Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6097 The same crime

Tao Weizhong's reaction was already relatively quick, but after all, Chen Yang's goggles law had reached the eighth level, surpassing the seventh level of Tianshi's foundation.

Therefore, Tao Weizhong's perception could not keep up with the operation of Chen Yang's goggles laws.

When he struck back with a palm, Chen Yang's body was already reflected away. He hit the mirror image with a palm. Although it was torn into pieces and dripping with blood, Chen Yang was not hurt at all.

"Illusion? Mirror image?"

Tao Weizhong couldn't help but frown, and then he realized that the strength of this person in the same cell as him was by no means as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Could it be that he was sent to kill him on purpose?

No, he has been sentenced to death, there is no need for those people to do this.

He looked forward, confirmed that it was Chen Yang's body, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Brother Wei Zhong, you and I have no grievances. Why do you need to fight me to the death? Moreover, maybe you will be the one who dies in the end."

"Hmph, there is no one in the realm of Heavenly Masters that I, Tao Weizhong, am afraid of."

Tao Weizhong snorted coldly, but did not flinch because of Chen Yang's performance. He used his strength to the extreme and attacked suddenly.


Violent noises vibrated in the cell, but because of the formation, it did not cause any damage to the cell.

However, the loud noise in the cell inevitably spread throughout the secondary prison.

"That man is so unlucky that he is locked up with Tao Weizhong."

"Dead, no one can survive to the next day in that cell."

"If I were locked up with Tao Weizhong, I would rather commit suicide."

In other cells, someone murmured in a low voice.

When they talked about Tao Weizhong, there was deep fear in their voices.

The jailer who led Chen Yang into the cell heard the voice and curled his lips disdainfully, saying: "Chen Yang, you didn't want to give you the chance to leave your last words. Now you know you regret it."

Everyone in the second-level prison thought Chen Yang was dead.

But they discovered that the sound of fighting did not stop, but continued to sound.

This made them wonder, how could Chen Yang, a first-level Heavenly Master, persist for so long without being killed?

Prisoners in cells don't know what's going on outside.

But the jailer knew that Chen Yang defeated Tao Yuanhao in Beiyuntai and was a genius master.

However, Tao Weizhong is two levels higher than Tao Yuanhao. Isn't he also Chen Yang's opponent?

If this is really the case, then Chen Yang's strength is too terrifying!

The jailer suddenly jumped up from his seat and quickly ran towards Chen Yang's cell, wanting to see what was going on.

By the time he arrived at the cell, the fighting inside had stopped. Chen Yang and Tao Weizhong were sitting in the corners on both sides, not disturbing each other, as if nothing had happened just now.

"How is this going?"

The jailer had a suspicious expression on his face, knocked on the cell door, and shouted: "Chen Yang, what were you doing just now?"

"Nothing done."

Chen Yang glanced at the jailer and replied.

The jailer glared and said, "I just heard the sound of fighting, and you actually told me that I didn't do anything?"

"Maybe you are old and hearing hallucinations." Chen Yang said with a smile.


The jailer looked sullen and snorted fiercely, saying, "Chen Yang, please be careful."

After saying that, the jailer left muttering, unable to figure out why Chen Yang could convince Tao Weizhong not to fight.

You know, all the people who were locked up with Tao Weizhong were killed by Tao Weizhong.

All of those people committed heinous crimes, and some even had issues with Tao Weizhong. Their superiors deliberately placed them in this cell.

Isn't the current Chen Yang also deliberately arranged by his superiors?

But why, he didn't die?

When the jailer left, Tao Weizhong, who was sitting in the corner, spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Chen Yang with solemn eyes and surprise.

When the battle broke out just now, Chen Yang did not dare to take it lightly and immediately used the Goggles Law, the Fire Dragon Law, the Void Breaking Palm, the Sound Attribute and other means.

Apart from the wrath of the sky, this is almost his strongest combat power.

Moreover, although Chen Yang's glassy eyes could not control Tao Weizhong, Tao Weizhong was unable to resist at the moment when he confused the opponent.

So the battle comes and goes quickly.

In the end, Chen Yang defeated Tao Weizhong.

He did not pursue him fiercely. The situation was still unclear. If he killed someone on the territory of the Criminal Law Department, he was worried that there would be charges against him.

Although the Cloud Group is powerful, it cannot yet disobey the laws of the City Above the Clouds.

Chen Yang ignored Tao Weizhong and sat cross-legged to practice.

After a while, Tao Weizhong suddenly asked: "Who are you?"

Chen Yang opened his eyes and smiled: "I told you, my name is Chen Yang, can't you remember?"

Tao Weizhong looked solemn and said: "You are not an ordinary person. It is impossible for a first-level heavenly master to be as powerful as you."

"What do you want to know?" Chen Yang asked.

Tao Weizhong pondered: "Why were you forced in?"

"Someone from the Criminal Justice Department wanted to deal with me, so he fabricated charges and locked me up."

Chen Yang said bluntly that there was nothing to hide in this matter.

Tao Weizhong frowned and said, "Really?"

Chen Yang laughed dumbly: "Why should I lie to you?"

Tao Weizhong was silent for a moment and said in a serious tone: "I... was also framed."

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and finally understood what Tao Weizhong meant. After talking for a long time, he wanted to express his grievances to himself.

He became somewhat interested and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Tao Weizhong sighed: "In fact, I was originally a junior deacon in the Criminal Law Department, and I was quite prestigious in the Criminal Law Department. I was very capable of investigating and investigating cases, and was called a detective.

But just a few days ago, the Archdeacon suddenly led a team and arrested me.

They acted quickly and interrogated me immediately, asking me to plead guilty to trumped-up charges.

Then, I was locked up here, awaiting execution.

The crime that was charged against me was espionage. "

Hearing this, Chen Yang said: "What a coincidence, I have also been convicted of espionage."

Tao Weizhong observed Chen Yang with a complicated expression and said, "You behave very relaxedly, and you don't seem to be worried about being executed at all. What is going on?"

Before Chen Yang could answer, Tao Weizhong said: "With your talent, you will definitely be noticed by the Tao family. Now that you are locked up here, they will not stand idly by."

"That's not the reason."

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "Actually, I am from the Yun Group."

Tao Weizhong said in surprise: "Are those guys crazy? They even dared to frame people from the Yun Group. Are they not afraid that the Yun Group will come out to investigate and expose the truth? By then, even the director of the Criminal Law Department will not be able to resist the Yun Group. anger."

Chen Yang said: "They don't know that I joined the cloud group, otherwise, they wouldn't do this."

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