Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5995 The most complicated thing is people

After listening to Chu Yao's explanation, Chen Yang said: "So, the star map test has no limit on realm, which is fair."

"indeed so."

Chu Yao nodded and said: "But the rules are slightly different from the first round. In the star map test, more people will be eliminated. In the end, only 60 people can advance to the next round."

After the first round of star energy strength testing, there are still just over a hundred people left.

If 60 people advance, more than 40 people will be eliminated, which is much crueler than the first round.

So this round, most of the disciples participating in the battle felt nervous.

Because if you are not careful, you will be eliminated.

"Jiaocheng, Douyun."

Tao Yuanchao directly announced the start of the test without explaining the rules, and named a disciple from Jiaocheng.

The noisy scene soon became quiet, and everyone's eyes fell on Dou Yun, waiting for him to start the test.

Dou Yun flew into the air and landed next to the map. Tao Yuanchao gave an order and placed his hand on the lower edge of the map, releasing star energy.

The star energy was released from his palm and extended upward along the line at the bottom of the map, lighting up the originally black road and turning it into a deep blue color.

Immediately afterwards, the lighted part of the map was projected, and a three-dimensional map was constructed ten meters above the map.

As the star energy released by Dou Yun continues to extend, the projected three-dimensional map continues to expand, with roads, rivers, and mountain peaks all appearing.

There was a rushing sound in the river;

There are cars and horses running on the road, raising dust all over the sky;

There are birds chirping and apes chirping in the mountain peaks, and the sea of ​​clouds covers them...

The projected three-dimensional map has the feeling of a small world. If it were not for the monotonous color of the blue star energy, it would be more like reality.

Chen Yang admired the scenery on the three-dimensional map and pondered: "Is this all drawn by stars?"

No one answered his question, everyone was paying attention to the changes in the map.

Li Xu, who was sitting next to him, turned to look at him and hesitated to speak.

After a moment of silence, Li Xu finally said: "The three-dimensional map in the sky was indeed drawn by Dou Yun based on the map.

This is similar to star energy drawing, but it is an animated drawing, and it has to resist the resistance of the map while maintaining stability, so it is difficult.

And as the map continues to be activated, the animations in the sky increase and become more complex, requiring strong spiritual consciousness and star power control to maintain them.

If the cultivator's control is slightly insufficient or distracted, a certain part of the three-dimensional map collapses, and the test is over. "

Seeing that Li Xu patiently explained to him, Chen Yang looked at Li Xu in surprise, then cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much."

Li Xu nodded lukewarmly and looked back at the map.

Although she didn't want to admit it, after Chen Yang's performance in the first round, she really looked at Chen Yang with admiration, and her previous contempt and disdain was gone.

The three-dimensional map gradually expands, and as it extends toward the top of the map, the complexity of the three-dimensional map is quite amazing.

Roads, mountains, and rivers are relatively simple and can be controlled.

However, when the light on the map reached a village, the continuously constructed three-dimensional map finally stopped.

Dou Yun had a solemn look on his face and tried his best to control his star energy, but with little success.

That small village is just a small dot on the map, but when activated to construct a three-dimensional map, there are various houses and various villagers.

If it is a free construction, Dou Yun will definitely succeed.

But obviously the resistance of the map was too strong. Dou Yun only built a few houses and a dozen people, but it was difficult to support him.

Blah blah blah...

The sound of raging water sounded, and the first thing to collapse was not the village, but a certain river.

On the three-dimensional map in the sky, the river broke, and the flowing blue water poured down, turning into a waterfall and washing over the map below.

Then, the stars that construct the three-dimensional map turn into particles, floating above the map like blue fireflies.


Dou Yun sighed, with a look of regret on his face. He felt that he could do better, but because he did not care about other parts of the map, the star power was unstable and the three-dimensional map eventually collapsed.

He raised his head and looked at the sky above the map. The floating star energy particles gradually condensed to form a number "twenty-three".

In other words, Dou Yun's completion of the map is 23%.

This score seemed pretty good. Dou Yun breathed a sigh of relief and flew back to his seat with a smile on his face.

Next, the participating disciples were tested one by one.

Most people's scores are between twenty and thirty, and few people exceed thirty.

Someone can build that village successfully.

But about thirty percent of the map, the route passes through a small town.

The complexity of the town is much greater than that of the village.

Because there is a market town in this small town, it is necessary to build many vendors and maintain stability.

Most of the disciples were blocked here, unable to completely construct the town and proceed to the next route.

As long as half of the town can be built, you can get more than thirty points.

If all construction is completed, the score will directly reach thirty-three points.

It can be seen that the most difficult part of the map is not the map, but the people.

People are the most complicated.

Chen Yang glanced at the 100-meter long and wide map and thought to himself: "The rivers and mountains can be ignored. At most, once we reach the back, the resistance of the map increases, making it a little difficult.

The most difficult parts of the entire map are nine villages, four towns, and two cities.

These places where humans live together are small and large dots on the map, but when constructed into a three-dimensional map, they are completely different.

If the map had no resistance, it would not be so easy to build such a large dynamic map.

Against resistance, it's easy to lose control and cause the map to collapse.

Moreover, as the map is constructed later, the resistance will obviously continue to increase, strengthen, and have a disruptive effect, which makes it even more difficult.

It seems that it is not easy for me to reach 100 points.

However, this test is quite conscious.

Maybe, I can give it a try and get a perfect score. "

Watching others test, Chen Yang set his goal at perfect scores.

"Thirty-seven points, this is the highest score so far. He conquered that town and built rivers and mountains."

In the crowd, someone suddenly shouted.

Chen Yang was pulled back from his thoughts and looked at a male disciple next to the map.

He remembered that when Tao Yuanchao announced just now, this male disciple was the second-level heavenly master of Shangcheng, named Sun Zhou.

Thirty-seven points, to ordinary people, seems to be a very high score, which attracted cheers.

Sun Zhou had a proud look on his face. His performance in the first round was not outstanding, but he felt elated and flew back to his seat.

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