Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6325 Disaster in Tiannan Territory

Hearing Han Yun say that the current situation of Tiannan Territory and Thirteen Prefectures was worse than that of Beiyuan Territory, Chen Yang couldn't help but be shocked.

The Tiannan Territory encounters monsters in the cursed rift and the ever-expanding eternal black hole.

But what happened to the Thirteen States?

Chen Yang frowned and asked Han Yun: "What happened in Tiannan Territory and Thirteen Prefectures?"

Han Yun's face was heavy: "Speaking of Xiancai Tiannan Territory.

Before you left, didn't you say that the eternal black hole and cursed rift appeared in Tiannan Territory?

The eternal black hole is okay. Although it expands quickly, the entire Zhonghao world is huge. In thirteen years, the eternal black hole only covered a small part of Wang Hai and did not harm other areas.

Moreover, the City on the Clouds did not sit idly by and sent people to evacuate the residents of various islands in the King Sea.

However, those residents did not survive because of this.

Because the real threat to Tiannan Territory is not the eternal black hole, but the cursed rift.

According to the information we received, three months after you left Zhonghao Realm, the number of monsters appearing in the cursed rift increased dramatically.

Moreover, the combat power of those monsters is getting stronger and stronger.

Gradually, many monsters with Star Lord strength appeared from the cursed rift, which could not be suppressed at all.

The City on the Cloud and Lingjiu Mountain, which were originally engaged in a fierce battle, had to shake hands and make peace, and join forces to deal with the Rift Insects.

By the way, the name Rift Worm is the current collective name for the monsters that come out of the cursed rift.

They have many actions, but they are all similar to insects, so they were given such a name. "

After a pause, Han Yun continued what he just said: "The Tiannan Territory Cloud City, Lingjiu Mountain, Guxuan Island, and even Songfeng Temple, and other forces have all joined forces to form formations to crack the evil insects.

But even so, no progress has been made, and the retreat speed is faster than our Northern Source Region.

Now all the humans, monsters, demons, spirits, etc. in the Tiannan Territory have all retreated to the junction of the Split Mountain Range and the Tiannan Territory.

The entire Tiannan Territory, except for Songfeng Zen Monastery, was occupied by fissure bugs.

Not only were they powerful, but they also quickly developed intelligence.

Although they killed countless lives, they did not damage the Tiannan Territory's resources, buildings, formations, etc.

Today, Tiannan Territory is completely under the control of the Rift Evil Insect.

The human race simply cannot invade the Tiannan Territory.

Moreover, it seemed that the Fissure Evil Insect wanted to consolidate its control over the Tiannan Territory, so it did not launch an attack on the Split Mountain Range for a short period of time.

Otherwise, I am afraid that even the mountain range will be swallowed up.

So now, if we can't resist the Chiji and continue to retreat, even if we retreat to the split mountain range, it will be useless.

Haha, maybe, by then, all the human races will gather in the Split Mountain Range, but they will be attacked by the Chili and the Fissure Insects, and they will all die without a burial place.

In the end, the entire Zhonghao Realm turned into a battle for dominance between chilies and crack bugs. "

Speaking of this, Han Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Chen Yang looked solemn. He never expected that the danger caused by the cursed rift would be so serious that the entire Tiannan Territory would be swallowed up.

Now it seems that Tao Yongheng's original idea of ​​using the cursed rift was so stupid.

He fought with Lingjiu Mountain just for the resources of Tiannan Territory.

But now, there is nothing.

As high-level Star Lords, they were too arrogant and did not realize the potential dangers.

Chen Yang recovered his thoughts and asked Han Yun: "How is the situation in the city above the clouds now?"

Han Yun said: "Having said that, among all the forces in Tiannan Territory, City on the Clouds suffered the least loss.

When the Rift Evil Insects invaded the entire Tiannan Region, all major forces were affected, resulting in heavy casualties.

Many resources have been plundered.

Even top forces like Lingjiu Mountain failed to retreat in time because of their confidence in themselves, resulting in very heavy losses and a large number of deaths.

Because the City Above the Clouds is in the clouds, their foundation has not been damaged and their personnel strength is still abundant.

Even some resources have been moved to the cloud.

So now, Tao Yongheng is the leader of the Tiannan Territory's "Pest Control Alliance", and the people from the City on the Clouds occupy the leadership position.

It's a pity that being the leader of the alliance is not a good thing. You need to bear more pressure and exert more power.

All the plans and actions of the City Above the Clouds are not worth the gain.

Moreover, their idea of ​​using the cursed rift led to disaster in the entire Tiannan Territory.

Maybe this is what happens. "

Chen Yang thought for a moment and asked, "Elder Han, do you know Tao Yongheng's daughter, Tao Xiaotong?"

"I've heard of it." Han Yun frowned and said, "However, there is not much information about her. Whether it was the war between the City on the Clouds and Lingjiu Mountain, or the subsequent fight against the Rift Insects, there seemed to be no news about her. Her deeds.”

Chen Yang secretly thought that when he left, Tao Yongheng left his junior sister in the city above the clouds and was prohibited from going out.

Presumably the city above the clouds is safe and sound now, so naturally the junior sister should also be safe.

Chen Yang asked: "By the way, Elder Han, since the crack bugs have developed spiritual intelligence, why didn't they look for the city above the clouds?"

Han Yun said: "Although there are many rift evil insects, and it is said that there are dozens of powerful existences at the Star Lord level. However, there are very few evil rift insects that can fly. And coincidentally, all the Star Lord level creatures The evil insects in the rifts cannot fly. Therefore, the city above the clouds can remain safe and sound until now."

Hearing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but think of thirteen years ago, when he was traveling from Tiannan Territory to Beiyuan Territory, he encountered the fissure evil insect, which was also unable to fly.

But this made Chen Yang puzzled and asked: "The ability to fly is very important in battle. Those rift bugs cannot fly, how can they suppress the human race?"

Han Yun said: "They have fast jumping speed, high height, and can move briefly in the air, so although they are not as flexible as flying, they can make up for some of the disadvantages. Of course, the main reason is that there are too many rift bugs, and the star Their numbers also suppress the cultivators from the Tiannan Region."

Chen Yang thought for a moment and said: "Could it be that the Nine-Level Star Lord appeared among the evil insects in the rift? Otherwise, why couldn't Tao Yongheng and Wang Shanchang suppress them?"

"There are no ninth-level star saints, but there are as many as five eighth-level star saints." Han Yun said with a bitter smile: "When the crack bugs are sorted out, they should launch an attack on the split mountain range. I don't know the way out for the human race now. Where."

Chen Yang frowned and said: "The situation is so critical. Is Ku Xuan still sitting idly by and ignoring it? Even if he doesn't care about Zhonghao Realm, he can't let others destroy Zhonghao Realm."

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