Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5908 Cold weather

"It's dangerous now. Those three Bayin Pavilion disciples look unreliable."

"Confidence sometimes not only kills yourself, but also kills others."

"You can just ask for help, but why does that person insist on fighting the desert wolf alone? This is risking our lives with him."

After Chen Yang and the others left, the residents of the Geduo Oasis tribe expressed their dissatisfaction.

Cao Ji sighed deeply and called to everyone: "Everyone, come and gather."

Everyone gathered next to the teleportation array. Because only people from Bayin Pavilion could use the teleportation array, they could not leave from the teleportation array.

Cao Ji looked solemn and muttered to himself: "I hope some of the three of them can survive and take us with them when they escape."

Chen Yang went to point B pointed out by Wei Youyou on the map. Looking from a distance, he saw a large number of desert wolves gathering in the oasis.

The realm of these desert wolves is not low. Although they appear in the form of monsters at the moment, in fact they all have the ability to transform into human form.

Perhaps because of living in the Desert of Death, the Desert Wolf does not have the habit of transforming into a human being, and still appears in the form of a monster.

It's a good thing that Bayin Pavilion cares about ecological balance and didn't kill them all. Otherwise, these wolves living in the Death Desert would have been extinct long ago.

Chen Yang did not hide his whereabouts. He was discovered as soon as he arrived at the Desert Wolf's stronghold.

Thousands of desert wolves looked up at Chen Yang in the sky, their scarlet eyes full of fighting intent, and the sharp teeth exposed in their grins were stained with blood, looking very fierce.

Because Chen Yang was a second-level earth master, although the Desert Wolf was ferocious, it did not launch an attack.

The law of wolf siege has no effect under the suppression of absolute power.

"Hmph, Bayin Pavilion is as arrogant as ever, and it only sends cultivators like you here."

A desert wolf rose into the sky, snorted coldly, and flew towards Chen Yang very quickly. Powerful demonic energy and star energy swept across the world with a fierce momentum.

Just as the other party rose into the air, Chen Yang saw that the desert wolf was still holding a woman who was still alive.

These desert wolves not only kill, they also eat people.

Chen Yang's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and without hesitation, he immediately pointed a starlight and attacked the incoming desert wolf.

This desert wolf is one of the so-called five fierce men under the Wolf King, and has reached the level of a second-level earth master.

At this moment, when he saw Chen Yang attacking with a snap of his fingers, a look of disdain appeared on his face.

But when Xingguang was released, his complexion changed. He quickly tried to escape, but it was too late.


The desert wolf was killed, and the group of desert wolves in the stronghold below who were expecting Chen Yang to be eaten were all stunned at this moment. They didn't expect that the leader would be killed as soon as they met him.

They came back to their senses and realized how powerful and terrifying this human was, and they all started to retreat.

Chen Yang did not pursue, and his eyes fell on a temporary iron prison, where many humans from the Geto Oasis were imprisoned, and they were all looking at him expectantly.

The desert wolf guarding the iron prison had already fled. Chen Yang flew down and easily broke through the formation of the iron prison, freeing everyone inside.

"Thank you for saving me."

"My benefactor, thank you!"

"Thank God, we were finally saved."

The people imprisoned by the desert wolf all thought they had a chance to become food in the mouth of the desert wolf. At this moment, they were very excited to escape from death.

Among them was a sturdy young man who squeezed out from the crowd and said to Chen Yang, "My dear friend, I have something to tell you."

Chen Yang, who was about to escort everyone back, looked at the young man and asked, "What's going on?"

"My name is Chaicuo."

The young man held up his hand to Chen Yang, and then said: "I understand some demon language. I heard from those desert wolves that this attack on our Geduo Oasis was not initiated by them, but was ordered by others."

"Other people's orders?"

Chen Yang looked puzzled. As far as he knew, there were currently no other forces or cultivators in the Death Desert except Bayin Pavilion, Desert Wolf, and ordinary residents of the oasis. Who would order the Desert Wolf?

Chai Cuo said: "The desert wolf you just killed was the leader of this group of wolves. I heard him talking to others and called the mastermind behind the desert wolf Tianhan."

"Cold weather?"

Chen Yang became more and more confused and said seriously: "Chai Cuo, if you know any other information, tell me."

Chai Cuo said: "Tianhan is very powerful. When the Desert Wolf talks about it, he is very afraid of it. However, Tianhan seems to have promised something to the Desert Wolf, so the Desert Wolf will obey his orders. Moreover, Tianhan is now Just around the Gedo Oasis.”

Chen Yang pondered: "Since Tianhan is around, why doesn't he show up? Moreover, since Tianhan is a strong man, why does he want to rely on the power of the desert wolf instead of doing it himself? Also, why does he want to attack Ge How oasis?”

Chai Cuo shook his head blankly: "I don't know about that."

Chen Yang thought for a moment, then asked Lu Feishang to come out of the small world of Fury of the Sky, explained the current situation, and ordered: "You escort them back, and I will capture a desert wolf and question them."

Lu and Fei took orders and immediately escorted the rescued humans back.

Chen Yang glanced at the direction in which the desert wolf was escaping, used the Law of Scenery, maximized his speed, and chased after him.

He captured several desert wolves one after another, but failed to get the information he wanted.

"It seems that, except for a few desert wolves such as the leader, the other desert wolves do not know that there is someone behind the scenes."

Chen Yang changed his target and focused on one of the first-level Earth Master's desert wolves. He chased after him and quickly captured him.

"Since it falls into your hands, just kill me!"

The Desert Wolf was very tough and stared at Chen Yang with no intention of giving in.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Tell me, who is Tianhan?"

Hearing this, the Desert Wolf's expression changed slightly, then he shook his head and sneered: "Hmph, even if you kill me, I won't tell you who Tianhan is. Although you have the upper hand now, you will be killed by Tianhan sooner or later. Even Bayin Pavilion will be threatened by Tianhan in the future."

"It's not up to you to say it or not."

Chen Yang's eyes changed, and the five-colored glass light shone as he looked into the Desert Wolf's eyes.

The Desert Wolf, who had been strong just now, suddenly lost his self-awareness, slumped on the ground, and looked at Chen Yang dully.

Chen Yang asked again: "Who is Tianhan?"

The Desert Wolf replied dully: "I don't know either."

Chen Yang frowned slightly: "Then what do you know?"

"He's in the storm," Desert Wolf said.


Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered Wei Zhaolin's reminder before setting off that the most dangerous thing was not the desert wolf, but the storm.

Now combined with the secrets revealed by the Desert Wolf, it is obvious that there is something unusual about the storm.

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