Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5822 Convocation

Although Chen Yang has never been conceited, he also understands that his talent is indeed very high. Now that he has shown it, Xuan Cang's disciples will definitely make friends with him.

Nian Dai had watched the battle before and was one of the first three people to know him, so it was not out of the ordinary for him to come to congratulate him now.

He didn't ask for help, he cupped his hands and said, "Senior brother, if you are interested, please come in."

Nian Dai did not refuse. He entered the room and sat down. Then he chatted with Chen Yang and said something about Xuancang Mountain.

The two sides chatted happily, and Nian Dai took advantage of the situation and asked: "Junior brother Chen, I saw you killed by Elder Zhou that day, why are you alive again now?"

"Senior Brother Nian, this is my secret. I'm sorry I can't answer you." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"What a pity. I really want to know the answer to this question."

Nian Dai shook his head with regret, and then said to Chen Yang: "By the way, now that you have become a disciple of Xuan Cang, the leader must have known about your deeds. Now, Elder Zhou concealed the fact and secretly killed you. It will definitely be made public, and the leader will never let him go."

Nian Dai came to "congratulate" Chen Yang immediately. The main purpose was to ask for information about Zhou Zhenhui.

Because he asked Zhou Zhenhui to help Yao Yunting. If Zhou Zhenhui exposed this matter, Zhou Zhenhui's murder of Chen Yang might be linked to him, and he would be in trouble.

Chen Yang replied: "When I came to Xuancang Mountain, the leader was meeting with Elder Zhou. Presumably, the treatment of Elder Zhou will be announced soon."

Nian Dai's heart was heavy, but on the surface he was very calm and said: "It seems that Elder Zhou will be severely punished."

The two chatted for a few more words, and then Nian Dai said goodbye and left.

But when Nian Dai left, he met Hou Hui who came to find Chen Yang.

His heart skipped a beat and he secretly thought that something was wrong. He immediately regretted telling Hao Zhengrong and Hou Hui about his request to Elder Zhou to help Yao Yunting when they were watching the battle.

If Zhou Zhenhui only verbally supported Yao Yunting at that time, it would be okay.

But the problem is that now that Zhou Zhenhui has almost killed a super genius, Nian Dai's request to Zhou Zhenhui has a completely different meaning.

"Senior Brother Nian."

When Hou Hui saw Nian Dai walking out of Chen Yang's room, his face showed surprise at first, and then he smiled and said hello.

Nian Dai looked grave and quickly sent a secret message to Hou Hui: "Junior Brother Hou, please don't tell others what happened between Elder Zhou and me. After all, Elder Zhou's killing of Chen Yang has nothing to do with me."

"Senior Brother Nian, don't worry."

Hou Hui smiled and agreed.

In his opinion, Nian Dai was really unlucky to have encountered such a thing.

In fact, he also knew that Elder Zhou's killing of Chen Yang had nothing to do with Nian Dai, so he would not make it public to avoid causing trouble for Nian Dai.

But Hou Hui's words were not trusted by Nian Dai. Especially when he saw Hou Hui's smiling face, he even doubted whether Hou Hui was looking for Chen Yang specifically to trick him.

How things develop is not under Nian Dai's control. He frowned and said goodbye to Hou Hui.

After Nian Dai left, Chen Yang came out and asked Hou Hui, "Senior Brother Hou, this Senior Brother Nian seems a little weird."

"Of course weird."

Hou Hui laughed and said jokingly: "He is pursuing Yao Yunting, so he asked Elder Zhou to help give Yao Yunting a few nice words.

And with Yao Yunting's talent and strength, as long as there are elders who are inclined towards her, other elders and deacons will not have objections, and she can indeed be promoted to a disciple of Xuan Cang.

But who knew that in this selection, there would be a monster like you.

Now Senior Brother Nian is worried that Elder Zhou's killing of you will involve him.

But this matter really had nothing to do with him, he was just unlucky. "

Chen Yang understood the reason and couldn't help but sympathize with Nian Dai's misfortune.

He retracted his thoughts and said to Hou Hui: "Senior Brother Hou, why do you come to me now?"

Hou Hui said: "The leader has ordered us to take you with us when we go to the Tiannan Territory to perform our mission this time, so I will inform you that we will have a meeting at Tawang Peak tomorrow at midnight."

"Treading Wangfeng?"

Chen Yang had just entered Xuancang Mountain and didn't know the names of the peaks.

Hou Hui explained: "Senior Brother Liao, who is leading the team this time to the Tiannan Region, is a fourth-level heavenly master.

He is very strong and has few opponents at the same level.

In addition, there are more than 20 people traveling with us. Senior Brother Nian, Senior Brother Hao and I will also go.

By the way, there were three people watching the selection before. Apart from Senior Brother Nian and me, the other one was Senior Brother Hao. "

In fact, Chen Yang knew who Senior Brother Hao was without Hou Hui's explanation.

Because Sun Weiyao had introduced the three of them to Chen Yang before.

Hou Hui continued: "Treading King Peak is Senior Brother Liao's mountain. As the captain, we have been with him in recent meetings. In less than five days, we have to take action. So tomorrow is the last meeting, you must be there. , understand our specific tasks.”

"Do I have to go on a mission too?"

Chen Yang frowned and said that his purpose was to return to Tiannan Territory and find Bayin Pavilion, not to waste time performing the tasks of Zhengxuan Sect.

Hou Hui looked thoughtful and said: "The leader only said to take you with him, but he didn't say whether you need to carry out the mission. It seems that when the meeting ends tomorrow, you have to ask the leader. If you don't need to carry out the mission, you have to ask The leader will give you a proof. Otherwise, with Senior Brother Liao’s serious character, he will never allow you to leave the team after arriving in Tiannan Territory.”

"All right."

Chen Yang nodded and decided to ask to see the leader after the meeting tomorrow.

After sending Hou Hui away, Chen Yang was about to practice for a while, but many Xuan Cang disciples came to visit him one after another.

After sending all the enthusiastic brothers and sisters away, I finally got a moment of peace.

But before Chen Yang could breathe a sigh of relief, violent energy fluctuations came from outside, and many more Xuan Cang disciples were rushing somewhere at extremely fast speeds.

"What happened? Why are you all in such a hurry?"

Chen Yang opened the door and saw hundreds of Xuan Cang disciples flying in one direction, which was the direction of the castle where the leader lived.

"Chen Yang, hurry up."

Just when Chen Yang was confused, Hou Hui flew over and said to him: "The leader is going to publicly punish Zhou Zhenhui. It is said that Zhou Zhenhui's cultivation will be abolished, and the elders, deacons, and Xuan Cang disciples will be summoned to go."

Chen Yang was shocked. Liu Heng had previously said that Zhou Zhenhui might be expelled from the Zhengxuan Sect, but he already thought it was impossible.

But unexpectedly, the leader wanted to depose Zhou Zhenhui, which was much worse than expelling Zhengxuan Sect.

However, for a Saint Master to give up just like that, the leader would be too courageous.

Without any time to think about it, Chen Yang immediately followed Hou Hui and headed to the castle.

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