Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6060 Meeting Yutian Sect Again

Hearing this, Chen Yang felt happy.

The purpose of his coming to the City Above the Clouds was to find his junior sister.

Now that he finally had a clue and could meet his junior sister, how could he not be happy?

"Thank you, senior."

Chen Yang quickly thanked the old man.

The old man waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me. The little girl wants to see you, and I'm helping her. Those members of the Cloud Team are still waiting for you, so go quickly."

"I don't know your senior's surname?" Chen Yang asked.

The old man said: "I no longer have a name. Because I guard the gate here, they all call me Tao Gate Guard."

Chen Yang was a little confused when he heard Tao Rong call the old man "Guardian" before.

Now I finally understand the origin of this name.

"Thank you, guard. I will definitely look for you when I come back."

Chen Yang bowed to Tao guard and turned to leave.

Walking outside the city gate, he suddenly thought of a question.

Tao Li left him a spiritual note, explaining that the junior sister was safe and sound, but did not mention any more news, saying that it was not the time to tell him yet.

But Guard Tao wanted to take her directly to see her junior sister.

The two people's views were somewhat contradictory. For a moment, Chen Yang didn't know who to believe.

In other words, Tao Gatekeeper and Tao Li know different information, so they have different opinions?

"If Guard Tao wants to harm me, it shouldn't be so troublesome. Anyway, when I come back, I'll go see my junior sister with him first."

Chen Yang thought to himself and looked forward, only to see Tao Rong and four others standing on the clouds waiting for him.

"Let's go."

Tao Rong glanced at Chen Yang and stepped onto a floating cloud without asking him what he and Tao Gatekeeper were talking about.

When everyone climbed onto the cloud, the cloud suddenly accelerated and flew towards the northwest.

The City on the Clouds is located in the clouds. Chen Yang does not know the specific geographical location.

Heading to the West Pole Continent now, judging from the direction of the cloud flight, the City Above the Clouds should be located in the southeast of the Tiannan Territory.

After the cloud flew not far away, it passed through a portal. The surrounding scene changed, and Chen Yang and the five of them appeared in a barren mountain and forest.

The clouds on which the five people were riding turned into mist and gradually dissipated.

"It turns out that heading to the northwest is to enter the teleportation array. It seems that the City on the Clouds is not in the southeast."

Chen Yang laughed dumbly, and then realized that he had made a mistake in his judgment.

"Ahead is the Dragon Emperor Kingdom. After crossing it, you can reach the teleportation array and then head to the West Pole Continent. Let's go."

Tao Rong looked stern and calmly ordered the four team members to fly out first.

Five people were flying at low altitude and at high speed, extremely fast.

Although Chen Yang's level was much worse, Tao Rong and others knew his details, so they did not slow down.

They met some people on the way, but when others saw their state, they didn't dare to provoke them.

After passing through the Dragon Emperor Empire, we finally reached the teleportation array heading to the West Pole Continent.

When Chen Yang returned to the Tiannan Region from the West Extreme Continent, he used the Zhengxuan Sect's teleportation array, which was also in the Dragon Emperor's Kingdom.

He didn't expect that there was another teleportation array traveling to and from the West Pole Continent.

This should not be a coincidence, but a deliberate move by the people who set up the formation back then.

The teleportation array is hidden deep underground and is protected by a powerful formation. Unless it is a member of the Tao family, it is impossible to discover the teleportation array, let alone use it.

After activating the teleportation array, Chen Yang and the five others were enveloped in light.

When the light dimmed, they reached the West Pole continent.

Where they were was at the top of a high mountain.

The mountain peak is like a barrier, dividing the land into two different areas on the left and right.

Looking around, there is a vast desert on the left; dense jungle on the right.

On the left is the scorching sun and the steam is steaming; on the right is the drizzle and the air is moist.

The distance between the two places is only a kilometer, but the geographical environment gap is huge.

"There is no difference between this place and Tiannan Territory, but the overall star energy concentration seems to be slightly higher than that of Tiannan Territory. Of course, it is still far behind the city above the clouds."

Tao Manchuan observed the surrounding environment and whispered.

Hearing this, Chen Yang suddenly remembered that the Great Wall on the Clouds did not have star source earth veins, but it had strong star energy, which was strange.

It was said that there was a formation to gather star energy, but he did not see any trace of the formation in the entire city.

Is it an extremely clever way to absorb the star energy of the stars in the sky?

This seems unlikely.

"The destination is far away from here. We can only fly to get there. Time is tight, so don't look at the scenery."

Tao Rong glanced at the four team members and said in a deep voice.

Then, he took the lead and left.

Brothers Tao Manchu and Sun Lie didn't seem to know where the ruins were. Tao Rong was the only one who got the map, so they followed Tao Rong until he took action.

Sun Lie slowed down and walked side by side with Chen Yang, who was following behind. He sent a message and asked, "Brother Chen, what did the guard say to you?"

Along the way, Sun Lie finally couldn't hold himself back and raised the questions in his heart.

Chen Yang sent a message: "It has something to do with my junior sister. He also knows my junior sister and had a chat with me."

Seeing that the matter had nothing to do with him and was not a secret, Sun Lie suddenly lost interest.

Chen Yang glanced at Tao Rong in front of him and asked via voice transmission: "Brother Sun, is the captain the only one who has the map for this mission?"

"Yes." Sun Lie transmitted the message: "Usually when performing important tasks, unless it is necessary to act alone, only the captain has the map."

"Why do you do this?"

Chen Yang was a little confused. Wouldn't it be better if everyone got the map?

Sun Lie said: "The superiors were worried that the map would be leaked, so they kept it secret."

This reason makes sense.

After all, the fewer people who know, the more closely the secret is kept.

However, as he continued to move forward, Chen Yang found that the route forward was somewhat familiar.

"Isn't it really the ruins recorded by the Night Demon Clan?"

The information obtained so far is not enough to completely coincide with the map in Chen Yang's hand. He is still not sure whether the ruins explored this time are the ones he knows.


Just as Team 42 was rushing forward, someone suddenly rushed out of the jungle and blocked their way.

There were a total of eight people on the other side, all wearing uniform clothes.

The person with the highest level among them is a third-level heavenly master, and the others are all earthly masters.

Judging from the overall strength, the combat power of these people is far less than that of the five Chen Yang, but they are domineering and do not seem to be afraid of the five Chen Yang at all.

"Don't these guys have eyes? How dare they block the road!"

Tao Buyue snorted coldly and prepared to step forward to take action.

"Don't worry."

Tao Rong stopped Tao Buyue and said in a deep voice: "This is someone else's foundation. Since they are so public, they must have something to rely on, so don't be impulsive."

"He's from the Yutian Sect."

Others could not tell the origin of the other party, but Chen Yang knew that they were from the Yutian Sect as soon as he saw the clothes of those blocking the way.

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