Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6076 Reminder

Tao Rong, Tao Manchu and others all looked at Moratero and immediately understood what Chen Yang meant.

Everyone knows that the map is in Moratero's body.

Although now, there is a high probability that Chen Yang has taken away the formation breaking map.

But as long as Moratero appears, it will inevitably cause an uproar, and the human race and the Night Demon tribe will inevitably conflict to compete for the control of Moratero.

By then, war is about to break out.

Tao Rong said in a deep voice: "A good idea."

As for the losses of the humans and night demons, Tao Rong didn't care.

He cares about his team members, but the lives and deaths of these strangers have nothing to do with him.

"But before I act, I have to do one more thing."

Through the window of the world, Chen Yang's eyes fell on the Zhengxuan Sect's camp.

He was once a disciple of the Zhengxuan Sect and received help from Elder Liu Heng and Leader Nie Jun. This kindness has never been forgotten to this day.

Therefore, before executing the plan, he planned to notify the Zhengxuan Sect so that they could be prepared and avoid unnecessary losses.

Following Chen Yang's gaze, Tao Rong, Sun Lie and others all looked surprised.

From the location of Zhengxuan Sect's camp, they could know that this should be Zhengxuan Sect, another major force besides Haiyang Sect and Yutian Sect.

They knew that Chen Yang had stayed in the West Pole Continent, but now it seemed that Chen Yang had a close relationship with the Zhengxuan Sect.

Tao Rong did not ask about Chen Yang's relationship with the Zhengxuan Sect, but asked: "What are you going to do?"

Chen Yang said: "We are now in the depths of the jungle, only a hundred meters away from the Zhengxuan Sect's camp. After I go out, I will leave the spiritual document behind so that no one will find me."

"Too dangerous."

Tao Rong showed a solemn look on his face and said: "The Night Demon Clan is conducting a comprehensive search, and they will not let go of any clues."

Chen Yang changed his face and clothes, and said with a smile: "What now? Who still knows that I am Chen Yang?"

Seeing this, Tao Rong and others realized that the humans and night demons outside had no other information except Chen Yang's clothes.

If Chen Yang walked out now, it would definitely not arouse any suspicion.

Moreover, there are many casual cultivators gathered here, and no one cares about Chen Yang's origins.

Tao Rong smiled and said, "I think too much."

Sun Lie looked at Chen Yang's face and said, "However, your disguise technique seems a bit strange, as if you were born with it."

"What's not strange about Chen Yang?" Tao Manman smiled.

"You guys, don't make fun of me." Chen Yang said, "Without further delay, I'll be out right now."

Tao Rong gave the last words: "The only thing you need to worry about is if someone sees you suddenly appearing, so be careful."


Chen Yang agreed, passed through the window of the world, confirmed that there was no one around, then opened a palm-sized door and walked through.

He was hiding in the jungle, surrounded by dense trees, and no one noticed that there was suddenly another person here.

After he closed the door to the small world, he swaggered towards the Zhengxuan Sect's camp.

Currently, the Night Demons are still searching the outer area. This area is very close to the fortress, but no one is blocking the search.

Of course, Chen Yang is also very close to Wang Zezang and others. If his identity is discovered, he will never be able to escape.

He walked to the Zhengxuan Sect's camp, handed the already carved spiritual ultimatum to the disciple guarding the door, and said, "Please give this spiritual ultimatum to the leader of your trip. Does it contain important information?"

The Zhengxuan Cult disciple looked at Chen Yang with confusion on his face, not knowing what this person who suddenly appeared was going to do.

"Who are you?"

The Zhengxuan Cult disciple asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to give the spiritual ultimatum to the leader."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "I know, you doubt my motives. But this is just a spiritual ultimatum. Even if I have a conspiracy, what do you have to lose? But if it is, there is really important information in it, and it is very likely to save you. life."


The Zhengxuan Cult disciple frowned, feeling that Chen Yang's words were a bit too mysterious.

The person in front of me is only at the three-star realm. If he has any ability, he can save the lives of everyone in the Zhengxuan Sect.

However, it is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

"You wait here, I will submit the spiritual ultimatum."

The Zhengxuan Cult disciples decided to leave this matter to their superiors for decision-making.

After he warned Chen Yang, he winked at the fellow disciple next to him, motioning to stare at Chen Yang, and then turned around and entered the Zhengxuan Sect's camp.

Another Zhengxuan Cult disciple stared at Chen Yang intently, curious about Chen Yang's identity.

Little did they know that Chen Yang had already used the goggles to map himself to the side of Yutianzong's camp and temporarily hid it.

His concealment skills are very good. Unless he is targeted by a master above the Saint Master, it will be difficult to detect his existence unconsciously.

At the same time, in the Zhengxuan Sect's big tent, everyone was discussing how to deal with this incident.

The person leading the team is Butian, the deputy leader of Zhengxuan Sect.

There are very few people with the surname Bu, and someone with such a domineering name as Butian is even more unique.

This exploration of the Yingmian ruins was entirely due to the spread of the news about the broken formation map, so the Zhengxuan Sect would also gather here, waiting for the formation to be cracked, and then wait for an opportunity to explore.

But now the situation has changed.

Moratero disappeared, and Butian even had plans to retreat with his men.

However, the Night Demon Clan is searching for the man named Chen Yang. If the Zhengxuan Sect wants to withdraw, it will inevitably arouse suspicion among the Night Demon Clan.

In this case, it is better to wait until the Night Demon Clan has finished searching before leaving.

This way, conflicts can be avoided.

Moreover, if Chen Yang is found, the Zhengxuan Sect will also have a new opportunity.

At this moment, someone handed over Chen Yang's spiritual certificate.

Butian held the spirit certificate and asked doubtfully: "Who is sending us the news at this time? Could it be that Haiyang Clan and Yutian Sect want to join forces?"

After activating the spiritual ultimatum, everyone in the big tent gathered.

Elder Liu Heng, who had a relationship with Chen Yang before, was surprisingly among them.

Words floated out of the spiritual ultimatum, which read: "Moratero's map has been taken away. Don't participate in the fight. Just leave during the chaos."

There is only a short paragraph of text that seems to be a reminder of the Zhengxuan Sect.

However, the content in the spiritual ultimatum was not detailed, and everyone was confused as to what the specific situation was.

Butian frowned and said thoughtfully: "What does this mean?"

Everyone started talking, and Liu Heng was thoughtful.

After a moment of silence, Liu Heng said: "Could it be Chen Yang who snatched Moratero from the Yutian Sect?"

"This is Chen Yang."

Everyone looked at Liu Heng in confusion.

Liu Heng looked solemn and explained: "I mean, Chen Yang from our Zhengxuan Sect."

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