Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6328 Giant City


Hearing Han Yun say that the Demon King is a wolf, Chen Yang couldn't help but think of Bai Qi.

Speaking of which, Chen Yang didn't know until he read the later chapters of "The Book of Immortals and Demons" that the bloodline of the Nine-Headed Wolf Emperor was a very advanced demon bloodline, only inferior to some top demon bloodlines.

It can even be said that in the entire star sea, apart from the bloodlines of the seven demon emperors, there are very few demon bloodlines that are more powerful than the nine-headed wolf emperor's bloodline.

But the strange thing is that Bai Qi's strength is very weak.

Moreover, with such a noble bloodline, he was actually Chi You's younger brother.

It used to be nothing, but now, Chen Yang feels that this matter is very weird.

Could it be that Bai Qi was the demon king's distracting thought?

But the Demon King is just an ordinary wolf, so where does the distraction come from with nine heads?

Speaking of which, Bai Qi is not dead, and he doesn't know where he is now or what his strength is.

"Why, do you know something about the Demon King?"

Seeing Chen Yang deep in thought, Han Yun asked.

"No, I just thought of an old friend."

Chen Yang recovered his thoughts and said.

The next day, the two set off together to the defense line of the Northern Army.

It is said to be a line of defense. In fact, the Northern Army has long been unable to suppress the Chijuan attack. Their current mission is only to protect the human race that is constantly retreating south, not to resist and defeat the Chijuan.

Therefore, the so-called defense line is retreating to the south at an increasing speed.

Even though the Yubei Army tried its best, the Chijuan attack was so fast that many humans were killed by the Chijuan before they had time to retreat.

Scenes of children and women being eaten are happening everywhere.

Beiyuan Territory was filled with howls.

There is nothing the human race can do.

Chen Yang arrived at the defense line and quickly determined the status of Li Xu, Tianhan, and Yuexian.

Despite the ferocious attack, these three old friends are still alive.

Tianhan was quite excited to see Chen Yang, who had not shown up for thirteen years, but he repeatedly persuaded Chen Yang to leave Zhonghao Realm quickly.

Obviously, from Tianhan's point of view, Chijuan's attack this time is irresistible and will not only flood the Beiyuan Domain, but also sweep across the entire Zhonghao Realm.

Therefore, the only way to survive is to leave.

If Yuexian hadn't insisted on staying, Tianhan would have left long ago.

Li Xu, on the other hand, just nodded and said hello to Chen Yang, and continued his fight, regardless of his injuries.

As far as Chen Yang could see, the human race and the chili were entangled together, a vast black area, with surging energy, blood flying everywhere, and heavy casualties.

And this kind of situation is happening all over the North Source Territory.

What Chen Yang could see was only a very small part.

"The Yubei Army has many Star Lords, and even generals with eighth-level Star Lords, but even so, they are unable to withstand Chijuan's attack. It seems that only ninth-level Starlords can resist the disaster brought by Chijuan."

Chen Yang frowned. Regardless of the disaster in the Beiyuan Territory or the Tiannan Territory, only Ku Xuan among the human race could break the situation.

But now, Ku Xuan is bringing disaster to the Thirteen States.

Don't even expect that he will help the entire Zhonghao world.

"Demon King..."

Chen Yang muttered, besides Ku Xuan, there is one person who can break the situation, and that is the Demon King.

Although Chen Yang did not have the consciousness to save the world, he could not sit idly by as he watched countless people die in front of him.

Moreover, he had decided yesterday to find the Demon King.

After bidding farewell to Tianhan and Yuexian, Chen Yang immediately took action.

Now that he can no longer return to the Southern Territory, he can only enter the Split Mountains from the Northern Source Territory, and then look for the pest control alliance formed by Tao Yongheng.

Through several consecutive teleportations, Chen Yang entered the Split Mountain Range.

Now Beiyuan Territory, Tiannan Territory, and Thirteen Prefectures are all in crisis, and only the Split Mountain Range is still considered a pure land.

However, the demon clan obviously also knew about the situation in various places, and now they are all huddled in their lairs, not daring to go out.

So when Chen Yang entered the Split Mountain Range, it was actually quiet, and there were few traces of the demon clan.

The Exterminator Alliance is in the southern part of the Split Mountains.

Chen Yang's current location is in the northern part of the Split Mountain Range.

If he wanted to cross directly, he would need to fly for a long time, so he had to look for the teleportation array.

Although the demon clan was defeated back then, not all of the teleportation arrays in the Split Mountain Range were destroyed, and there were still many that remained.

As long as you find the teleportation array, you can quickly reach the southern boundary of the Split Mountain Range.

But the problem is that Chen Yang asked many demon clans he met, but no one knew where the teleportation array was.

And these monster clans usually live scattered in various places, and there is no unified tribal management.

In fact, they don’t know much about the entire separated mountain range.

"By the way, Chi You said before that the northern part of the split mountain range is the Dawn Tribe. As long as I find the Dawn Tribe, I should be able to know the location of the teleportation array."

Next, Chen Yang changed his plan. While exploring the teleportation array, he also looked for information about the Dawn Tribe.

Three days later, he finally found a branch of the Dawn Tribe and rushed there immediately.

With his current strength, he could frighten the demons in the Dawn Tribe branch without the use of cannons, and then successfully inquire about the location of the teleportation array.

After several teleportations, he finally reached the southern part of the Split Mountain Range.

Here, the Pest Control Alliance is stationed, and the humans who have fled here have formed a huge human settlement area, occupying a large territory in the divided mountains.

Now that the Monster Clan has declined, and the strong men from the Tiannan Region have gathered here, the Monster Clan does not dare to cross the border and allows the Human Race to build a huge city here.

This city is huge, equivalent to one of the Thirteen States, and the people living in it are all humans.

The monsters who originally lived here were either killed by the humans or left on their own.

When Chen Yang saw the towering city wall, he was quite touched.

Because originally there were some demon clans he knew living in this area, such as the Scorch-tailed Bee, the Three-tailed Fox, etc.

But now, they must be forced to leave their homes by the human race.

They may even be dead.

Chen Yang walked towards the city wall, and suddenly a scolding voice came from the wall: "Monster clan, retreat immediately. If you take another step forward, we will attack."

He looked up and saw many armored soldiers standing on the city wall, pointing their bows and arrows at him. They all looked fierce but somewhat vigilant.

Chen Yang used the goggles method and mapped it directly onto the city wall.

The defenders were shocked and quickly turned their bows and arrows to point at Chen Yang. Someone couldn't help but let go of the arrows.

Dozens of arrows flew towards Chen Yang, but half a meter away from him, they all seemed to hit the wall and fell to the ground.

The defenders were shocked and retreated.

At this time, a general rushed over from behind, saw Chen Yang's face clearly, and quickly shouted: "Stop it!"

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