Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5901 Perseverance (surname)

"Deacon He, Yunhua Medicine Valley has almost been wiped out. Feng Jiayu, the grandson of Hanxiaoting's headmaster, and Zhao Keng, a disciple of Hanxiaoting, are also dead."

After inspecting the scene, a Caiyun Pavilion disciple reported to the leading deacon.

Deacon He frowned and said thoughtfully: "Yunhua Medicine Valley is completely over, so don't worry about it. But Feng Jiayu is Feng Delu's grandson after all, so we still have to give an explanation to Han Xiaoting about this matter. Otherwise, our Caiyun Pavilion If the company’s reputation is damaged, Fangshi’s business will inevitably be affected in the future.”

A disciple said: "Deacon He, although the two people surnamed Tao were expelled from the Bayin Pavilion, they should return to the Bayin Pavilion this time. If Han Xiaoting wants to take revenge, I'm afraid it won't be that easy. .”

Deacon He pondered: "We only need to tell Han Xiaoting the specific information. As for how they decide, it is their business. Moreover, they cannot deal with Bayin Pavilion, but another person named Chen Yang, They can be targeted without any background."

"It seems that Chen Yang will probably also join the Bayin Pavilion." A disciple said.

"This is also beyond our control."

Deacon He looked at the corpses laid out at the scene, with a puzzled look on his face, and said, "What makes me wonder now is how Chen Yang, Tao Sixing, and Tao Yuexing killed the people of Yunhua Medicine Valley. People. Even Master Yunhua is dead."

Bayin Pavilion is located in the southwest of Tiannan Territory, far away from Caiyun Pavilion in the northeast. Even if there is a teleportation array, it will take several days of flight to reach it.

After several twists and turns, Chen Yang and the others entered a desert.

As far as the eye can see, there is an endless expanse of yellow sand, and apart from that, there is nothing.

According to Tao Sixing's previous introduction to Chen Yang, this desert is called the Desert of Death. No other living creature can survive here except cultivators.

The area of ​​the desert is huge, about the same as one of the Thirteen States.

Bayin Pavilion is located in the center of the desert.

Back then, no one wanted to come to this desert.

While traveling, a strong man from the Tao family discovered a powerful star source vein in the center of the desert, so he established the Bayin Pavilion.

Bayin Pavilion has gradually grown and grown to its current scale and strength.

Moreover, due to the harsh conditions of the Bayin Pavilion for recruiting people, most of the cultivators in the Bayin Pavilion are determined people who practice hard, make rapid progress, and are usually stronger than the same level.

This is why Tao Sixing believed that even if Chen Yang advanced to become a Heavenly Master, he would not be able to win the battle on the clouds and gain the qualifications to climb the ladder to the Tao family in the clouds.

After passing through a teleportation array, it was still five thousand miles away from Bayin Pavilion. Chen Yang didn't understand why he didn't just place the teleportation array in Bayin Pavilion.

Before he could ask any questions, Tao Sixing was already flying downwards and said: "Brother Chen, we are going to Bayin Pavilion. You can't fly, you have to walk."

"What's the rule?"

Chen Yang looked surprised. Why was he wasting time walking when he could obviously fly?

Tao Sixing explained: "Bayin Pavilion was built in the desert of death. The entire establishment and development process was very difficult. The founder of the sect spent a lot of patience. Therefore, the founder believed that patience is very important, so he set up this rule. The purpose is It tests our patience and perseverance.”

Chen Yang thought for a moment and said, "It makes some sense."

"After all, you need to walk every time you go in and out. Even if there is an emergency, you must abide by it. This is not only patience and perseverance, but also a kind of torture on the human heart."

Tao Sixing smiled bitterly and continued: "Brother Chen, do you still remember that I told you about the harsh entrance requirements of Bayin Pavilion?

Compared with those conditions, this five thousand mile walk is nothing at all.

After all, when we are in a realm like ours, a distance of five thousand miles is not too far, and we can reach it in a short time.

However, if a disciple who has not yet entered the Eight Sound Pavilion wants to worship, he must start walking from a distance of five hundred thousand miles, and he must reach the Eight Sound Pavilion before he is allowed to enter.

You must know that the highest realm of those disciples who have not yet started is the one-star realm, and many of them even have only a slight cultivation level.

Walking a distance of half a million miles is an arduous journey for them, and almost 90% of them give up halfway or cheat.

The remaining 10% of people who can reach Bayin Pavilion are undoubtedly people with great perseverance.

Even if their talents are not very high, with such perseverance, they will definitely have great achievements in the future. "

Hearing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but be in awe of the Bayin Pavilion disciples.

However, he thought of a question and said: "Brother Tao, according to you, doesn't it mean that people with foreign surnames in Bayin Pavilion have a greater advantage than the children of the Tao family?"

Tao Sixing laughed at himself and said: "To be honest, the disciples of the Tao family who were sent down from the clouds to Bayin Pavilion are either not talented enough or have made mistakes, so they cannot be considered talents.

Therefore, when Bayin Pavilion first started, people with other surnames were so brilliant that they completely suppressed the Tao surname.

Later, an amazingly talented person named Liu Zhengfeng appeared.

Liu Zhengfeng has achieved the position of deputy master of Bayin Pavilion, but his strength is recognized as the number one person in Bayin Pavilion, and even the master of the Pavilion respects him.

As time passed, Liu Zhengfeng became more and more ambitious, and he was no longer satisfied with being inferior to others.

Therefore, Liu Zhengfeng secretly contacted Bayin Pavilion's foreign surnames and launched a war of rebellion, hoping to take control of Bayin Pavilion in his hands.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the strength of the Tao family and was directly suppressed by the strong men from the clouds. The rebellion was put down overnight.

This incident did not cause much trouble, nor did it cause much damage to Bayin Pavilion.

However, the Tao family saw the hidden dangers of Bayin Pavilion.

If the foreign surname is allowed to develop and grow, a similar situation will inevitably occur in Bayin Pavilion in the future.

Therefore, Bayin Pavilion established a rule to treat Tao and foreign surnames differently. Only Tao surnames can practice the highest-level star techniques, secret techniques, etc., while foreign surnames can only practice second-level secrets.

Moreover, people with the Tao surname and those with the foreign surname receive completely different resources. The Tao surname receives almost twice as much resources as the foreign surname.

In this way, Bayin Pavilion gradually became balanced.

But even so, foreign surnames have never been at a disadvantage, and talented people with outstanding talents often appear.

The battle on the clouds is an opportunity for foreigners to ascend to a higher level, so the competition is very fierce. "

Hearing this, Chen Yang wondered: "So, Bayin Pavilion is actually very unfair. Why are people with foreign surnames flocking to it?"

Tao Sixing smiled and said: "Bayin Pavilion does treat Tao and foreign surnames differently. But even if people with foreign surnames get resources and treatment here, they are much better than other forces."

Chen Yang said: "What about me, if I want to get started, I have to go back first and walk five hundred thousand miles?"

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