Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6090 Trap?

After Tao Manchu and others left, Chen Yang caught up with Tao Rong and said, "Captain, I want to talk to you."

Tao Rong turned to look at Chen Yang, was silent for a moment, and said, "What about the stubborn young master?"

Chen Yang nodded.

A wry smile appeared on Tao Rong's calm face. He shook his head helplessly and said, "Follow me."

Chen Yang followed Tao Rong and entered a house.

The house is not big, but it is located in the core area of ​​the city above the clouds, and the concentration of star energy is obviously higher than other areas in the city.

"This area is located in the core, and the surrounding houses are the residences of members of the Cloud Group. We usually practice in seclusion and only go out when performing tasks. Therefore, on weekdays, this area is quiet, which is rare. I can see a person. I have lived here for a long time, and now I don’t even know who the person living next to me is.”

Tao Rong closed the courtyard door, walked to the living room with Chen Yang, and said, "It seems that you already know that Mr. Stubborn wants to kill you."

Chen Yang went straight to the point: "If you didn't take action, would you be in trouble?"

Tao Rong's eyes flickered and he said: "Chen Yang, to be honest, I originally planned to use the power within the ruins to deal with you when we arrived at the ruins.

After all, this is the order given to me by the stubborn young master.

But I have to admit that you impressed me during the mission.

Moreover, I recognize that you are a member of Team 42 and our brother.

Although loyalty to the stubborn master is important, the bond of brotherhood is even more important.

Ask me to kill my brothers in the team, even if they kill me, I won't do that. "

After a pause, Tao Rong looked at Chen Yang and said with a smile: "However, I always feel that if I attack you personally, I probably...can't beat you. You are very mysterious and you seem to have countless trump cards. "

"Actually, it's almost impossible for me to defeat you in a head-on fight. But I've always been on guard, so it's not easy for you to kill me."

Chen Yang smiled and continued: "Of course, captain, your behavior makes me admire you, so I know that you are a stubborn person, but you still go all out when performing tasks."

"I have to say, this is your personality charm."

Tao Rong expressed appreciation and said: "As for the trouble you mentioned, there will indeed be it.

The stubborn young master seems to be kind to others, considerate of his subordinates, and respectful of his seniors... He has many advantages.

But in fact, he is a cruel person.

If I didn't carry out his order, he would never let me go and would definitely punish me.

Most likely, my appointment as captain will be revoked.

It is also possible that I will be removed from the cloud group directly. "

After a pause, Tao Rong sighed: "Well, I'm actually very conflicted about this matter. I want to be loyal to Mr. Stubborn, but I can't go against my own heart. If the grudge between you and Mr. Stubborn can be resolved, Relief, I don’t have to worry so much.”

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "I actually have no grudges with him. His dealing with me was entirely a unilateral act. Moreover, he and I have never had any interaction and do not know each other."

Tao Rong asked in confusion: "If that's the case, why would he kill you?"

Chen Yang said: "Because his sister is my junior sister?"

Tao Rong frowned and said with a confused look on his face: "The patriarch only has one son, Mr. Stubborn, where does the elder sister come from?"

Chen Yang said: "A long time ago, didn't you have a daughter?"


Tao Rong muttered something, his expression suddenly changed, and he said, "Could it be that...you are talking about the girl who combines the Shura demon body and the demon blood body?"

"That's her." Chen Yang nodded.

Tao Rong wondered: "Although the patriarch went through all kinds of hardships to save the young lady's life, she was still assassinated later. This matter is known to everyone."

Chen Yang had never heard of this news.

He speculated: "This is probably because the patriarch deliberately announced a false news in order to protect Xiaotong. In fact, Xiaotong was sent to a place called Earth. My master adopted her and raised her. "

"real or fake?"

Tao Rong looked confused. The information Chen Yang gave him was completely different from what he knew. It was difficult for him to accept it for a while.

After thinking for a while, he asked: "Now that the young lady is alive, this is a good thing. What does it have to do with the stubborn young master killing you?"

Chen Yang said: "Tao Sui wants to be the helmsman of the City on the Clouds, and he has to get the reputation and benefits of the heir and successor. But now that Xiaotong has returned to the family, do you think he can still deserve his title? ?”

Tao Rong nodded in agreement and said: "As long as it is a demon, no matter who it is, if you compete with the young lady in talent, it will be a firefly competing with the bright moon. Not to mention the Shura demon body and the demon blood body combined into one, even among them No one can compare to the stubborn young master."

Chen Yang continued: "So, in order to eliminate this hidden danger, Tao Sui wants to kill all the people who may support my junior sister. As for me, my talent is pretty good, of course he is not willing. I will become a junior junior sister in the future. of help.”

Tao Rong frowned and said, "The stubborn young master is indeed cruel and ruthless."

Chen Yang sarcastically said: "It's a pity that he doesn't know or believe that the junior sister has no idea about the so-called successor. The obsession with competition in his heart is completely wishful thinking."

With that said, Chen Yang changed the subject and asked Tao Rong: "Captain, I'm very confused. You and Tao Sui are probably not the same person. Why do you want to work for him?"

Tao Rong explained: "I joined the Yun Group many years ago. In the process of performing tasks for many years, I once made a major mistake and was ordered to be executed. At that time, it was the stubborn young master who spoke and saved my life, allowing me to make up for my mistakes. . Otherwise, I would have long been dead. Therefore, Mr. Stubborn is my savior, and I swear allegiance to him."

"If the mission is not successful, then the mission is a failure. Why should you be executed?"

Chen Yang thoughtfully said, "It seems that there must be some twists and turns. However, have you ever thought that all of that was a trap set by Tao Sui, just to make you loyal to him."


Tao Rong looked thoughtful, and suddenly remembered that Tao Sui had once used a trick on someone else, intending to put that person into a desperate situation and then rescue him in order to gain that person's loyalty.

Tao Jue asked Tao Rong to carry out this matter, but Tao Rong refused.

Looking back at it now, he found that there were indeed many doubts about his incident. Maybe he was set up as Chen Yang said.

Seeing Tao Rong's silence, Chen Yang said: "Captain, think about it carefully. Your withdrawal from Tao Sui's camp is not a betrayal, but a right choice."

"I'll think about it."

Tao Rong nodded, stood up and walked out, saying: "Let's go, you come with me. After you hand in the task, I will take you to the Selection Department and assign you to Team 42."

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