Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5768 Counter Encirclement

"It's Manshalore."

A flash of joy flashed in Yin He's eyes, because the night demon who just left was the strongest night demon on Linggu Island and the only ninth-level earth master here.

This night demon is a huge threat to Yin He, and it is also the reason why the A-station team does not dare to expose him.

Now that Manshalor has left, they can annihilate the night demons on the island, and then destroy the star stone veins.

Yin He told everyone his thoughts.

Hearing this, Sun Weiyao shook his head and said: "Our mission is to destroy the Star Stone Mine, not to annihilate the Night Demon Clan. I think we should not create extraneous matters, otherwise things will change, and it is very likely that even the Star Stone Mine will be used by the Night Demon Clan. Leave."

The team led by Yin He had not completed its previous mission, which made him feel extremely embarrassed and full of resentment towards the Night Demons.

He hopes that this time, he will not only complete the task, but also add icing on the cake.

Annihilating the Night Demons is undoubtedly the best way to put the icing on the cake.

As the captain, he made a decisive decision and ordered: "Since we have the opportunity to annihilate the Night Demons, of course we cannot let go of the opportunity. Everyone acted immediately to catch the Night Demons by surprise. After solving them, they immediately destroyed the mine. "

Sun Weiyao had an ominous premonition in his heart. Seeing Yin He's resolute attitude, he hesitated to speak and had no choice but to act.

"How many starstone mines are there here?"

Chen Yang and Luna walked at the back, and he asked Luna in a low voice.

Luna shook her head. She didn't know much about the distribution of resources in the sealine and couldn't answer Chen Yang's question. She said, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Yang said: "The star stone is precious. It is a pity to destroy it like this. I am wondering if there is any way to transfer the mineral veins here."

"Stop wishful thinking."

A man walking in front glanced back at Chen Yang and said coldly: "The star stone veins here are extremely difficult to mine because of the permanently frozen crystals. One mistake may destroy the star stones. The situation is critical now. , can only be destroyed, you actually want to take it away, how much time do you plan to spend mining the star stone?"

Chen Yang looked at the speaker. He was a sixth-level earth master. Judging from his conversation with others just now, he was originally the captain of another team named Zhai Xuren.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Brother Zhai, although it is difficult to mine, it does not mean that it cannot be taken away. It will naturally be difficult for me to take away the entire star stone vein, but it is not too difficult to take away part of it."

"Violent mining will only damage the star stone. You probably don't understand the function of the permanent frozen crystal, right?"

Zhai Xuren had a look of disdain on his face.

Chen Yang said: "When there are permanently frozen crystals, in order to avoid damaging the star stones, it is natural to mine them slowly. But now, I have no such concerns, so I don't have to worry about the loss and can just remove the veins."

"You think too simply."

Zhai Xuren shook his head and said: "The permanent frozen crystal is very hard, and it needs to be dug slowly to mine the star stone veins. You are just a first-level earth master, let alone take away the veins, even if you can't lose it, you want to mine a hundred pieces Star Stone is also very difficult.”

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Of course I have ways to overcome difficulties."

"Blind confidence."

Zhai Xuren had an expression of disbelief on his face, and looked back at Chen Yang, with a flash of strange color in his eyes, and said disdainfully: "I remembered, you are the one who despised Wu Zhan, no wonder you are so self-righteous."

"Be vigilant, there is a gathering place of the Night Demons ahead."

At this time, Yin He, who was leading the team, sent a message to everyone and took out his weapons.

Everyone held swords in their hands, suppressing energy fluctuations, and slowly approached the building in front.

That stone house was built by the Zhengxuan Sect and is now the residence of the Night Demon Clan.

As they gradually approached, Yin He gave an order, and everyone spread out and surrounded the stone house.

"Everyone is ready to use all our strength to bombard the stone house."

Yin He conveyed the order, and when everyone was ready, he sent a message: "Get started."

Immediately, twenty-two members of the A station team released their magical powers towards the stone house at the same time.

The powerful force caused the entire Tambourine Island to shake. Even the cultivators who were forced to mine star stones in the veins felt the terrifying energy.


The stone house was vulnerable and shattered instantly, but there was not a single Night Demon in the stone house.

"what happened?"

Yin He's eyes darkened, and he secretly thought something was wrong. He immediately flew towards the direction of the star stone veins, and said to everyone: "Everyone listens to the order, destroy the veins, and leave immediately."

The Night Demons are not in the stone house. Although I don't know if this is the opponent's plan, but now their whereabouts have been exposed, it is very disadvantageous to continue fighting.

Therefore, Yin He changed his plan.

Everyone was worried, worried that the Night Demon Clan had anticipated a sneak attack and had prepared an ambush.

They didn't dare to hesitate and immediately followed Yin He and flew towards the entrance of the mine.

Although Taminggu Island is dozens of kilometers wide, in front of the earth master cultivator, it is only a distance that can be traveled in a few breaths.

However, as soon as Chen Yang and others took action, dozens of night demons immediately rushed out and surrounded them.

Moreover, the light of the formation on the ground lit up. It was obvious that the Night Demons were carrying formation disks and had arranged formations here.


Yin He had a heavy expression on his face and glanced at the night demons around him. Seeing that Manshalor was not among them, he was slightly relieved, but he still did not dare to take it lightly.

He immediately gave an order to everyone and said: "Block their attack, destroy the mineral veins as quickly as possible, and then leave Tambourine Island."

No one responded. Although there was no Manshalor at the moment, the formation of the Night Demon Clan should not be underestimated.

What's more, there is a formation whose details I don't know.

For a moment, everyone regretted their plan to attack the Night Demons.

"Captain Manshalor is indeed right. You humans would rather destroy the star stone veins than leave them to us. Unfortunately, you are so stupid that you came to sneak attack. You are simply desperate."

The eighth-level earth master headed by the Night Demon Clan looked at Yin He jokingly and said, "You should be the one who gave the order, right? You are the stupidest guy I have ever seen."

Yin He looked ugly and said coldly: "You Night Demons occupy our territory and are so arrogant. One day we will drive you all out."

The other party retorted: "The sea line originally belonged to us, so this is our territory. Now it is just returned to us."

Yin He snorted coldly and was about to order an attack when he suddenly saw Chen Yang flying downwards.

Chen Yang's actions made him feel dissatisfied. He acted without his orders. Did this kid want to escape?

"Chen Yang, stop!"

Yin He immediately called Chen Yang to stop. If deserters appeared at this moment, it would have a serious impact on morale, and he would never allow Chen Yang to leave.

Chen Yang didn't pause and said: "I'm going to break the formation."

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