Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5963 There are many mechanisms

"Don't you think you're cheap?"

Seeing Li Xu trying to touch the secret door again, Chen Yang laughed.

Li Xu's hand stopped, glanced at Chen Yang dissatisfied, took back his hand, and said, "Chen Yang, why are you targeting me everywhere?"

"Are you targeting me?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said, "I have tried my best to ignore you, but you are always asking for trouble. What does it have to do with me?"

Li Xu's expression changed, and he snorted softly: "Huh, I have to say that your goal has been achieved. I just realized at this moment that, unknowingly, I paid special attention to you."


Chen Yang's mouth twitched, a little confused.

Li Xu continued: "However, your own strength is still too weak, and I don't like you."

"Are you sick?"

Chen Yang was speechless for a while, too lazy to pay attention, and directly opened the secret door on the ground.

"If you scold me, I won't be angry. I have already seen through your plan."

Li Xu looked proud, glanced at the open secret door on the ground, and said, "You opened the secret door casually, but didn't let me do it. It's really interesting."

"Didn't you notice that I touched the mechanism next to me? Are you blind or are you blind?"

Chen Yang looked under the secret door and mocked Li Xu.

Li Xu was already immune. In her opinion, everything Chen Yang did was to attract her.

But when she turned around and saw that there was indeed a trap, she felt embarrassed.

"Is this the treasure?"

At this time, Chen Yang had already picked up a box in the secret door and placed it on the stone table.

The box is about half a meter wide, and I don't know what is inside.

The box also had a mechanism. After studying it for a while, Chen Yang successfully opened the box after cracking the mechanism.

The inner space of the box is only about the size of a palm. There is a spherical box, which is divided into six sides and twenty-six parts. The center is the axis, and each part can rotate around the central axis.

Various patterns are carved on the surface of the box, which seem to be regular.

"Isn't this the alien third-level Rubik's Cube?"

Chen Yang burst into laughter. This spherical Rubik's Cube was too easy for him to crack.

In just a few seconds, he restored the Rubik's Cube.

The lines at various locations are connected together, and the surface of the sphere forms a bell pattern.


The sphere broke open, and an iron block the size of a thumb fell out from the inside and landed on the stone table with a clang.

"It's not over yet?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but frown, picked up the cube iron block, and studied it.

Li Xu next to him was still wondering about the alien Rubik's Cube just now. After thinking for a while, he finally understood the principle.

At this time, Chen Yang had already opened the cube in his hand.

Inside the cube, there is a very small star stone, which has been carved into a spiritual ultimatum.

Usually, spiritual ultimatums use the lowest grade spiritual stone, but this spiritual ultimatum is small in size and it is not known how long it will be kept, so it uses a very small red star stone.

"Look, look, what's inside."

Li Xu looked excited. She believed that the contents in the spiritual ultimatum would solve all the mysteries in her heart.

Chen Yang held the spirit ultimatum in his hand, looked up at Li Xu who looked angry, and said: "Senior Sister Li, this is my harvest. You did nothing during the entire treasure hunt. You are not qualified to watch it with me." The contents of the spiritual ultimatum.”

Li Xu was stunned and said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Chen, you are going too far. It won't lead to..."

"You get out first, otherwise, I will take action."

Chen Yang said coldly, raising his hand and releasing three small crabs. He really didn't want to talk nonsense to Li Xu.

"You...Okay, Chen Yang, please remember this!"

Li Xu gritted his teeth, glanced at the three little crabs, turned around and walked out.

Little did she know that Chen Yang would be good for her by letting her leave.

Otherwise, if she continues to stay, the Demonic Music Box will definitely cause serious consequences to her.

There was no one else in the treasure house. At this time, Chen Yang opened the spiritual ultimatum.

Words floated out and read:

"Congratulations, you finally reached the end and unlocked all the mechanisms and formations.

Although I hope that the people who come here are my disciples of Bayin Pavilion.

But if you're not, I don't mind.

Let me first introduce myself briefly. I am Tao Qiuming, the founder of Bayin Pavilion.

This spiritual tablet is mainly left to tell you how to practice "Bayin Qianlong Town" and how to use the treasures I passed down.

Presumably, you have seen that white light source.

In fact, it was not a light source, but a music box, a music box that could produce mysterious tunes.

This music box, recorded in ancient books, is called the Demonic Music Box. It is a forged invention of the demons, and only they are immune to it.

However, I realized something from the rhythm of this devilish music box, and thus created "Bayin Qianlong Town". "

Seeing this, Chen Yang felt confused.

Tianhan emerged from his sleeves and said scornfully: "'Bayin Qianlong Town' is obviously adapted from 'Bayin Qianlong Bell', this guy is so shameless, he actually said that he created it himself."

Chen Yang continued to read.

""Bayin Qianlong Town" must be combined with the rhythm to practice.

People with outstanding talents can gain insights from various melodies through their own understanding and achieve breakthroughs.

But those who are not talented enough must use the magic music box to practice.

At first, I gave this music box to my apprentices.

But later I discovered that not everyone can bear it.

Two of my apprentices committed suicide, three apprentices went crazy, and the other apprentices also suffered varying degrees of damage.

So, I hid the music box here, just to prevent it from harming others.

But it's a treasure and I don't want it to gather dust forever.

Luckily, you found it.

But unfortunately, maybe you don't have enough ability to control it and understand it.

So, you have to make a choice.

First, leave directly and give up the magic music box;

Second, take away the music box and give it to the master of the Music Pavilion;

Third, use the magic music box to practice "Eight Music Qianlong Town".

Hope, you can make the right choice.

Of course, I won't laugh at you if you back down.

After all, even I almost fell into the hands of this weird music box back then.

Now, it's time for you to make a choice.

Choose to leave and just walk out of the stone house.

If you choose to submit it to the Music Pavilion, you will hold the magic music box with one hand.

Choose to practice and hold the magic music box with both hands.

Go ahead and trust your decision. "

Chen Yang has demon blood, so he doesn't have to worry about the harm from the music of the demon music box. Without hesitation, he grasped the spherical light source in the air with both hands.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The light source dimmed, and there was a rumble in the entire treasure house.

Chen Yang was horrified and thought to himself, "Is it possible that I fell into a trap?"

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