Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5793 Four people

Five palm shadows completely surrounded Motingshan, leaving only a gap in the rear.

Mo Tingshan was greatly surprised. Yan Wen said that Chen Yang could release two palm shadows, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Facing the martial arts palm shadow, it was too late for Mo Tingshan to defeat them all.

Therefore, he did not hesitate and immediately retreated back. That was his only way to dodge.

At the same time, he swung his sword and slashed behind him.

Since Chen Yang left a breakthrough, in his opinion, there would definitely be a surprise attack from behind.

Therefore, he made a prediction and slashed out with one sword.

The sword flashed across the sky without touching anything. Only then did Mo Tingshan realize that he was overthinking and there was no expected surprise attack at all.

His attention was focused on the five palm shadows in front of him that had just blocked him. At this moment, he concentrated his mind and realized that three of them were mirror images, and only two were real.

But just now, he had no time to distinguish between true and false.

"The Seventh Layer Law, my consciousness is not yet able to deal with it calmly."

Mo Tingshan thought to himself, but he was confident that his power could suppress Chen Yang, and he was not too afraid of Poxu Palm, thinking that it would not be enough to hurt him.

He looked around and his eyes fell on a mountain peak in the distance. He saw Chen Yang standing on it, calm and relaxed.

"He relies on the transformation of mirror image and body to teleport, so he is not afraid of me at all. However, he doesn't know that I have a way to crack the foundation of his foundation."

Mo Tingshan's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he flew towards Chen Yang calmly and said loudly: "Chen Yang, your attack and dodge methods are very good. If it is an ordinary ninth-level earth master, it may not be yours." opponent."

"how about you?"

Chen Yang waved his palm and took the initiative to attack.

Mo Tingshan sneered, with a look of pride on his face, and said: "I am about to be promoted to a disciple of Xuan Cang, so I am not comparable to ordinary ninth-level earth masters. And I already understand your flaws. Even if you attack and dodge, you can Travel through the void. However, your speed is not too fast, far less than mine! Moreover, I have also practiced speed-related magical powers."

While talking, Mo Tingshan was full of confidence.

Although Chen Yang can teleport, he believes that as long as he pursues quickly, he will eventually be able to catch Chen Yang's body before Chen Yang can use the law.

At this time, although Chen Yang released the Void Breaking Palm, it appeared from the void in front and grabbed Mo Tingshan directly. However, Mo Tingshan didn't take it seriously at all. He swung his sword and used "Prison Breaking Strike", intending to Break the palm shadow and continue to pursue Chen Yang.

But suddenly, another palm shadow appeared behind Mo Tingshan.

The two palm shadows attacked one after another. Mo Tingshan did not dodge, but rushed forward, ignoring the Poxu Palm behind him, thinking that it was impossible to catch up with him, and planned to get rid of it directly.

The Poxu Palm on the front was defeated by his sword light. He shuttled through the bursting energy, only to realize that it was just a mirror image.

Although he was deceived again, he didn't take it seriously and pursued Chen Yang wholeheartedly.

But at this moment, the palm shadow behind him that had clearly escaped suddenly accelerated and actually caught up with him, much faster than him.

"what happened?!"

Mo Tingshan was shocked. He didn't expect that Chen Yang's attack speed would suddenly increase.

Neither he nor Yan Wen knew that Chen Yang was not just a mirror image law, but a goggle law, which was a combination of wind and mirror image. It had both speed and the ability to reflect the mirror image.

At this time, Chen Yang released his speed, and the Void-Breaking Palm blessed by the strong wind naturally increased his speed immediately.

Seeing that Po Xu Palm was about to catch up with him, Mo Tingshan swung his sword back, and the sword light shot through the air, but Po Xu Palm turned in the air and avoided the attack.

"This magical power is so powerful. Not only can it travel through the void, it can also be controlled freely!"

Mo Tingshan was surprised when Poxu Palm had already caught up with him.

His eyes narrowed, and he immediately revealed his long-hidden trump card, the movement skill "Eight Steps to Chase Shadows".

He took the first step and released his magical power. The moment he released his magical power, his figure seemed to flicker. The speed of this step was extremely fast, and it felt like teleportation. He directly reached several thousand meters away, leaving Poxu Palm behind. .

"So fast!"

Yan Wen, who was watching the battle from a distance, had a look of surprise in his eyes. This battle was also an eye-opener for him.

He murmured: "Is this the "Eight Steps to Chase Shadow" that Senior Brother Mo is talking about? This magical power is comparable to teleportation, no worse than Chen Yang's law, and is enough for Senior Brother Mo to restrain Chen Yang."

At this time, Mo Tingshan, who used "Eight Steps to Chase Shadows", was also full of confidence and shouted coldly: "Chen Yang, how powerful your law is, even if you use it, I want to see if I can escape." Follow my eight steps to chase the shadow!"

Hearing this, Chen Yang smiled playfully and retracted his right hand. The Poxu Palm that had just been reflected in the air was dodged by the second step of Mo Tingshan's "Eight Steps to Chase the Shadow", but Chen Yang did not intend to pursue it and put away his magical power.

Mo Tingshan chased Chen Yang and sneered: "Hmph, you know the power of "Eight Steps to Chase the Shadow", so you gave up the attack? However, the law you rely on will also be broken by me! You will definitely die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, four Chen Yangs suddenly appeared in the sky at the same time, with Moting Mountain as the core, scattered in four different directions, all several kilometers away from him.

Mo Tingshan couldn't help but be startled, and his figure stopped.

Of the four Chen Yangs, three must be fake.

However, Mo Tingshan couldn't tell the difference for a while.

At this time, the four Chen Yangs spoke at the same time: "Mo Tingshan, your "Eight Steps to Chase Shadows" is indeed a very good body and magical power, but compared with my goggles method, it is much worse.

First, you just speed up, but I can teleport, map, create mirrors, and accelerate;

Second, you only have eight steps in total, and I can use the rules constantly.

Now, I really want to see what you can do to me! "

Mo Tingshan looked ugly. He originally thought that Chen Yang could only create a mirror image at most. He could destroy the mirror image as quickly as possible and then pursue the main body.

Until he gets extremely close to Chen Yang and allows Chen Yang to stop rushing to create a mirror image, he can take down Chen Yang.

But now, three mirror images appeared, which exceeded his expectations.

However, he quickly thought of a countermeasure, swung his sword to attack one of the "Chen Yang", and then used the first step of "Eight Steps to Chase the Shadow" to catch up with the second "Chen Yang".

Immediately afterwards, seeing that the "Chen Yang" he was chasing did not move, Mo Tingshan thought it was a mirror image, so he gave up the goal and used the second step of "Eight Steps to Chase Shadows" to chase the third mirror image.

Instantly approaching, he exerted his consciousness to the extreme and discovered that it was Chen Yang's true form. He was immediately overjoyed and swung his sword to strike out, thinking that Chen Yang would definitely die.

Chen Yang was crushed by the sword light, but the energy flowed all over the sky and blood flew everywhere. Mo Tingshan was not happy at all, but turned around and chased the fourth "Chen Yang".

The reason why he did this was because he sensed that at the moment when Chen Yang was defeated, Chen Yang was already reflected.

The fourth Chen Yang is the true body.

And his "Eight Steps to Chasing the Shadow" has reached the third step.

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