Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6551 Isolating the Way of Heaven

Chen Yang didn't expect that Suqing and Tongdi would start fighting.

What he didn't even expect was that Suqing would not lose in the battle with the Emperor.

Of course, with Chen Yang's level, he couldn't see what was going on in the fight between Su Qing and Tong Di.

But since there is no winner, it at least proves that Suqing's combat prowess is not much worse than that of the Emperor.

"Seniors, please stop."

Chen Yang quickly stepped forward and shouted.

Suddenly, the huge energy shock disappeared, the star rocks on the ground were blown away, and the battle finally stopped.

But this is not the effect of Chen Yang's words.

Among the flying star stones, besides Su Qing and Tong Di, there was another person, the Fist Emperor.

The appearance of the Boxing Emperor stopped the fight between the Tong Emperor and the Tong Emperor.

"Tong Emperor, you came to my fist peak and beat my wife. You must give me an explanation for this matter!"

The Boxing Emperor looked angry and pointed at the Child Emperor.

The Tong Emperor was still riding on the back of the old scalper, swaying the bamboo flute in his hand, and said with a leisurely look: "You have detained Chen Yang here, and you should give me an explanation."

The Emperor of Fist said coldly: "Then you must explain to my fist."


Seeing that the Boxing Emperor was about to take action again, Suqing stepped forward.

She seemed to have calmed down and had no intention of taking action again. She said to the Tong Emperor in a cold voice: "It's not impossible for you to take Chen Yang away. However, you must ensure Chen Yang's safety. And you have to tell us that you Is there a purpose after all?”

"Guaranteed safety?" Emperor Tong chuckled, his childish voice sounding very strange.

He jumped off the old scalper's back and said: "Who can guarantee the safety of the cemetery of the gods? Not even the law of heaven can do anything about that place."

"Heaven is powerless, what do you mean?"

Suqing raised her eyebrows, and before the Child Emperor could answer, she asked again: "You have been to the Cemetery of the Gods, why do you know so well about it?"

The Child Emperor smiled and said: "There are only a few people who can come out alive from the cemetery of the gods.

To this day, those guys have become mysterious figures whose whereabouts are unknown.

However, I happened to know one of them. "

Suqing said coldly: "Don't beat around the bush, tell me quickly, what secrets are there in the cemetery of the gods?"

The Child Emperor glanced at Chen Yang, and then said: "If I tell you, can you take Chen Yang away?"

"I said, you have to ensure his safety." Suqing said firmly.

Emperor Tong shook his head: "No guarantee."

"Then you don't want him to go to the cemetery of the gods." Suqing snorted coldly and said: "Thanks to you, you are still an emperor, and you can do it by letting a junior to die."

"I'm giving him a chance."

The Boxing Emperor laughed, looked at Chen Yang and said, "What's more, shouldn't we ask Chen Yang about his own plans in this matter?"

Suqing said: "Does he still want to die?"

Chen Yang looked embarrassed and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Senior Suqing, um..."

"What are you doing?" Suqing said angrily: "You have been deceived by the brat. Are you really going to the cemetery of the gods to die?"

"I am grateful for the care and help from my seniors."

Chen Yang solemnly bowed to Boxing Emperor and Suqing, and then said: "But as the senior Tong Emperor said, this is an opportunity for me. I may die in the cemetery of the gods, but there is also a possibility of a breakthrough."

Su Qing said displeasedly: "With your talent and steady cultivation, you can have a bright future, so why take risks!"

Before Chen Yang could refute, the Boxing Emperor said: "Without the spirit of adventure and experience, no matter how talented you are, it will be difficult to achieve greatness. Have you forgotten that back then, my talent was at the bottom among all my brothers and sisters. But right now It is because of my fearless spirit that I have achieved what I have today.”

Su Qing was furious and glared at the Boxing Emperor: "Which side are you on?"

"I'm being realistic."

However, the Boxing Emperor didn't realize that he was wrong. He solemnly replied to Suqing, and then said to Chen Yang: "Since you are willing to take risks, I support you."


Suqing was so angry that she gritted her teeth. The Tong Emperor next to her laughed loudly and said, "Wood is still wood after all. It has not changed after so many years."

"You brat, if you call him a wood again, I'll kill you!" Suqing angrily yelled.

The Tong Emperor was smiling all over his face, not caring about Suqing's threat at all.

The Boxing Emperor was not interested in arguing at all, and said sternly to the Child Emperor: "You can take Chen Yang away, but you must explain your purpose and plan, as well as the secrets in the tomb of the gods."


Suqing didn't expect that Emperor Tong immediately agreed.

The Child Emperor continued: "The information about the cemetery of the gods is indeed correct. It is the battlefield of the ancient gods and the tomb of the ancient gods.

There are many secret treasures there, but they are also surrounded by dangers.

The purpose for which I asked Chen Yang to act, as I said before, is for the heart of the ancient gods.

As for what I am going to use it for, there is no need to tell you.

Also, I didn’t have any plan for this operation.

Because as far as I know, the environment in the Cemetery of the Gods is very complex and changing at any time, and all established plans have no effect.

However, Chen Yang's trip will be relatively safe.

Because he was not an immortal cultivator from the beginning to the end, but a human race from the technological star.

He not only mastered the way of cultivation, but also mastered the power of technology.

With the power of technology, he will be more powerful than many cultivators in the cemetery of the gods, and he will have enough ability to deal with crises.

That's why I let him go. "

"Technology is better than immortality?" The Boxing Emperor looked puzzled.

Suqing immediately understood the meaning and thought: "Is the cemetery of the gods...different from the way of heaven in our fairy world?"

The Child Emperor nodded and said: "Yes. The man who came out of the Cemetery of the Gods told me that the Cemetery of the Gods is isolated from the way of heaven, and all the power we have now, including secret techniques, magical powers, realms, runes, etc., are all useless. If you want to survive in the cemetery of the gods, you can only use other powers."

Su Qing muttered: "The ancient gods are indeed powerful. Even if they die, they will not be interfered by the law of heaven."

Chen Yang felt puzzled and asked: "The way of heaven is the law of nature, and it is all the laws we follow. So the scientific and technological power we have here only belongs here. If we take it to the cemetery of the gods, wouldn't it be just as useless?"

Emperor Tong explained: “Although the controllers of Heaven’s Dao have created the current laws of Heaven’s Dao, in fact, most of them just set the path of cultivation.

Only the ancient gods who truly opened up the world and created nature have the ability to determine all laws and laws of all things.

Most of the natural laws and laws in our current world are the same as those of the ancient gods, but the methods of cultivation are different.

Therefore, the power of technology can be used in the fairy world and the cemetery of the gods. "

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