu Ye, you have the floor."

A gleam flashed in Gu Ye's eyes, he cupped his hands to everyone, and said: "Based on all the information, Chen Yang is extremely talented and has extraordinary strength.

Moreover, he understands the way of runes and knows a lot of information and knowledge about the cultivation world.

On Peach Blossom Island, I also saw with my own eyes that Chen Yang was not attacked by the Xukun Tiger Bearded Whale and left Peach Blossom Island unharmed.

There is no doubt that he and Xukun Tiger Bearded Whale have an extraordinary relationship.

If we want to prevent the Xu Kun Tiger Bearded Whale from invading the entire Divine Sea, then Chen Yang is a very important link.

Even if he can't do it, he can still provide us with a lot of information. "

In fact, Gu Ye's purpose of tracking Chen Yang was to help his master, the Black Sea Demon God Shu Junyan, capture Chen Yang alive.

But now, the situation has changed. There are so many powerful people trying to capture Chen Yang. Even if his master comes forward, he cannot take Chen Yang away.

This gave him a headache.

And all this, everyone is not just taking revenge on Chen Yang, nor are they just asking Chen Yang for secrets on star techniques and magical powers, but because of the Xukun Tiger Bearded Whale.

After Gu Ye finished speaking, Cheng Xiao, the leader of Yinquan Sect, coughed slightly, attracted everyone's attention, and then said:

"The Void Kun Tiger Bearded Whale is currently in the Red Sea. Although he has not killed people on a large scale, more than a hundred islands in the Red Sea have swallowed him up.

Although there are not many humans living there, most of our star stone veins are in the Red Sea, and the losses have been very serious.

If the Xukun Tiger Bearded Whale is allowed to continue, not only will there be a loss of resources, but we will also suffer numerous casualties. "

Cheng Xiao, the master of the Taotian Palace, said: "As far as I know, the Xukun Tiger Bearded Whale only targets the human race and does not harm other races.

In the Red Sea, except for the human race, all other races are safe and sound.

Although that hateful whale will not send other races to safety, it will not kill them either.

Clearly, we are being treated differently. "

Cheng Xiao said: "There must be a reason for him to do this."

"I may know why."

Zhou Yong's words attracted everyone's attention.

He continued; "I guess that when the Xukun Tiger Bearded Whale was very young, he was suppressed and bullied by the Han family who once lived on Peach Blossom Island, so he had a grudge against humans. Now that he has awakened, it is natural for him to take revenge. "

As for the reason, everyone actually doesn't care too much.

The most troublesome thing now is how to deal with this powerful Star Lord.

Cheng Xiao had a solemn look on his face and said thoughtfully: "The Han family is such an idiot for leaving us such a big trouble."

Yun Batian looked thoughtful and said: "The selection of Tianhuang Island is about to begin. At that time, the selection officer of Tianhuang Island will come. We will tell the selection officer about the rampage of the demon clan Xingzun and ask Tianhuang Island to The Star Lord has come to deal with the Xukun Tiger Bearded Whale, is this method feasible?"

Many people present have thought about this method.

As soon as it was brought up at this moment, many holy masters and heavenly masters agreed, thinking that it has certain feasibility.

After all, there are many Star Lords on Tianhuang Island. If they take action, Xukun Tiger Bearded Whale will definitely die.

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