Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5709 Battleship

"Let him go."

The fifth level Saint Master of the Sea Heart Domain roared angrily, his face full of worry, and he quickly chased after Shu Junyan.

Although Chen Yang was not acquainted with them, they had already heard the sages say that Chen Yang was the benefactor of the Haixin Realm.

People in Haixin Realm are simple at heart. Since Chen Yang is a benefactor, he must do his best to save him.

Not only this person, but several other fourth-level saint masters also gave up on the opponents in front of them and flew towards Shu Junyan.

Even the fifth-level Saint Master, who was injured by Shu Junyan just now, ignored his injuries and unleashed all his strength to intercept.

"These guys are so crazy!"

Shu Junyan felt that this group of people was weird, with unknown origins, and they obeyed the commands of mortals. They even rescued Chen Yang regardless of his injuries. They were simply a bunch of lunatics.

Suddenly, several fourth-level and fifth-level holy masters attacked Shu Junyan at the same time. Powerful magical powers gathered together, and the terrifying power made people's hearts tremble.

Zhou Yong, Yun Batian and others all looked worried. If Shu Junyan could not stop everyone's attack, then this battle would be hopeless.


Shu Junyan shouted loudly and did not look back.

The Black Soul Nioh robe on his body suddenly flew into the air, as if turning into a huge shield, protecting him.

Boom, boom...

A series of magical powers bombarded the Black Soul King's robe, and the violent energy seemed to tear the world apart.

Even from a distance, one can feel its horror.

Everyone could not imagine how Shu Junyan could resist the combined attacks of these powerful magical powers.

But what happened next was unexpected.

The moment the Black Soul Nioh robe was hit, it suddenly swept up, like a bag, wrapping up all the magical powers.

The "bag" trembled violently, as if a demon was struggling inside, trying to tear the "bag" apart and rush out.

The loud rumbling noise is endless.

Gradually, it returned to calm.

At this time, Shu Junyan had already entered the crowd, surrounded by Zhou Yong, Yun Batian and others. They surrounded Chen Yang, fearing that Chen Yang would be taken away.

Shu Junyan reached out and made a move, and the Black Soul Nioh robe that turned into a "bag" unfolded and flew back behind him, turning into a black cloak.

The Black Soul Nioh robe was already in some tatters, but now it was even more riddled with holes.

Obviously, the attack just now caused serious damage to the Black Soul Niou robe.

"Let Chen Yang go!"

Everyone in Haixin Territory was furious and rushed towards Shu Junyan.

Shu Junyan was not afraid and scolded: "Stand back, otherwise, I will kill Chen Yang."

As he spoke, the energy released from his palms wrapped around Chen Yang tighter, until Chen Yang's body was covered with bloodstains. If he used stronger force, he would cut Chen Yang into pieces.

Severe pain spread throughout his body. Chen Yang gritted his teeth and did not even hum. Instead, he cursed angrily: "Don't be a mother-in-law, kill me if you can!"


Shu Junyan snorted coldly, strengthened his strength again, and said coldly: "Chen Yang, don't think that I dare not kill you. All I want is another person in your mind."

Seeing that Chen Yang was dripping with blood and could die at any time, everyone in Haixin Territory stopped and did not dare to attack rashly.

However, Chen Yang did not have the slightest fear. When he felt dizzy, a joyful light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Demon God of the Black Sea, you are just a clown. If I were in my heyday, you would not be my enemy." .”

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Murderous intent flashed in Shu Junyan's eyes. His patience was limited and he didn't want to listen to Chen Yang's continued yelling.

However, Chen Yang's arrogance made him a little suspicious.

After all, in Chen Yang's sea of ​​consciousness, there is another mind that knows how to break the void palm. Maybe that mind also knows some special secret method that can counter him.

If he continues to oppress Chen Yang, he might suffer a backlash.

Shu Junyan decided to remain cautious and did not continue to strengthen his entanglement on Chen Yang.

As a result, Chen Yang was disappointed because he could not take the opportunity to enter the dying state and activate the Chaos Devouring Bloodline.

Because the powerful Saint Masters from both sides were separated, the battle was no longer so fierce, and both sides were gathering their troops.

Soon, the two sides separated and the fighting came to a halt.

"Shu Junyan is too strong. He is actually invincible against two cultivators with higher realms."

"Just now, the black soul nio robe actually neutralized all attacks."

"He captured Chen Yang. Now, no one can save Chen Yang."

The people watching the battle from a distance were amazed and in awe of Shu Junyan.

Zhou Yong, Yun Batian and others also realized how terrifying Shu Junyan was, but fortunately, although Shu Junyan dominated the divine sea, he did not establish power, otherwise he would be a threat to them.

"Let him go, you can't leave!"

The fifth-level holy master who was injured by Shu Junyan just now roared angrily.

Other powerful people in the heart of the sea are also eyeing him.

Shu Junyan smiled disdainfully and said in a deep voice: "If I hadn't been distracted by staring at Chen Yang, you would have died in the battle with you just now. Now that Chen Yang is in my hands, you actually dare to be arrogant. What a bunch of people." Stupid guy."

The sage rode the current to the front of the crowd and said to Shu Junyan: "My friend, please let Chen Yang go."


Shu Junyan showed contempt and slowly retreated towards the rear, saying: "If you want Chen Yang to die now, then you should follow him."

The sage felt very embarrassed.

If he continued to chase, Shu Junyan would probably kill Chen Yang.

But just letting Shu Junyan go like this, the consequences for Chen Yang would be even more unimaginable.

Just when Shu Junyan was in trouble, suddenly, a warship shuttled from the bottom of the sea. The water surface broke through the water flow, leaving a trail of white bubbles, which showed its speed.

This battleship was full of energy and attracted everyone's attention.

For a moment, everyone was curious, wondering which force appeared at this critical moment.

Could it be that you are here to help Chen Yang again?

Shu Junyan also stopped and looked at the bottom of the sea. He could only vaguely see the shape of the battleship. He couldn't tell which force the other party belonged to.

Soon, the battleship arrived at the scene, burst out of the water with a splash, and then slowly paddled into the air.

This battleship is very ordinary, even a little shabby, but it gives people a very mysterious and powerful aura.

Everyone was looking for the mark on the battleship, but they couldn't find it.

As for this battleship, no one has ever seen it.

"Which force is this?"

"It's incredible that such a dilapidated battleship can contain such powerful energy."

"I'm afraid he's here to save Chen Yang. He seems to have a lot of friends in Shenhai."

For a time, many people speculated that the battleship was here to rescue Chen Yang.

At this time, the people in the battleship walked out of the cabin, went to the deck, stood on the side of the ship, and looked around.

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