Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5954 Strange Light

"The ability to escape is top-notch!"

Li Xu couldn't break through the light barrier. She looked at Chen Yang's back and murmured in a low voice. Because Chen Yang didn't come to rescue her, she was still trapped and felt even more resentful in her heart.

But in her opinion, Chen Yang was about to be killed.

With Chen Yang's strength, he definitely couldn't stop Yang Ming and others.

At this time, Yang Ming and Luo Chaoren had already pounced on Chen Yang's back and launched attacks at the same time.

Chen Yang stood at the door of the stone house and found that except for the sword on the table, there were no other items. This place was not a so-called treasure house at all.

But he had seen the map, and the final guide was here. If the stone house was not a treasure house, then where was the treasure house?

"By the way, it takes five people to open the treasure house."

Chen Yang's heart moved and he looked around for formations, but found nothing.

Did you go wrong?

He thought for a moment and decided to take a look at the stone house first.

Although the stone house looks like a trap, it is his only plan at the moment.

However, the moment he took a step, two attacks came from behind. He immediately used the goggles method and reflected it into the stone house.


Two attacks landed on the stone house, the boulders shattered and exploded, and the stone house collapsed completely.

However, the material used to build the stone house was obviously unusual. Luo Chaoren and Yang Ming's magical powers did not completely destroy the entire stone house, but only caused it to collapse and shatter.

If it were an ordinary stone, it would inevitably turn into powder.

I saw that in the open-air stone house, the stone table on which the sword was placed was not damaged in any way. The ten-marked artifact sword was still placed on it, as if it was integrated with the stone table.

Apart from this, there are no other items.

At this time, Chen Yang was standing next to the stone table, planning to pick up the sword on the table.

"There is only one sword!"

Yang Ming looked disappointed. He thought he had found a treasure house and could harvest a large amount of treasures, but now he only had one sword, which was not enough to distribute.

Luo Chaoren reacted faster, swung his sword to attack Chen Yang, and said, "We can't let him run away."

Chen Yang glanced at Luo Chaoren, grabbed the sword on the table, and prepared to leave.

But the moment he touched the sword, suddenly, a dazzling light radiated from the sword, illuminating the entire huge cave.

The light was so dazzling that everyone present, even the Celestial Master, was so illuminated that they could not see anything at this moment.

Even the soul was affected and felt that the surroundings were chaotic.


Loud noises came from deeper underground.

Then, the ground shook violently, as if it had turned into a turbulent sea, with undulating waves that made it difficult to stand firm.

Strong energy fluctuations came from below. Although there was no sense of crisis, it made Chen Yang uneasy.

He planned to fly into the air, but found that the sword in his hand was so heavy that he could not pick it up, even with the help of star energy.

He had no choice but to give up his sword and immediately rose into the air, keeping a distance from the ground.

Under the illumination of the light, his spirit was hindered, and he had no idea what was going on around him.

He looked wary, worried that someone beside him might be Luo Chaoren or Yang Mingzhong.

"What's going on? What happened?"

The voice was not blocked by the light. Chen Yang could clearly hear it. The voice came from his left front and it was Tao Lexuan speaking.

Without hesitation, he pointed a starlight and attacked towards the left front.

There was no sound or crackle.

It seems that this starlight has failed.

"Something's wrong."

Chen Yang was sure that his judgment of the direction was correct. With his own strength, Tao Lexuan was absolutely unable to dodge or resist when he was completely defenseless.

Not to mention, there was no reaction when a starlight passed by.

Could it be that light can also swallow up energy?

Just when Chen Yang was confused, suddenly, a fierce pulling force came from below. Before Chen Yang could react, he felt his body spinning and falling downwards.

Chen Yang didn't know what was underneath.

Unknown things forced him to be cautious.

He immediately activated his star energy and flew upwards.

However, it had no effect.


Chen Yang secretly thought it was not good.

But who would have expected that in an instant, the dazzling light around him dissipated, and Chen Yang's feet fell to the ground.

There were no sudden attacks around, which made Chen Yang feel relieved a little, and he began to observe the surrounding environment and explore what happened just now.

The space we are in now is obviously not the cave before.

This is a thousand-meter-wide hall, and the floor is paved with bluestone slabs, indicating that it is man-made and not naturally formed.

The entire palace is a hundred meters high and has twelve huge stone pillars with some runes carved on them. They are very mysterious and simple, but they are no longer effective.

In front of Chen Yang, the ground was a large stone slab five meters square.

On top of the stone slab is the stone table that was seen in the stone house before. The sword is still placed on it, and its position has not even moved.

"what happened?"

Chen Yang frowned and reached for the sword on the table.

This time, the sword was no longer heavy and he picked it up easily without any effort.

But after getting the sword, Chen Yang took a look and realized that the so-called ten-marked artifact was fake at all, just an appearance.

"Is the purpose to lure me into the stone house?"

Chen Yang looked thoughtful, his eyes fell on the stone table, and he found that the stone table was connected to the bluestone slab on the ground.

This is strange.

Just now, the stone table was connected to the uneven ground in the cave, and now it is connected to the flat stone slabs of the main hall. So how did the stone table change its position during the whole process?

Or is it that the space before and after is the same, everything around has changed, and the only things that have not changed are the stone table and the "sword"?


Suddenly, Chen Yang discovered that there was a groove on the surface of the stone table where the sword was originally placed.

The groove is about the size of a palm, and looks like a palm, but the fingers are not that long, and the palm is very large.

While Chen Yang was observing the groove, suddenly, the sound of footsteps came from the front of the hall.

Chen Yang looked up and found that Li Xu and Sunan, who were originally trapped in the light curtain, somehow escaped and appeared in front.

"Chen Yang!"

Li Xu and Sunan also saw Chen Yang, with surprise on their faces.

Then, they briefly looked at the surrounding environment, and then walked towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said with a smile: "Senior Sister Li, you are so lucky to get out of trouble."

"Don't think that because you are so good at escaping, I will recognize your strength. In my eyes, you are still an ordinary person! Moreover, you are cold-hearted and refuse to save me until death!"

Li Xu's words were completely inconsistent with what Chen Yang said, and she was completely expressing her dissatisfaction.

Su Nan followed her, looking submissive and saying nothing.

Chen Yang asked: "Sister Li, how did you get out of trouble?"

Li Xu did not answer, his eyes locked on the "sword" in Chen Yang's hand, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and he muttered: "Haha, God bless me, this only treasure fell into my hands after all."

She stretched out her hand to Chen Yang and said in a commanding tone: "Junior Brother Chen, give me the sword!"

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