Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6506: Admit Defeat Admit Defeat

"Zheng Lie, let me see how capable you, a disciple of the Boxing Emperor, are."

Zeng Yunling gained speed and was so arrogant.

He waved his sword towards Zheng Lie, intending to rely on his movement speed and attack speed to defeat Zheng Lie with continuous attacks.

But suddenly, his attack speed was reduced by half and returned to its original state.


Zeng Yunling found that the rune buff disappeared, and couldn't help but secretly thought that something was wrong.

He thought the rune gain would last, but who knew, it would only last for ten seconds.

Although in ten seconds, a peak Earth Immortal can carry out many attacks, he just missed a great opportunity because he was too confident and did not launch a strong attack.

Regret at this moment is useless.

When Zheng Lie noticed that Zeng Yunling's attack speed and movement speed were slowing down, his eyes lit up and he directly used his magical power to end the battle with Zeng Yunling.

"Fist: Boom!"

Zeng Yunling punched out, and the violent star energy condensed into a fist shadow. The momentum was like a running dragon, fierce, fierce, and crazy.

There is nothing fancy about the boxing techniques taught by the Boxing Emperor.

But this punch made everyone present marvel.

Even Ma Liangpu, who had always been calm, had a flash of light in his eyes. As a god, he could see how mysterious power this ordinary punch had.

He couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed the boxing technique of the Boxing Emperor. There is no magical power in the Shiyi Sect that can compare with it."

"Determine the universe!"

Although Zeng Yunling was also shocked by Zheng Lie's attack, he did not give up and immediately used his strength to the extreme and used a sword technique.

The fairy sword in his hand condensed his power and flew out in a whoosh.

At the same time, light flashed in his palm, and another fairy sword appeared in his hand.

It seemed that he was going to sacrifice an immortal sword and use the power of the immortal treasure to defeat Zheng Lie's fist.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the mystery and power of Zheng Lie's boxing skills.

The sharp-edged fairy sword was blasted by the fist light, and the bursting fragments were scattered in all directions. The star power of the fist light was weakened by three points, but it still remained unabated.

And the strange thing is that the star energy condensed by the fist light becomes more violent and restless, and the energy inside is constantly colliding with itself, thereby producing a powerful impact.

In this way, although the star energy was weakened, the power of the fist light actually increased.

This is the mystery of "Fist Boom".

As long as the fist light cannot be defeated, any attack will only increase the power of the fist light, not weaken it.

Zeng Yunling's face became extremely ugly. With his current attack speed and movement speed, it was already too late to avoid Zheng Lie's fist.

And this punch was enough to seriously injure him.

In that case, not only would he not be able to win this battle, but the subsequent battles would also be affected.

For a long-term plan, Zeng Yunling gritted his teeth and shouted: "I give up."

To admit defeat was a heavy blow to the arrogant Zeng Yunling.

Ever since he became an immortal, he has never lost to a cultivator of the same level. This is the first time he has lost, and he has taken the initiative to admit defeat.

This made him feel humiliated, but he was indeed inferior to others in terms of skills. He was unwilling and helpless.

At the moment when Zeng Yunling surrendered, a rope of star energy suddenly entered from outside the battlefield, entangled Zeng Yunling and dragged him out of the battlefield.

By the time Zeng Yunling reacted, he had already returned to his light screen platform.

The bronze tripod, which he had originally controlled behind him with star energy, hovered on the light in front of him and returned to the starting point.

The person who saved him was the referee Ma Liangpu.


Zheng Lie's fist hit the boundary of the battlefield, and the energy exploded, spreading along the boundary of the battlefield and sweeping across the entire battlefield.

Seeing that Zeng Yunling was dealt with, Zheng Lie flew in the direction of Chen Yang, intending to help Chen Yang.

Just when Zheng Lie was fighting Zeng Yunling, Chen Yang and Xiang Lei were also fighting.

However... it was not a head-on battle, but a pursuit.

Chen Yang used the goggles to avoid Xiang Lei's attacks one after another. No matter how fierce Xiang Lei's thunder hammer was, it would have no effect if it didn't hit him.

Because the battle between Zeng Yunling and Zheng Lie was more intense, fewer people paid attention to Chen Yang and Xiang Lei.

Otherwise, Chen Yang's fighting style will definitely attract the contempt of everyone.

But even so, there were still people gossiping outside the 10,000-meter barrier.

But when Zheng Lie defeated Zeng Yunling and everyone was paying attention to Chen Yang and Xiang Lei, the energy diffused by Zheng Lie's fist overwhelmed Chen Yang and Xiang Lei. Everyone could not see clearly what was going on at this moment.

"I surrender."

Suddenly, a voice came.

Although Xiang Lei rarely spoke, all the nine powerful earth immortals heard that the person speaking was Xiang Lei.

"He actually gave in!"

"How can it be!"

For a moment, they all looked surprised.

Others did not watch the fight between Chen Yang and Xiang Lei, but just now all the nine powerful immortals noticed that Xiang Lei had been chasing Chen Yang.

But now, it's Xiang Lei who has given up. What's going on?

Ma Liangpu and Yu Qian understood that due to another unannounced rule in the battlefield, Xiang Lei could only admit defeat. Otherwise, he would be completely eliminated and lose the qualification to compete for the top three.

Zheng Lie stopped, with a smile on his face: "Haha, I knew you could win."

The diffuse energy dissipated, and Xiang Lei and Chen Yang were finally revealed.

Xiang Lei is alone.

In addition to the bronze cauldron that Xingneng pulled behind him, Chen Yang also had another bronze cauldron five meters in front of him.

There is no doubt that the second bronze tripod belongs to Xiang Lei.

If Chen Yang destroyed the bronze tripod, Xiang Lei would be completely eliminated, so Xiang Lei had to choose to admit defeat.

However, no one could figure out why Xiang Lei's bronze tripod was in front of Chen Yang.

They did not believe that with Xiang Lei's strength, Chen Yang would take away the bronze tripod.

What's more, there was no fierce fight between the two.

Everything seemed weird.

"Thanks for showing mercy."

Xiang Lei flew to his bronze cauldron, raised his hand to Chen Yang, and then flew out of the battlefield with the bronze cauldron and returned to his light screen platform.

In addition to Zeng Yunling, now he also had to push the bronze tripod from scratch.

And his concession was a thank you to Chen Yang. Even when he had the chance to destroy his bronze tripod, he didn't do it immediately.

This made him worry about how to return Chen Yang's favor.

And to end up like this, he was also quite depressed.

He was chasing Chen Yang just now, but in order to avoid revealing his trump card, he had been holding back.

But seeing that he couldn't catch up, he thought about it and decided to chase through the void.

Who knew that he could travel through the void, but not the bronze cauldron.

After he traveled through the void, the star energy connection with the Bronze Cauldron was severed, and the Bronze Cauldron was left in place and fell into Chen Yang's control.

This was extremely embarrassing, and Xiang Lei could only admit defeat.

The entire process was obscured by the diffuse star energy. Except for Ma Liangpu, Yu Qian, Zhou Qingyang, Xuan Xi and others, who knew the specific situation with their powerful spiritual perception, everyone else was at a loss.

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