Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5746 King of the Sky

Chen Yang was very happy to be able to leave the Devouring Valley, but he did not expect that Wugong Mountain would actually give him a gift.

He said politely: "Senior, there is no need for gifts."

"I can overcome this problem with half of your contribution. How can I treat you badly?"

Wu Gongshan smiled and whistled in the distance.

I saw an octopus machine spirit beast coming towards this side at high speed, stopped when it reached the sky, dropped a person, and then sped away again.


The person caught by the octopus fell to the ground.

Chen Yang took a closer look and found that this person was actually Ning Xueqing.

Ning Xueqing was seriously injured, covered in blood, her left arm and right leg were missing, and she lay on the ground panting.

Although she looked extremely miserable, Chen Yang had no sympathy at all.

Wugongshan said: "Chen Yang, this is the person who is chasing you. After you entered the Devouring Valley, he did not leave, but was waiting to collect your body in the lower reaches of the Tongshi River. You helped me, and I naturally , I want to help you get rid of this person who threatens you. Otherwise, you will still be in danger if you leave the Devouring Valley."

Chen Yang flicked his finger and a starlight penetrated Ning Xueqing's forehead, bowed to Wugongshan and said, "Thank you, senior."

"a piece of cake."

Wugongshan waved his hand and winked at the big crab in the yard. The crab, which obviously had no self-awareness, could understand what Wugongshan meant and nodded. Its belly opened and released hundreds of tiny crabs. Crab.

Those little crabs were densely packed and crawled in front of Chen Yang, then followed his heels and climbed onto his shoulders.

Wu Gongshan smiled and said: "These little crabs are my second gift to you. Don't underestimate them. They are not very strong, but together they can kill a first-level holy master."

Now Chen Yangzheng felt that his strength was insufficient. With these little crabs protecting him, he undoubtedly had an extra trump card.

I have to say that Wugongshan’s gift was timely and valuable.

Chen Yang thanked him solemnly, and then put all the little crabs into the ring.

Wu Gongshan said: "These little crabs are nothing to me. If it weren't for the fact that your realm was too low and you couldn't control the powerful machine spirit beast, I would have given you a shark."

Chen Yang said: "You can store the shark here, I will pick it up next time."

After overcoming the technical problem, Wu Gongshan was in a good mood, but he didn't feel that Chen Yang had offended him. He smiled and said, "You kid, you are actually joking with me."

As he said that, he pointed at Ning Xueqing and changed the topic: "By the way, I interrogated her and learned that you are not from the West Pole Continent. Where are you from?"

"Tiannan Territory." Chen Yang said.

"Although the West Pole Continent is rich in resources, it is occupied by major forces and it is difficult for outsiders to benefit. Moreover, there is almost no connection between the West Pole Continent and other areas of the Zhonghao Realm. How did you find it here?"

Wu Gongshan said doubtfully.

Chen Yang briefly told his experience.

After hearing this, Wu Gongshan pondered: "So, you were abducted by the Yutian Sect? I didn't expect that the Yutian Sect has been so mean in recent years, even doing such things. Moreover, they are so courageous. It’s too big. If the powerful people in the Tiannan Region know that they have done such a thing, the Yutian Sect will not be able to stop those Star Lords from coming.”

Chen Yang said: "The Yutian Sect has done a good job of keeping the secret secret. As long as the news is not leaked, the cultivators of Shenhai will be kept in the dark and think that there is a secret Tianhuang Island in Shenhai."

Wu Gongshan said: "What are your plans now?"

"Find a way to return to the Divine Sea."

After Chen Yanggang finished speaking, he remembered his purpose of finding Tianhuang Island and said to Wugongshan: "By the way, senior, do you know of a demon family named Tao?"

"Tao family!"

Wu Gongshan's eyes flashed and he said, "Are you talking about the Tao family known as the 'King of the Sky'?"

"King of the Sky?"

Chen Yang looked confused. He didn't know this title.

Seeing this, Wu Gongshan said: "It seems that you don't know the Tao family. However, I only know the King of the Sky among the Tao family of the demon clan."

Looking for his junior sister, Chen Yang now has no clues and can only place his hope in the "King of the Sky" Tao family.

He requested: "Senior, please tell me information about the 'King of the Sky' Tao family."

Wugongshan said: "The Tao family is a very old family. According to legend, the Tao family has been around since the beginning of the Zhonghao world.

No matter how the entire Zhonghao world changes, how the forces and powerful people change, only the Tao family has never changed and has always stood firm.

This is not only because the Tao family is powerful, but also because the Tao family is very united.

However, their unity was shattered twenty years ago. "

Twenty years ago, didn't it coincide with the time when Lao Li discovered the junior sister? Maybe it was at that time that the junior sister was sent to the earth.

Chen Yang asked: "What happened at that time?"

Wugongshan continued: "The Tao family is a family floating in the sky. They live on a cloud, and follow the cloud to float over the entire Zhonghao world.

Wherever the clouds drift, that is the domain of the Tao family, and no one can touch that sky.

This is why they are called the Lords of the Sky.

But twenty years ago, disagreements arose within the Tao family. Some people wanted to move the family to the ground and establish a base.

The old patriarch of the Tao family did not agree with this.

Because he knows very well that after the rise and fall of the entire Zhonghao world, the surrounding forces and strong men have collapsed, disappeared, and died. The only reason why the Tao family is eternal is because the Tao family is in the sky and does not compete for resources on the ground.

If the Tao family reaches the ground from the sky, then in the future, the Tao family will inevitably have the same ending as other forces.

Maybe a thousand years, maybe ten thousand years.

But even a million years later, the old patriarch would not want the Tao family to be destroyed.

However, the radical faction of the Tao family insisted on relocating the family and stirred up trouble within the family. Many people were eager for the resources on the ground and followed suit.

Gradually, more and more people want to migrate to the ground.

The old family was unwilling to do anything, which eventually led to internal strife in the Tao family.

The internal fighting in the Tao family lasted for more than ten years before it subsided.

Although the Tao family stayed on Yunduo in the end, the internal fighting took a huge toll on them and resulted in heavy casualties.

Especially the death of the old patriarch of the Tao family caused the entire family's strength to plummet.

After all, it is completely different for a family or sect whether or not a powerful Star Lord is in charge.

Although now, under the leadership of the new family, the Tao family is developing steadily, it will be too difficult to return to its peak.

What's even more troublesome is that the Tao family's internal problems have been solved, but they are facing external troubles.

When people from the outside world learned about the Tao family, they naturally coveted their resources in the sky, which the Tao family is now struggling to cope with. "

Hearing this, Chen Yang looked at Wugongshan suspiciously and said, "Senior, how come you know so much about the Tao family?"

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