Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5878 Negotiation Room

"What, three brothers, do you know that person?"

Seeing Chen Yang and the others talking in low voices, Duanmu Qingyun, who was looking around with great interest, also came over and asked.

Chen Yang said: "An enemy almost killed us."

Although Duanmu Qingyun was kind, he was not kind to his enemies. He said seriously: "Then kill her!"

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, looked at Duanmu Qingyun in surprise, and said with a smile, "Little prince, I didn't expect you to be so vicious."

Duanmu Qingyun scratched his head and asked doubtfully: "He almost killed you, isn't it right to kill her?"

"Of course you should."

Chen Yang nodded and agreed very much with Duanmu Qingyun's point of view. Although this little prince was simple, he was not stupid.

Hou Hui brought the topic back and said, "Lu Feishang and others are here, but Liao Shuyin is missing. What's going on?"

"They are now grasshoppers on a rope. Liao Shuyin will not let them go and act alone."

Chen Yang looked thoughtful and said, "Maybe they are here, looking for something."

"Do we just show up, or what?"

Hao Zhengrong couldn't wait. He wanted to see how Liao Shuyin and others would react when they learned that the three of them were still alive.

Chen Yang glanced at Lu Feishuang from a distance and said, "I'm going to get close to Lu Feishuang and inquire about the news. Don't let them discover your whereabouts."

Hao Zhengrong and Hou Hui looked surprised and said, "You will be discovered as soon as you pass by. How can you find out the news?"

Chen Yang first suppressed the realm, then used a secret method to disguise himself, turning into Yan Wen's appearance, and said: "This way, she won't know it's me."

Hao Zhengrong and Hou Hui carefully observed and sensed, but they couldn't find any flaws in Chen Yang's disguise. They were both amazed at his disguise skills.

"Waiting for my news."

Seeing Lu Fei Shuang moving towards the distance, Chen Yang immediately entered the crowd and chased after Lu Fei Shuang.

Duanmu Qingyun showed a worried look on his face, and said to Hou Hui and the others: "The other parties are both heavenly masters. Is there any danger in letting Brother Chen go alone?"

Hao Zhengrong and Hou Hui laughed dumbly and said: "Little prince, you are mistaken. Among the three of us, he is the strongest. You don't have to worry at all, something will happen to him."

"Brother Chen is the strongest?"

Duanmu Qingyun looked puzzled. It was clear that Chen Yang's level was much lower than that of Hou Hui and the others. Why was he the strongest?

In addition to Lu Feishuang, there were two other Zhengxuan Cult disciples traveling with him. When Chen Yang caught up with him, the three of them were stunned when they saw "Yan Wen" appear in front of them at the same time.

The experience of Yixiantian is still vivid in my mind.

If it weren't for Liao Shuyin's threat to the Night Demon Clan with his life mark, Lu Feishang and others would have died in the sky now.

In their hearts, they are afraid of those night demons after all.

At this moment, they were even worried that the Night Demon Clan would catch up and kill them while they were separated from Liao Shuyin.

If this is the case, these Night Demons are too courageous.

You know, the entire Caiyunjian is full of humans, and there are many experts.

However, this is the Tiannan Territory. Although the human race is the most powerful, other races coexist, so the human race may not mind the appearance of the night demons.

However, the Night Demon Clan is different from the Demon Clan. No matter how high their realm is, they cannot transform into a human being.

As long as you observe carefully, you will definitely be able to find the whereabouts of the Night Demons.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through the minds of Lu Fei and the three of them.

"Senior Sister Lu, we meet again."

Chen Yang smiled faintly, imitating Yan Wen's expression, with a bit of amusement in his eyes, and a sense of pride as if a villain had succeeded.

Lu Feishuang came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Yan, I didn't expect you to come here. What a coincidence."

"It's not a coincidence, but I came here specially." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Lu Feishang pretended to be surprised and said, "Ah! Junior Brother Yan, is there something that needs our help?"

"indeed so."

Chen Yang glanced at the two people behind Lu Fei and said, "But I can only tell you about this, and I can't let others know."

Lu Feishuang is a fourth-level heavenly master, and the other two Zhengxuan disciples are second-level heavenly masters. Even if they are brought along, it will not be of any help to Lu Feishuang.

So Lu Feishang thought for a while, then nodded and said: "In that case, then Junior Brother Yan and I can go to the negotiation room."

On the main road between Jinyunjian, in addition to shops, there are negotiation rooms at intervals.

These negotiation rooms are used by sellers or buyers who need confidentiality.

Of course, to use these negotiation rooms, you need to pay Star Stones.

All in all, all activities performed here are chargeable, and the purpose of Caiyun Pavilion is to make a profit.

"Sister Lu, please."

Chen Yang made an invitation gesture to Lu Feishang, turned around and walked towards the nearest negotiation room.

Lu Feishang winked at his two companions, and then followed Chen Yang.

The two entered the negotiation room. Seeing that there was no Night Demon waiting inside, Lu Fei felt a little relieved. He sat down and said, "Junior Brother Yan, what's the matter, can you tell me now?"

"Sister Lu, do you really think I am Yan Wen?"

Chen Yang closed the door and looked back, his face restored.

Once the door is closed, everything in the negotiation room is isolated. Unless the entire negotiation room is destroyed, the outside world will not know what is happening inside.

"It's you!"

Lu Fei looked surprised, he didn't expect Chen Yang to be still alive.

As for how clever the disguise was that was hidden from her, she had no time to think about it at the moment.

Chen Yang sat down opposite Lu Feishang and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Lu, don't be nervous, I won't do anything here. After all, I can't beat the masters of Caiyun Pavilion."


Lu Feishang calmed down, snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Chen Yang, no matter how strong you are, you are still just an earth master. Do you want to do something to me? Haha, do you want to die?"

"Of course not." Chen Yang shook his head and said with a slight smile: "Are you not curious at all about why I am still alive?"

Lu Feishang was really confused about this question.

She leaned forward slightly, with a questioning look in her eyes, and said, "Why?"

Chen Yang leaned back on his chair and said with a smile: "Because, those night demons have been killed by me."

"Hmph, do you think I will believe your lies?"

Lu Feishuang sneered and said disdainfully: "Although I don't understand why you are alive, Senior Brother Liao is right. What you are best at is making lies."


Chen Yang curled his lips and said, "By the way, why didn't I see Liao Shuyin? Where have you been?"

"Don't worry, I will take you to see him soon."

Star energy surged within Lu Fei's body, and he looked eager to try.

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