Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5813 Distrust

Elder Liu and Elder Yu felt funny because of Chen Yang's words. Unexpectedly, everyone misunderstood Chen Yang, thinking that he had suppressed many realms, but unexpectedly it was only one level.

Does it make a difference?

There is no difference in terms of defeating He Shenghong.

Elder Liu was about to blame Chen Yang for a few words, and then announce that Chen Yang was promoted to a disciple of Xuan Cang.

Unexpectedly, Yao Yunting raised questions again.

He could understand Yao Yunting's thoughts, which were for his own benefit and to compete for the position of Xuan Cang's disciple.

Therefore, he did not rebuke.

Seeing that the three elders did not express their stance immediately, Yao Yunting bowed and said with a bit of sadness in her tone: "I also ask the three elders to uphold justice!"

The meaning of these words is different. It seems that she firmly believes that what Chen Yang said is false.

Just now, many people supported Yao Yunting.

But the situation was constantly changing, and Chen Yang reversed things one after another. No one dared to speak rashly, otherwise they would offend Chen Yang again.

However, Chen Yang has already gained some loyal fans among his disciples, who will continue to speak for him.

The situation seems to be one-sided.

Elder Liu was a little hesitant because he didn't want to show his distrust towards the disciple who he thought was a super genius, and was worried that he would make the other party feel ill.

In that case, Yutian Sect and Haiyang Sect will have to poach themselves in the future, and the seeds of future troubles may be sown today.

Just when Elder Liu was hesitating, Elder Zhou said: "Elder Liu, I think Yao Yunting's words are reasonable. We should verify it and give everyone justice!"

Elder Yu said: "I think that by verifying Chen Yang, we are giving Chen Yang justice and eliminating all doubts! Otherwise, everyone will not trust Chen Yang, which is unfair to Chen Yang."

The words of the two elders made sense. Elder Liu thought for a moment and said to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, your talent is indeed unbelievable. Now there are so many people doubting you. Therefore, we verify your true realm. You should No objection?"

If it were someone else, Elder Liu could just give the order directly.

But for a super genius like Chen Yang, his attitude was still very polite so as not to arouse Chen Yang's dissatisfaction.

Yao Yunting looked at Chen Yang and thought to herself: "There is no way there is such a terrifying genius in the world. He must be a liar. If he refuses, he has a guilty conscience. If he agrees, his true face will be exposed."

At this point, she still didn't believe Chen Yang.

Faced with doubts, Chen Yang just smiled indifferently and said to Elder Liu: "Verify my realm, I have no objection."

After hearing these words, Elder Liu was convinced that Chen Yang was definitely not guilty, otherwise he would have agreed to the verification. Isn't this asking for trouble?

However, the process still has to go.

At this time, Elder Zhou took the initiative to ask for help and said, "Let me verify his realm."

Hearing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but frown.

Elder Zhou and Yao Yunting seemed to have a complicated relationship. If he were asked to verify it, Chen Yang was worried about what tricks the other party would use.

Just now, the other party teamed up with He Shenghong to kill him.

Maybe, at this moment, the other party will secretly take action to get rid of him.

If a heavenly master on the other side comes into close contact with him, he can kill people silently.

Therefore, Chen Yang must not let Elder Zhou succeed.

He didn't wait for Elder Liu to agree, and immediately said: "Elder Liu, I trust you more, and I hope you can verify my realm."

Hearing this, Elder Liu's eyes flashed with surprise.

In his opinion, his three elders are all the same. Who is going to verify Chen Yang's realm? Is there any difference?

Does Chen Yang not trust Elder Zhou?

Why is this?

Elder Liu was confused. Before he could ask Chen Yang, Elder Zhou said coldly: "Chen Yang, even if you have incredible talent, you are too arrogant to act like this. What is the difference between Elder Liu and me? Do you look down on me?"

"The three elders are all the same. Chen Yang wants Elder Liu to verify. This request is indeed too much."

"But Senior Brother Chen will not make requests without reason."

"You are so arrogant that you don't even look down on your elders. You are really crazy."

The disciples in the square were whispering, and their attitudes towards Chen Yang's request were divided into two groups.

Hou Hui laughed and said to Nian Dai next to him: "Senior Brother Nian, it seems that this Junior Brother Chen's eyesight is extraordinary. He can actually tell that there is something fishy about Elder Zhou."

Nian Dai snorted coldly: "Humph, Elder Zhou did promise me to put in a kind word for Junior Sister Yao, but that is because Junior Sister Yao does have strength and talent. But if Chen Yang really has the talent to defy heaven, how could Elder Zhou do anything about it? . Chen Yang is trying to judge a gentleman’s heart with a villain’s heart.”

Hao Zhengrong said: "Chen Yang is not sure what happened. It is reasonable for him to worry about an accident."

After a pause, Hao Zhengrong looked at Elder Zhou, with doubts in his eyes, and said, "However, Elder Zhou has always been calm and does not like to get too involved in affairs, but today he has repeatedly stated his attitude, which is indeed different from the past. .”

Hou regretted, "Could it be that not only Senior Brother Nian, but also other heavyweights asked Elder Zhou to help Junior Sister Yao?"


Hao Zhengrong shook his head. He had only been promoted to a disciple of Xuan Cang for a year. He had been having some contact with Yao Yunting before. He knew the details of the other party, and he would definitely not be able to recruit anyone who could influence Elder Zhou.

Nian Dai said displeased: "Okay, stop talking. All in all, I don't like Chen Yang's villain mentality!"

Hou Hui curled his lips and said, "There is something fishy about him, so I can understand why he acts cautiously."

Seeing that the two were about to argue again, Hao Zhengrong hurriedly said: "Okay, let's see first how they will decide."

Facing Elder Zhou's question, Chen Yang raised his hand and said, "Elder Zhou, it's not that I look down on you, but... I don't trust you!"

Chen Yang also wanted to be tactful, but he and Elder Zhou were strangers to each other, and he really couldn't think of a reason to refuse the other party to verify his realm.

So, he simply said he didn't trust him

And anyway, Elder Zhou had already had the intention of killing him before, and now it doesn't matter to him if he offends the other party more severely.

When he said these words, the whole place became even more lively.

These words undoubtedly slapped Elder Zhou in the face in public and offended Elder Zhou.

Even if Chen Yang is extremely talented, this is definitely not a good thing for him. After all, he wants to develop in the Zhengxuan Sect.

Elder Zhou clearly had something wrong in his heart, but on the surface he was furious and scolded Chen Yang: "Boy, you are going too far. I have no enmity with you, and I will not harm you, but you say you don't trust me. This is simply It’s an insult to me!”

Everyone thought that Chen Yang might give a tactful explanation, but unexpectedly he shrugged and said, "If you think it's an insult, then be insulting."

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