Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6039 Super High Odds

Seeing Luo Chaoren proudly mocking Chen Yang, Chu Yao and Lin Hanfeng felt completely disgusted with this man.

Luo Chaoren perfectly interprets the word "villain succeeds".

Facing Luo Chaoren's sarcasm, Chen Yang smiled noncommittally and said, "Congratulations to Senior Brother Luo for finally finding his own goal and organization, and becoming an unscrupulous bastard."

Luo Chaoren sneered and said: "Chen Yang, it's useless what you say now. Even if I become the stubborn young master's henchman, it's better than you being a dead man. It's just a pity that Tao Yuanhao will not stay in Beijing for the sake of face. You will be tortured on the cloud platform. Therefore, you should be happy that if you die in the hands of others, you can at least die cleanly. If it were me, your life would be worse than death."

"Life is worse than death, I remember this sentence."

Chen Yang nodded solemnly, and then said with a smile: "I will return this word to you in the future. I hope you won't regret it when the time comes."

"Extremely stupid."

Luo Chaoren was not angry. In his eyes, everything Chen Yang said was just a struggle before death and would only make him laugh.

He walked towards the Bayin Courtyard and said: "I want to take away the resources that belong to me, and then go to the stubborn young master to accept better resources and conditions. And you..."

Luo Chaoren's eyes paused on Chu Yao and said, "If you figure it out, you can come to me."

"Stop your narcissism."

Chu Yao replied lightly to Luo Chaoren, stepped forward and said, "Junior Brother Chen, Junior Brother Lin, let's go. There are still many people in Beiyuntai waiting to see the battle. Don't let them down."

"of course not."

Chen Yang smiled and nodded, and the three of them walked away, leaving Luo Chaoren standing alone at the door.

"Arrogant guy, you will be killed by Tao Yuanhao."

With a sinister look on his face, Luo Chaoren immediately entered the Bayin Courtyard, took the resources he had distributed before, and then went straight to Beiyuntai.

"Chen Yang, I was going to shine in the Battle of Yunshang, but you made me embarrassed. Now, your retribution has come. The only pity is that you did not die in my hands."

Luo Chaoren said harshly, feeling excited at the thought of Chen Yang's imminent death.

Beiyuntai is located 10,000 meters inside the north gate of the City on the Clouds.

Of course, Beiyuntai is not in the city, but in the sky, about a thousand meters high, and formed by a cloud several kilometers long and wide.

The clouds are dense, but after the Beiyuntai is turned on, the clouds will become sparse and transparent, allowing people standing in the city to watch the battle.

Of course, there is no air ban in the City Above the Clouds. If you want to see it more clearly, you can fly up to it.

And around Beiyuntai, there are stands made of clouds, which require tickets to sit.

These expensive seats have already been sold out.

Behind the stands, many people stood in the air, it could be described as a sea of ​​​​people.

This battle has undoubtedly become the focus of everyone's attention recently.

This is also one of the few open battles that can be seen, and it is a battle at the level of a heavenly master.

Of course, this is not the main reason that attracts everyone.

After all, in everyone's eyes, Tao Yuanhao is higher than Chen Yang's sixth level, and he will definitely become the winner in the end.

Therefore, there is little point in watching the battle.

The reason why so many people came was because Baoqingfang, the largest gambling house in the city, was open for business, and many people participated in betting, so everyone was willing to come and watch the battle in order to get first-hand information about the battle situation and results.

In other words, 90% of the people watching the game at this moment are gamblers.

In this battle that has been decided, the odds are very different.

Tao Yuanhao's odds are 1:1.0001.

Chen Yang's odds are 1:1,000,000.

The minimum bet amount is one thousand red star stones.

Because they firmly believed that Tao Yuanhao would win, many people bet their entire fortune on the chance to win the spirit stone.

But even so, because the odds are so low, they won't get much in the end.

As for Chen Yang, the odds are high, but no one believes he will win.

If you can bet one or two red star stones for fun, you may be willing to participate in this entertainment, but at worst you will lose one or two red star stones.

But because the minimum bet amount is one thousand red star stones, almost no one is willing to spend one thousand red star stones to make a fool of himself.

So in the end, the total number of people who bet on Chen Yang only amounted to twelve thousand red star stones, consisting of a total of twelve bets.

In other words, among hundreds of thousands of people, only twelve people bet on Chen Yang.

When everyone discussed this matter, they all thought that those twelve people were extremely stupid. Betting on Chen Yang was equivalent to giving the red star stone to the gambling house.

But since Tao Yuanhao is sure to win, why is the gambling house still open?

After everyone talked about it, they thought that the gambling house had been eating human blood, and this time they finally showed some kindness and decided to give everyone some benefits.

However, because the odds are too low, although the gambling house's losses are large, they are not huge.

Even if you lose, the gambling house will not feel sad.

But what if someone gets a taste of it and continues to gamble in the future?

So for the gambling house, it is a big profit.

Therefore, everyone admires the gambling house's foresight in setting up this gambling game. It can't lose much, but it can attract a large number of customers and has a long history.

At this moment, in a booth in the front row on the south side of Beiyuntai, there were three people from Baoqingfang talking.

"Second brother, are you sure your information is correct? Chen Yang really defeated Lu Shengfu, who is comparable to a sixth-level heavenly master, and did so with ease?"

A man with a lean face and a mustache said to his younger brother who looked very similar to him.

The second head of Baoqingfang chuckled and said: "This news, I don't know why, was blocked by the family's senior officials. But I happened to pass by and got the news, and I guarantee that the information is correct. Let's see now, whether Chen Yang can defeat Tao Yuanhao. In my opinion, there is at least a 70% certainty."

The third master of Baoqingfang said: "If Chen Yang wins, we will gain an astronomical amount of gambling money. Even if we lose to those twelve people, there will still be a lot left. But if Chen Yang loses, it doesn't matter. How much can we gain?" One hundred thousand gamblers can contribute to us in the future. All in all, we win."

The boss nodded and thought: "However, if Chen Yang himself bets, and the amount of bets is huge, if he wins, we will lose a huge sum. This is also a risk that must be considered."

The second master smiled and said: "Don't worry, brother, I have given an order not to accept bets from people with foreign surnames. Chen Yang and his companions who have just arrived in the City above the Clouds are not allowed to place bets."

"Second brother has a great idea." The third master said with a smile.

The headmaster thought thoughtfully and said: "Would we lose our customers with foreign surnames if we do this? Moreover, I always feel that this plan is not very perfect."

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