Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5972 Transaction


Upon hearing Chu Yao's message, Chu Tanghe showed contempt and disgust, and said coldly: "Chu Yao, your joining the Bayin Pavilion is a betrayal of the Chu family. Death is the ending you deserve!"

Chu Yao had a sad smile on her face, closed her eyes, and prepared to face death.

Before she died, she had three things to regret and blame herself for.

First, he failed to fulfill his mother's last wish and bury the chain of heroic souls in the joint tomb of his parents;

Secondly, he was unable to tell his clan members Chu Tanghe’s true identity and worried about the future of the Chu family;

Third, Chen Yang was implicated and put into danger.


There was a loud bang.

Chu Yao thought that she would be shattered to pieces, but to her surprise, she did not feel any energy impact or any pain.

"It's strange. I can't resist Third Grandpa's power. Why am I unscathed?"

Chu Yao was confused. When she opened her eyes, she found a person standing in front of her.

Due to conditioned thinking, she thought someone else appeared and saved her.

But when she took a closer look, she found that the person standing in front of her and blocking Chu Tanghe's attack was actually Chen Yang.


Chu Yao exclaimed, unable to believe what she saw.

Chen Yang opened his right hand, and a two-meter-wide palm shadow blocked the diffuse energy. He and Chu Yao were unharmed after hiding behind the palm shadow.

Although Chu Tanghe's starlight was powerful, it could not shake Chen Yang's palm shadow in the slightest.

You must know that Chu Tanghe is a Saint Master. Although he did not use all his strength, the star energy just now was enough to kill the Celestial Master below the sixth level.

However, Chen Yang resisted easily.

He was only a first-level heavenly master, and the power he displayed was too terrifying.

This talent and strength can no longer be described as genius.

Before this, Chu Yao had always thought that Chen Yang could only show extraordinary combat power with the help of external forces such as small crabs and ten-marked talismans.

Only then did she realize that her previous perceptions were wrong.

"It turns out...it turns out that he is so powerful..."

Chu Yao said with a tongue-tied tongue.


Seeing Chen Yang's sudden attack, Chu Tanghe initially felt disdainful, but unexpectedly he blocked his own attack. He was also shocked.

He didn't take this cultivator of the first level of heavenly master seriously at all.

After all, compared with him, Chen Yang's realm was simply not good enough.

However, the power Chen Yang showed not only surprised him, but also attracted his attention.

He looked at Chen Yang and said in a deep voice: "A first-level Heavenly Master can block my attack. It seems that you are a genius disciple in the Eight Sound Pavilion. You are many times more talented than my grandniece. However, I know quite a bit about the disciples of Bayin Pavilion, and it seems that there is no one like you. Boy, who are you?"

Chen Yang put away his palms, raised his hands and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "Junior Chen Yang."

"Yao'er is very kind to you. She almost died just now, and she tried her best to send a message asking me to let you go."

Chu Tanghe sneered.

Chen Yang looked back at Chu Yao. He was deeply aware of this girl's kindness.

He withdrew his gaze and said to Chu Tanghe: "Senior, I think you may have some misunderstandings about the whole thing."

"Are you saying this to let me let you go?"

Chu Tanghe smiled disdainfully and said: "Boy, considering that you are a first-level Heavenly Master, the strength you just showed is shocking to the past. Even in the history of Zhonghao Realm, I have never heard of such a genius. . However, this is not the reason for me to let you go. What's more, letting you live will cause endless troubles for me. So, no matter what, you must die."

Although Chu Yao was shocked by Chen Yang, she also believed that Chen Yang had reached his limit and could never compete with Chu Tanghe.

She stood up, bowed deeply to Chu Tanghe and said, "Third Grandpa, I know I can't argue with you, I will definitely die. But I hope you can let Junior Brother Chen go, he is innocent."

"Yao'er, are you showing your kindness?"

Chu Tanghe snorted coldly, pointed at Chen Yang, and said, "If I let him go, will he let me go in the future?"

Chu Yao turned to Chen Yang and said, "Junior Brother Chen, please..."

Chen Yang interrupted Chu Yao's words and said with a helpless smile: "Senior Sister Chu, this senior has not promised to let me go yet."

"It's better that you understand."

Chu Tanghe observed Chen Yang, with a gleam in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Young man, you were so talented that it is a pity that you died like this. However, I can give you a chance to live, as long as you send Xun Tian Swear to be loyal to me from now on, and I will not kill you. When I get the power in the Chain of Heroic Souls and become a Star Lord, if you follow me, your talent will not be insulted."

"Senior, I definitely don't want to follow you."

Chen Yang shook his head with a firm tone.

Hearing this, Chu Tanghe's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he said: "Then you should understand that I will never let go of a potential threat like you."

"Of course I understand that."

Chen Yang nodded, and then said: "So, I want to make a deal with you."


Chu Tanghe raised his eyebrows and sneered: "What kind of deal? Is what you gave me more valuable than the Chain of Heroic Souls? I have waited for many years and finally found the Chain of Heroic Souls, and I don't want to cause any complications. So, what do you mean? Let’s forget about the deal.”

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Senior, aren't you interested in Tao Qiuming's inheritance?"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Tanghe and Chu Yao's expressions changed slightly.

Tao Qiuming, as the founder of Bayin Pavilion, is a powerful Star Lord and a famous presence in the entire Zhonghao world.

Moreover, although he is the master of Bayin Pavilion, he also has a high status in the Tao family and is a high-level core member.

In other words, his inheritance definitely includes not only the Star Secret of Bayin Pavilion, but also some secrets of the Tao family.

There is very little information about Tao Qiuming now, but there is no doubt that after thousands of years, his strength is definitely much stronger than when he first established the Bayin Pavilion.

If you can get his inheritance, even if you can't reach his level, it will definitely not be bad.

Therefore, no matter whether they are Bayin Pavilion disciples or others, no one cares about Tao Qiuming's inheritance.

Even Chu Tanghe, who thought he would become a Star Master, could not resist such a temptation.

What's more, Chu Tanghe has always regarded Bayin Pavilion as his opponent, and even fantasized about defeating Tao Qiuming after becoming a Star Lord.

If you get Tao Qiuming's inheritance, even if you don't practice, you can at least know yourself and the enemy.

Therefore, after hearing Chen Yang's words, Chu Tanghe was immediately moved.

He focused his gaze and said to Chen Yang: "Where is Tao Qiuming's inheritance? How did you know? Since you know, why don't you go find it yourself and instead stay here?"

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