Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5777 Playing


Sun Weiyao was shocked when he saw Chen Yang being killed by a star from Manshalor.

If he had known this, he would never have let Chen Yang break the formation.

This was great, it killed Chen Yang.

Just when he was feeling regretful, a person appeared in the sky. When he looked closely, it was not Chen Yang.

"Why are you still alive?"

Sun Weiyao was shocked. He was sure that he had just seen Chen Yang being killed with his own eyes. He couldn't figure out why Chen Yang was still alive?

Could it be that this is some kind of substitute technique?

"He is buying time for me. I have to get to the mine as soon as possible."

I thought something was going on in my mind, so I immediately sped up and rushed to the mine.

At the same time, Manshalor, who had just killed Chen Yang, also looked at Chen Yang who appeared in the air in shock.

He was sure that his starlight had just crushed this human race.

But for some reason, this person actually came back to life.

Could it be that the current human race already possesses the mysterious secret method of resurrecting the dead?

Manshalor did not think carefully and immediately chased Chen Yang and shouted coldly: "It's just right not to die. You broke the formation and killed dozens of night demons. Then I will capture you, torture you slowly, and use your Blood, flesh and blood, come to pay homage to the souls of my compatriots in heaven."

As soon as the words fell, Manshalor suddenly accelerated, intending to capture Chen Yang alive.

Yin He and others in the mountains and forests, as well as many demons, were all surprised when they saw Chen Yang coming back from the dead.

However, Manshalor's realm was much higher than that of Chen Yang. In their view, no matter how mysterious Chen Yang's secret method was, he could not escape Manshalor's grasp.

The Night Demons are all very relaxed and are not worried that the humans can reverse the situation.

As for Yin He and others, they really had no intention of watching the battle, and were all thinking about how to sign up.

However, they found that they had no other choice but to surrender.

"Boy, I got you."

Manshalor quickly caught up with Chen Yang, opened his bat wings that condensed star energy, and swept towards Chen Yang, wrapping Chen Yang in the bat wings.

He originally had a smile on his face, but the moment he caught Chen Yang, his smile turned into surprise.

Because, in close contact, he discovered that Chen Yang was just a ball of energy. Although he pretended to be very real, he was not the real person.


The bat wings were folded, and Chen Yang was crushed.

Just when everyone thought that Chen Yang was really dead this time, Manshalor was furious: "Chen Yang, you have some tricks, but with this kind of deception, if you want to escape from my grasp, That would be too whimsical.”

After being deceived twice by Chen Yang, Manshalor was filled with anger. His consciousness spread out, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of meters, and he immediately discovered Chen Yang hiding in the jungle.

"Is it the real person or an illusion?"

Manshalor already knew that Chen Yang could deceive people with illusions, but even if he exerted his spiritual power to the extreme, he could not be sure of Chen Yang's authenticity.

And he had been deceived twice by Chen Yang, which was very embarrassing. He didn't want to be deceived a third time.

He calmed down and stopped pursuing. He waved a fan-shaped starburst, which spread out several kilometers wide and swept towards the jungle ahead.

The dense forests turned to ashes, the islands trembled, and the earth shattered.

Whether it was Chen Yang's true form or an illusion, Manshalor believed that such an attack would be enough to tear him apart.

As for capturing the prisoner alive, he no longer considered it, as long as he could kill Chen Yang.


The fan-shaped starlight continued to spread forward, and a small half of the island was destroyed. The starlight was still impacting towards the sea, causing turbulent waves and moving away.

The forest fell silent, and Chen Yang's figure no longer appeared.

Manshalor showed contempt and said coldly: "Absolute strength is the strong one. Such trivial skills will inevitably lead to death."

After speaking, Manshalor planned to go to the Star Stone Mine and arrest all the humans who destroyed the Star Stone Mine.

But suddenly, he saw a figure appearing on the surface of the sea after the island collapsed.

He took a closer look and couldn't help but change his color, and said angrily: "He's not dead yet!"

That person is none other than Chen Yang.

In this way, Manshalor has launched three attacks in a row, but Chen Yang was not hurt at all.

Moreover, the opponent is only a first-level earth master.

Seeing this in Manshalore was simply the most humiliating moment of my life.

"What kind of secret technique is this that makes me still alive!"

"Don't worry, the captain can deal with him."

"He completely pissed off the captain and it didn't do him any good at all."

The Night Demons began to discuss in low voices.

Manshalor did not act rashly. He looked thoughtful and ordered his subordinates: "Ralph Lauren, take three people to the mine and arrest all the humans there."

Obviously, he was worried that it would take too long to deal with Chen Yang and the humans in the mine would escape, so he asked his subordinates to take action.

Ralph Lauren was an eighth-level earth master. After receiving Manshalor's order, his face showed excitement. He immediately ordered two Night Demons and rushed to the mine.

Yin He, the captain of the human race, has the highest level and is an eighth-level earth master.

Therefore, Ralph Lauren was not worried at all that he would not be able to deal with the human cultivators in the mine.

Manshalor, on the other hand, fell in love with Chen Yang.

The other party teased him one after another, and he decided to capture Chen Yang no matter what, and then slowly torture him to death.

He quickly chased after Chen Yang, but strangely, Chen Yang did not dodge.

When he got closer, he realized that what he saw was just an illusion.

"This vision is too real."

Manshalor observed the mirror created by Chen Yang, trying to find the patterns in it to avoid being deceived next time.

However, apart from being able to sense the difference with his spiritual energy after getting close, there is absolutely no way for Manshalor to discover the flaw from a distance.

Unless he advanced to become a Heavenly Master and possessed a more powerful soul, he would be able to see through it.


Manshalor's bat wings waved and cut through Chen Yang's mirror image. His consciousness enveloped the surroundings and he murmured anxiously: "Where is he? Where is he?"

At this time, Chen Yang was in the cave where the Life Decline Formation Eye was located. He sensed that the mirror image was destroyed, and he casually released another mirror image.

As for the position and behavior of the mirror, he didn't care, as long as it could hold Manshalor back.

His main focus was on changing the fate formation.

Fortunately, this formation is very easy to change. Otherwise, no matter how stupid Manshalor is, he will find something fishy and chase him into the cave.

Soon, the formation changed.

The life-depleting array that originally acted on Yin He and others changed its target and began to have an effect on the Night Demons.


Chen Yang clapped his hands and was too lazy to continue playing with Manshalor. He used the goggles method to adjust the direction and distance and mapped it directly into the collapsed star stone mine.

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