Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6499 Restrictions

After Feng Yuan finished speaking, the earthly immortals standing on the top of the tripod tower all looked at Feng Yuan with complicated expressions.

In the hut under the tripod tower, Feng Yuan did make an agreement with Chen Yang to fight in the first round and have a life-and-death showdown.

But the rules changed and it became the Dingding Tower, so this agreement was invalidated.

Who would have thought that Feng Yuan would actually bring it up again now.

No one knew what Feng Yuan was thinking. As long as he killed Chen Yang, a spot would be available among the top nine.

Who should replace this quota? Of course, Feng Yuan, who killed Chen Yang, is the most qualified.

And with his background, Yu Qian would definitely go with the flow and give him this opportunity.

By then, Feng Yuan, who had obviously been eliminated, would naturally enter the top nine.

Not to mention whether he can enter the top three in the future, but at least he has the opportunity to compete for the top three.

I have to say that Feng Yuan is really "smart".

"You have agreed to a life-and-death battle?" Yu Qian looked suspicious, looked at Chen Yang, and asked, "Chen Yang, is what Feng Yuan said true?"

Chen Yang said: "It is true."

Yu Qian thought thoughtfully, and then said: "In that case, if you two agree, you can fight here. It happens that Master Ma, who is presiding over the final battle, has not arrived yet, so you are just in time to warm up and let these millions of people watch. Watch the earthly immortals talk about Taoism and learn about the abilities of immortals."

To everyone's surprise, Yu Qian agreed so readily.

It seems that his relationship with Jianxing Sect is deeper than imagined, otherwise he would not have helped Feng Yuan like this.

A flash of joy flashed in Feng Yuan's eyes, he straightened his back, pointed at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, if you dare to agree to a life-and-death fight here."

"Why not?"

Chen Yang laughed dumbly. He had put the matter aside for the time being, and Feng Yuan also had a chance to survive, but Feng Yuan still rushed forward to seek death.

Seeing his agreement, there was a lot of discussion outside the mask.

"Feng Yuan is a rare genius, and he is the young master of the Arrow Sect. He must have a lot of treasures in his hands. Chen Yang dares to fight to the death with him. He simply doesn't know how to live or die."

"However, if Chen Yang can reach here first, he may not have a trump card."

"Perhaps he took advantage of the fierce fighting among others, and then he

Seeing his agreement, Feng Yuan was even more happy. He bowed to Qian and said, "Senior, please bear witness that Chen Yang and I have agreed on a life-or-death battle."

"This is natural." Yu Qian nodded, looked at the immortals gathered outside the 10,000-meter light shield, and said: "Here, there are millions of people to witness for you. No one who dies in battle will be held accountable."

Seeing this, Zhou Qingyang was also secretly happy.

If he could take this opportunity to let Feng Yuan kill Chen Yang, his mission would still be completed and he wouldn't have to worry about the punishment for stopping him.

However, Chen Yang has a treasure given by the Child Emperor in his hands. Even the Heavenly Immortal-level Dou Zhuan Star Shifting Formation can be forcibly destroyed, so Feng Yuan will definitely not be able to stop it.

Therefore, Chen Yang must be restricted.

Zhou Qingyang immediately walked out and said to Qian: "Senior, it's not that I disapprove of this battle, but that this battle is not fair."

Upon hearing this, many people thought that Zhou Qingyang was trying to prevent this unexpected life-and-death battle.

Zhou Qingyang continued: "As we all know, Feng Yuan is the young master of the Arrow Sect and possesses many treasures.

In this life-and-death battle between Chen Yang and Fengyuan, the rules of the Earth Immortal Forum were not followed, and immortal treasures beyond the Earth Immortal realm could not be used.

If they fight directly, Feng Yuan is absolutely sure that he can kill Chen Yang.

Therefore, I suggest that in this battle, restrictions should be set, and neither side can use any treasure that exceeds the level of the Earth Immortal. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone thought it was reasonable and nodded in agreement.

Yu Qian did not expect this.

On this occasion, if an unfair life-and-death battle occurred, wouldn't it be a joke?

Zhou Qingyang reminded him, and he said: "Qingyang's words make sense. In this case, let's just set the rules for this life and death battle. Immortal treasures, magic circles and other foreign objects cannot be used. Chen Yang, Feng Yuan, you two Is there any objection?"

If it was Zheng Lie, Feng Yuan would still be afraid.

But facing Chen Yang, Feng Yuan was very confident in his own strength and said: "This junior fully agrees with such a fair move."

"I have no objection." Chen Yang said.

Yu Qian pointed to the light ball in the air that connected the nine light screen platforms, and said: "In that case, you two stand out and come to the middle."

Chen Yang and Feng Yuan flew above the light ball one after another.

Zhen Xue looked worried and shouted: "Chen Yang, be careful, you can't use the formation, your strength will be greatly reduced."

Hearing this, everyone thought that Chen Yang was good at formations and his own combat power was not that strong.

In this case, he is even less likely to be Feng Yuan's opponent.

However, Cao Gu smiled and shook his head.

Feng Yuan was so naive that he actually thought he could defeat Chen Yang.

Without the use of foreign objects, even three Feng Yuan may not be Chen Yang's opponent.

But Cao Gu couldn't figure it out. Although Zhou Qingyang was not an immortal from the Shiyi Sect and had no friendship with Feng Yuan's father, there was no need to propose rules to restrict Feng Yuan. Wouldn't this offend people?

Unless the person Zhou Qingyang wants to restrict is Chen Yang?

Thinking of this, Cao Gu's expression changed slightly, his eyes fell on Chen Yang, and he thought to himself: "Does he have a powerful immortal treasure?"

Yu Qian asked Chen Yang and Fengyuan, "Do you two have anything to say?"

Chen Yang shook his head.

Feng Yuan cupped his hands and said, "Senior, it's time to start."


Yu Qian nodded, opened his palms, and released a stream of star energy from his palms, extending around Chen Yang and Fengyuan.

The star energy changed, and a cube space within a kilometer range was quickly constructed.

Obviously, in order to avoid affecting other people, Yu Qian deliberately set up this simple battlefield.

With his immortal strength, the power of Chen Yang and Fengyuan were absolutely unable to break through the battlefield and could only be restricted within it.

After shaping the battlefield, Yu Qian took a breath and signaled that he wanted to announce the start of the battle.

At the same time, Xiang Lei, Yu Chengze, Ren Lingjie and others were all paying attention to this battle.

Chen Yang was able to be the first to climb the tripod tower. Although it was a trick, it also showed extraordinary speed. At this moment, they all wanted to see what Chen Yang's true combat power was.

If even Feng Yuan can't defeat him, then he is just a person seeking fame and reputation.


Yu Qian's voice sounded.

The battle begins.

Because he couldn't use weapons, Feng Yuan stretched out his left hand, and the star energy turned into a long bow, and then he bent the bow and set an arrow.

"Jianxingzong's "Transformation Archery Technique"!"

As soon as Fengyuan moved, someone recognized the magical power he used and exclaimed.

It seems that this "Transformation Archery Technique" is a very powerful magical power.

However, before Feng Yuan's arrow could be shot, Chen Yang appeared in front of him, and then hit Feng Yuan on the chest with a very fast palm.


Feng Yuan's chest exploded, a palm-shaped hole appeared, and he flew backwards.

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