Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5997 Doubt

The Demon Town is huge, comparable to a small city.

However, the building structure here is relatively simple, and there is no planting or animal husbandry, so the environment is relatively simple.

The difficulty is that there are many kinds of monsters with different behaviors.

At this time, Luo Chaoren's star power control was obviously not enough, and the three-dimensional map in the sky kept fluctuating, hovering on the edge of collapse.

Luo Chaoren did not give up. Big beads of sweat appeared on his head. The number of monsters in the monster town was slowly increasing.

However, the star energy lines that construct the demon race often appear chaotic.

This is caused by the resistance of the map, which not only hinders the release of star energy, but also destroys the operation of star energy and causes star energy distortion.

After a while, only one-tenth of the Demon Town was built.

If this progress continues, Luo Chaoren may not be able to complete the construction of the entire demon town in just one hour.

Although there is only one tenth of the demon town, the number of demon clans in it is already up to hundreds, and there are more than thirty kinds of demon clans, involving various forms and attributes.

It is not a simple matter just to build a demon clan with the energy of the stars in the sky and simulate the demon clan's actions, let alone such a large number.

At this time, Luo Chaoren's movements stalled again.

Everyone thought it would be difficult for Luo Chaoren to move forward, but when the map continued to be constructed, they realized that Luo Chaoren had changed his strategy.

Whether it was Luo Chaoren or other disciples, every time they built a map before, they had to completely build the scenes and characters on the map.

But this time, Luo Chaoren first structured the houses, roads, objects, etc. in the demon town.

Soon, the size of the entire demon town was revealed.

Then, he built the demon clan.

This seemed to relieve some pressure on him, and the speed was a little faster than before.

After a full hour, finally, the entire demon town was completed, with thousands of demon clans living in it, each doing their own thing and lifelike.

Luo Chaoren was sweating profusely. The process of building the entire demon town cost him a lot.

But he doesn't plan to end his test yet, continue to control the star energy, activate the routes on the map, and build a three-dimensional map.

However, after advancing for a certain distance, he finally reached his limit.

Although it was not too difficult to build roads and mountains, the huge resistance and disturbance prevented him from stabilizing the star energy.

Moreover, ensuring the stable operation of Demon Town requires continuous star power control output.

The three-dimensional map collapsed and turned into particles of star energy, which then gathered together to reveal the number "forty-two".

Luo Chaoren's final score was 42 points. He completed 42% of the entire map, which was much higher than Sun Zhou, who had the previous highest score.

"Forty-two points!"

Luo Chaoren looked at the numbers in front of him, with a satisfied smile on his face, turned around, and flew back to the clouds in the sky with high spirits.

Before Tao Yuanchao could announce the result, the audience burst into enthusiastic cheers.

In this battle on the clouds, the appearance of the two dark horses, Chen Yang and Luo Chaoren, made the watching disciples thoroughly addicted.

Luo Chaoren, in particular, has washed away the shame of the past. No one will say that he is a mediocre person relying on Tao Yingbing anymore, and he has gained many fans.

This made Luo Chaoren very excited.

Returning to his seat, he did not sit down immediately. Instead, he looked at Chen Yang and said in a deep voice: "Junior brother Chen, I wonder how high your score can be? If you can cheat on star power control, I can too. Convinced."

Seeing Luo Chaoren provoking Chen Yang here, everyone was puzzled and wondered what kind of grudge the two had that made Luo Chaoren so tit-for-tat.

Little did they know, what happened in Thousand Stone Forest was just the trigger.

The relationship between Chen Yang and Chu Yao is the main reason why Luo Chaoren provokes Chen Yang at this moment.

Seeing Luo Chaoren's complacency, Chen Yang smiled and said, "Senior Brother Luo, you are so flamboyant, aren't you afraid that I will expose you?"

Luo Chaoren said solemnly: "I have a clear conscience. I don't know what you are talking about."

He was sure that Chen Yang would not tell anything about what happened in Thousand Stone Forest. Even if he told it, Chen Yang would not have enough evidence.

And he, Li Xu, Yang Ming and others had already reconciled their confessions. If Chen Yang dared to attack, he could completely defeat him.

As for the cheating matter, he had not thought of it at all, and Chen Yang could not know about it.


Chen Yang smiled jokingly and ignored Luo Chaoren.

"I'm waiting to see your good show."

Luo Chaoren sat down and said coldly.

The test continued. Originally, according to the realm, Chen Yang should be ranked first, but according to the previous rules of the Battle on the Cloud, the order of the test remained the same as the first round.

Therefore, Chen Yang is still the final test.

Lin Hanfeng, Huang Lilin and other geniuses from various cities have taken the test successively, and their results are quite good, better than Sun Zhou.

But Sun Zhou was a second-level heavenly master, and they were a third-level master.

Although in the star power control test, the resistance and disruption of the map will change according to the realm, and the test results have little to do with the realm, the realm will have an impact after all.

After all, people with high realms must have higher abilities and foundation in using star energy.

After Lin Hanfeng and others tested it, Luo Chaoren was even more proud.

Because no one's achievements surpassed his.

Lin Hanfeng, who came in second place, also failed to complete the construction of Demon Town. In the end, he only scored 39 points and was ridiculed by Luo Chaoren.

Soon, except for Chen Yang, Lu Shengfu, and Chu Yao, all the other disciples had completed the test.

So far, Luo Chaoren remains first.

His reputation reached its peak, and many disciples were talking about him.

But the top management of Bayin Pavilion turned from their initial appreciation and surprise into doubts.

Luo Chaoren kept his secrets, and this time the battle on the cloud suddenly broke out, the whole thing seemed too weird.

After all, Luo Chaoren has never had any amazing deeds happen in Bayin Pavilion for so many years. Is it possible that he has been holding back?

Tao Minheng, Sun You and others all thought it was impossible.

Because Luo Chaoren's character is very public.

So, what happened recently that gave Luo Chaoren a huge improvement?

Could it be that Tao Yingbing used banned drugs to cheat on Luo Chaoren?

What kind of banned drug is it that even they can't detect at all?

"Yincheng, Lu Shengfu."

Tao Yuanchao's words brought everyone's thoughts back.

Finally, it was the turn of the chief disciple Lu Shengfu.

As the first player in the first round of testing, everyone is looking forward to his results.

Although Luo Chaoren's performance was almost perfect, most people still believed that no one could surpass Lu Shengfu and he was still the strongest.

"Haha, the highest score is only forty-three. I want you to know how big the gap is between you and me, Lu Shengfu."

Lu Shengfu thought to himself, a confident smile appeared on his lips, and he slowly landed next to the map. Without Tao Yuanchao announcing the start, he had already put his hand on the map.

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