Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5788 Conspiracy

"Chen Yang?"

Mo Tingshan was a little surprised when he heard this name.

This was the second time he heard this name today, but it was said by different people. Are they talking about the same person?

But Shan Yuxin said that Chen Yang was a first-level earth master, so it was absolutely impossible for him to pose any threat to his candidacy as a disciple of Xuan Cang.

Then, the Chen Yang that Yan Wen mentioned should be another person.

These two people, coincidentally, have the same name.

Yan Wen saw Mo Tingshan's reaction and said in surprise: "Senior Brother Mo, do you know Chen Yang?"

"I don't know."

Mo Tingshan shook his head, smiled relaxedly, and said, "Tell me, why is this disciple named Chen Yang a dark horse in the race to become a disciple of Xuan Cang?"

Yan Wen explained: "In this battle between Haijiline and the Night Demon Clan, I was assigned to Team 27. During the whole process, I had a deep interaction with Chen Yang. I have to admit that he is a genius... "

Then, Yan Wen told Mo Tingshan all the information about Chen Yang.

When he heard about Chen Yang's performance on Wugen Island, Mo Tingshan was just shocked, but for this competition for Xuan Cang disciples, he did not regard Chen Yang as his opponent.

However, when he heard that Chen Yang had easily killed Yin He, he couldn't calm down.

A first-level earth master could actually kill an eighth-level earth master.

This level of talent and strength is simply unparalleled.

Perhaps, Chen Yang's realm, resistance, reputation, etc. are far inferior to Mo Tingshan. Even in the entire Zhengxuan Sect, only the twenty-seventh team knows about Chen Yang's situation.

But if Chen Yang shows talent during the selection of Xuan Cang disciples, he will definitely be the Xuan Cang disciple.

After all, this terrifying talent is unprecedented.

In the face of talent, realm, reputation, etc. can be ignored.

Mo Tingshan's expression became solemn, and he felt a strong threat. If what Yan Wen said was true, then his position as a disciple of Xuan Cang, which he aspired to win, would definitely be taken away by Chen Yang.

He never wanted to see such a result.

After a moment of silence, he looked up at Yan Wen and said, "Junior Brother Yan, are you sure that the person who killed Junior Brother Yin was Chen Yang?"

"Senior Brother Mo, everything I just said was witnessed by me with my own eyes!"

Yan Wen bowed slightly and said seriously: "Chen Yang is deliberately trying to hide his strength, and he must be able to make a splash in the competition among Xuan Cang's disciples.

When the time comes, Senior Brother Mo, you will become his stepping stone.

In my opinion, it is natural and well-deserved for Senior Brother Mo to become a disciple of Xuan Cang, not him, a newcomer who has just started.

That's why I came here to tell Senior Brother Mo the truth about the matter.

I hope Senior Brother Mo can be prepared. "

A deep chill flashed through the depths of Mo Tingshan's eyes. In his opinion, Chen Yang was his enemy and rival. He was also cunning and insidious. He had been hiding and only revealed himself at the last moment.

Fortunately, Yan Wen told him the truth. Otherwise, he would have been kept in the dark. When the time came for Xuan Cang disciple selection, he would have been defeated by General Chen Yang. Not only would he not be able to become a Xuan Cang disciple, he would also lose his face.

But, how can we make ourselves stand out in the selection process?

Mo Tingshan thought about it and found that there was only one way, which was to prevent Chen Yang from participating in the Xuan Cang disciple selection.

So, there are two options to implement.

First, persuade Chen Yang to give up;

Second, kill Chen Yang.

The first option is not very feasible.

The second option is feasible, and since Mo Tingshan has no friendship with Chen Yang, he will not have any psychological burden if he is killed.

Moreover, Chen Yang currently has no reputation in the Zhengxuan Sect. Killing this person will not attract too much attention.

It has to be said that Chen Yang's low profile, in Mo Tingshan's view, gave him the opportunity to kill.

"Senior Brother Mo, I wonder if you have any countermeasures?"

When Yan Wen saw that Mo Tingshan was silent, he took the initiative to speak and broke the silence.

Mo Tingshan raised his eyes to look at Yan Wen and muttered: "I wonder, Junior Brother Yan, if there is a good way?"


Yan Wen hesitated to speak, looking worried.

Mo Tingshan said: "Since Junior Brother Yan has come to tell me the secret, I already treat you as one of my own. If you have anything to say, just ask, don't worry."

"Senior Brother Mo, don't blame me for being cruel."

Yan Wen gritted his teeth and said: "Chen Yang is arrogant and vicious. Killing him is to eliminate harm to the Zhengxuan Sect. Of course, killing him in public is not a good idea after all and will cause trouble. Therefore, I give Senior Brother Mo The suggestion is to lure him away and then kill him secretly. In this way, Senior Brother Mo can avenge Senior Brother Yin and others and eliminate harm for the Zhengxuan Sect, which can be regarded as a good thing."

Yan Wen didn't say at all that Mo Tingshan was solving the threat for himself, as if Mo Tingshan was helping others and had nothing to do with him.

"Chen Yang killed Junior Brother Yin and others, and then forced you not to publicize it. It is indeed an unforgivable crime."

Mo Tingshan followed Yan Wen's words and said with an embarrassed look: "In this case, I can only deal with Chen Yang, the murderer. Although I will not receive any commendation from the sect, I will be able to do justice." I, Mo Tingshan, am willing to make contributions to Xuanjiao."

"Senior Brother Mo is indeed wise and righteous!"

Yan Wen cupped his hands with admiration on his face and said, "Junior brother is here to wish that he will be promoted to a disciple of Xuan Cang."

"Junior Brother Yan is not afraid of power and is willing to expose Chen Yang's viciousness. He has made a contribution to the Zhengxuan Sect. How can I take all the credit?"

Mo Tingshan smiled and said sincerely: "Don't worry, when I become a disciple of Xuan Cang, I will definitely not forget you."

Yan Wen will not be forgotten.

This statement has two meanings.

First, if Yan Wen keeps the secret, it will be a credit, and he will take care of one or two;

Secondly, Mo Tingshan kept the secrets discussed between the two people today in mind. If Yan Wen did something extraordinary, he would definitely solve his worries and avoid leaks.

Yan Wen naturally understood the meaning of this, and immediately bowed and said: "Senior Brother Mo's words are serious. I, Yan Wen, have no merit."

What this means is that Yan Wen said that he will not use today's events as a trump card in order to obtain resources and help from Mo Tingshan in the future.

I have to say that Yan Wen is very sensible.


Mo Tingshan nodded appreciatively, and was about to let Yan Wen leave first, but suddenly thought of Chen Yang mentioned by Shan Yuxin, and asked: "By the way, just now, Junior Sister Shan also mentioned a disciple named Chen Yang, who is also a first-level disciple." Earth Master, is he the same person as the Chen Yang you mentioned?"

"I don't know this."

Yan Wen didn't know all the disciples of Zhengxuan Sect, and he couldn't be sure whether there were two Chen Yangs.

Mo Tingshan had a bad premonition in his heart and said, "Junior Brother Yan, please help me investigate and give me the answer as soon as possible."


Yan Wen was overjoyed. He was eager to help Mo Tingshan to win the favor of this future disciple of Xuan Cang.

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