Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5926 Green Shadow

Du Qizheng wondered: "Although this formation will have an effect on the target's similar bloodline, it does not prove that the 'phantom' formation is designed to target our desert wolf group?"

Chen Yang said: "The 'Ten Evils Suppressing Evil Formation' is very strong, at least it will be used to deal with strong men above the Star Master. Do you think that 'Huan' will use such a formation to deal with the Desert Wolf?" Therefore, I think this formation is to seal other demon clans, and you desert wolves are implicated."

"It's okay to be implicated..."

Du Qizheng frowned and said in confusion: "But as far as I know, there has never been a powerful monster clan in the entire Death Desert.

Not to mention, if we are going to be implicated by the 'Ten Evils Suppressing Formation', then the demons suppressed by the seal must be of wolf bloodline.

But I have never heard of the legend of a powerful demon clan with wolf blood here. "

Chen Yang analyzed: "Perhaps the powerful monster clan was suppressed by the 'illusion' seal before he showed his fame in the Desert of Death."

Du Qizheng thought for a moment and nodded: "It is indeed possible."

He asked Chen Yang again: "Then what should we do now, should we break the formation or what?"

Chen Yang showed a solemn look on his face and said: "I don't know if the demon clan suppressed by the seal of the Ten Evils Suppressing Formation is good or bad.

If I break the formation now, the desert wolf group will indeed be free and leave the desert of death.

But if the powerful demon clan man escapes, it may bring about huge disasters.

Moreover, that powerful demon clan is under the ground. When he comes out, I wonder if he will kill us. "

Du Qizheng frowned and said: "Judging from the various methods of 'illusion', he doesn't look like an evil heretic, so the monsters he suppressed below are most likely evil people. However, this is only my one-sided understanding after all. . Moreover, if we really save the powerful demon clan, he won’t kill us no matter what, right?”

"It's really unpredictable."

Chen Yang fell into deep thought and analyzed: "There are only a few cruel, vicious and murderous people in this world. I think if I save the demon clan sealed below, he won't kill me."

Chen Yang's eyes flashed, he glanced at Du Qizheng, and said, "Besides, since I promised you that if I find the main rune, I will help you break the curse. Naturally, I can't break my promise just because I'm in trouble now."

Du Qizheng looked grateful. He and the entire desert wolf clan had been looking forward to leaving the Death Desert for a long time.

However, after cracking the runes and releasing the powerful monster, it would be okay if he was killed. At least the desert wolf group could be free, but if Chen Yang didn't kill him, how could his conscience be at ease.

After hesitating for a moment, Du Qizheng said to Chen Yang: "We'd better think about it carefully before deciding whether to break the formation, otherwise..."

"That's it, let's break the formation now."

Chen Yang's eyes narrowed and he jumped into the "Ten Evils Suppression Formation".

Seeing this, Du Qizheng was shocked and said hurriedly: "Mr. Chen, what are you doing?"

"Since I agree to you, then I will naturally help your desert wolves break the curse. Hehe, and I also want to see what the demon clan sealed here by the 'phantom' will look like."

Chen Yang laughed and started to break the formation.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Lao Li was extremely surprised.

He knew Chen Yang's character. Although he was hot-blooded, he was not reckless and had thoughtful thoughts.

The situation at this moment is obviously not suitable for breaking the formation.

After all, no one knows what is under the Ten Evils Suppressing Formation. If a ferocious demon power is released, no one present can survive. Moreover, it will bring endless disasters to the Zhonghao world.

"Chen Yang, are you crazy?" Lao Li asked loudly.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "My intuition tells me that we can break the formation. Sometimes, we should also trust our intuition."

"When did you become an intuitive person?" Lao Li was anxious for a while and wanted to persuade Chen Yang, but Chen Yang was already concentrating on breaking the formation and could not be distracted.

The "Ten Evils Suppression Formation" is very powerful, and with Chen Yang's level, it is very difficult to break it.

However, this formation itself has a loophole. It is composed of countless puzzle pieces. Chen Yang only needs to find a breakthrough.

This seems a bit strange to Lao Li.

"Illusion" is very capable, and no matter what, it shouldn't leave such a loophole.

Then, there is only one possibility, that is, "Huan" deliberately left a loophole, waiting for others to break the formation and release the monsters sealed under the "Ten Evil Suppression Formation".

"Could it be that the sealed monster clan is the servant left by 'Huan' to Chen Yang?"

Lao Li made a bold guess, but he felt it was impossible.

Du Qizheng, who was standing outside the formation, was frightened and didn't know what the final result would be.

Time passed quickly, and half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

The "Ten Evils Suppressing Formation" was too complicated. Even if Chen Yang just broke through one piece of the puzzle, it would still take a lot of time.

The main reason is that his soul is not strong enough.

After another full day, Chen Yang finally cracked the formation.

He spent a lot of energy, sweating profusely, and was weak. He hurriedly retreated to the range outside the formation runes, panting.

"Are you okay?" Du Qizheng hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Chen Yang waved his hand, but before he could speak, suddenly, the entire secret cave shook violently.

Pieces of gravel fell, as if the secret cave might collapse at any time.

Then, the puzzle pieces on the ground moved, and then shrank to both sides, revealing a cave.


A group of green shadows suddenly shot up from the cave. Before Chen Yang could see clearly, the green shadow sank into the top of the stone house in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

Although it was fleeting, in this moment, Chen Yang sensed powerful energy fluctuations, which were definitely not inferior to Ku Xuan.

In other words, Green Shadow's strength is at least that of the Ninth Level Star Lord.

Such a powerful demon clan was actually suppressed and sealed here by "Huan". What is his origin, and why did "Huan" seal him?

"Did he just leave?"

Chen Yang looked up at the top of the stone roof. The huge earthquake just now had gradually subsided, and it soon became as if nothing had happened and everything was calm as usual.

However, the green shadow flashed and disappeared for an instant, and the terrifying pressure it brought to Chen Yang would be something he would never forget in his lifetime.

Moreover, Chen Yang was very curious about the origin of the powerful demon clan, but now he didn't know any information.

"what a pity."

Chen Yang shook his head and murmured softly.

But at this moment, suddenly, a green shadow jumped out from the top. Before Chen Yang and Du Qizheng could react, it was in front of them, and then suddenly stopped.

Chen Yang and Du Qizheng reflexively wanted to retreat, but strangely, their bodies lost control and could not move.

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