Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6555 What kind of beast is this?


The violent vibration made Chen Yang feel that even though he was wearing a seat belt, his internal organs were about to be shaken to pieces.

Zheng Lie, who was not wearing a seat belt, even suffered a bloody head fall.

"what's the situation?"

When everything calmed down, Zheng Lie grinned in pain and asked Chen Yang, who was sitting in the driver's seat.

Chen Yang looked back and saw that Zheng Lie's face was covered with blood. He asked in surprise: "Why didn't you put on your seat belt?"

As soon as he said the words, Chen Yang remembered that Zheng Lie didn't know anything about seat belts.

Before that, he had not explained it to Zheng Lie.

"Seat belt?" Zheng Lie looked confused.

Chen Yang unbuckled his seat belt, stood up and said, "In short, you can't measure everything here with your past knowledge, otherwise you will suffer a loss."

"The internal organs are almost broken. Take a pill first."

Zheng Lie rubbed his chest, then took out a pill bottle from the small bag on his waist, and said to Chen Yang, "Fortunately, I was prepared, otherwise the pill would not be used if it was placed in Najie."

"Your elixir is useless."

Chen Yang shook his head and tried to use the star energy, but it had no effect.

"No way?"

Zheng Lie took out the elixir and drank it. Seeing no reaction, he frowned and said, "It's true."

Chen Yang walked towards the operating table next to him and said: "Although the medicinal materials of the elixir are precious, it is effective because of the elixir pattern. The elixir pattern is useless here, and the elixir will naturally not work either. Maybe, the medicine If the effect changes, it may become poison.”

Zheng Lie looked ugly. He didn't know the way of alchemy, and he didn't know if the elixir just now would have any bad effects.

"Here are some first aid medications you can use."

Chen Yang threw the medical bag to Zheng Lie and continued: "In addition, you also have some first aid medicine on you, which can be effective at critical moments."


Zheng Lie nodded, took the medicine according to Chen Yang's instructions, and bandaged the wound.

At this time, the five monitors on the console all lit up, showing the scenes on the left, right, front and rear of the tank respectively.

Although the entire tank has the same appearance as on Earth, it has been modified by Chen Yang.

The tank is about twenty meters long, has ample internal space, and is equipped with many modern technological equipment.

Some difficult-to-achieve technologies were easily implemented under Chen Yang's powerful divine soul and star energy.

Judging from the scene on the five monitors at this moment, it was just an ordinary virgin forest outside the tank. Except for some plants that Chen Yang had never seen before, there was nothing special about it.

However, the temperature here seems to be very low, and many plants on the ground have a thin layer of frost.

The air was also very turbid, showing a yellow color, like smoke and dust, and like flying sand. The visibility was only three hundred meters at most.

Such a visual distance is a great disadvantage to Chen Yang.

He didn't have a map of the entire cemetery of the gods, not even the simplest route map.

Therefore, if he wants to find the heart of the ancient gods, he must first go to the commanding heights and determine the terrain of the entire cemetery of the gods.

But like this, even if you reach the commanding heights, you can't see anything.

At that time, only radar can be used for terrain mapping.

However, this is ultimately not as accurate as visual inspection.

"What kind of Xuanguang mirror is this? Do you see the outside of the tank?"

Zheng Lie felt very strange when he saw the scene on the monitor.

"It's technology."

Chen Yang explained casually and said with a solemn expression: "It seems that the situation in the cemetery of the gods is more complicated than I thought. It is not that easy to gain something here."

Zheng Lie stared at the monitor and said puzzledly: "It's calm outside. There doesn't seem to be any danger. We can go out and explore."

“It’s precisely because it’s too peaceful that it’s dangerous.”

Chen Yang walked to the driver's seat, sat down, and started electronic driving.

For ease of use, Chen Yang set up an electronic driving function for this tank.

Of course, if you encounter an electronic failure, you can also adopt mechanical driving mode.

The tank started moving, not moving very fast. The bushes on the ground were flattened, and the scenes on both sides of the monitor kept moving backwards.

Chen Yang turned back to Zheng Lie and said: "There should be wild beasts here, but they are silent. Either the wild beasts are all dead, or the wild beasts are so smart that they don't make a sound. In either case, it is very dangerous for us. And the visibility is too high." Low, we can’t climb high to determine the terrain, we can only wander around.”

"It seems reasonable."

Zheng Lie was thoughtful, but he still didn't understand what Chen Yang was talking about.


Suddenly the ground shook, and a black shadow appeared on the left side of the tank, completely blocking the camera in an instant.

Before Chen Yang and Zheng Lie could react, the tank was hit immediately. The two were unable to stand and both hit the iron wall.

Being accustomed to the state of immortals, they were completely unprepared for this sudden ordinary impact.

Chen Yang immediately walked to the driver's seat and sat down, shouting to Zheng Lie: "Quick, get in your seat and wear your seat belt."

Zheng Lie quickly sat down, not caring about the broken head again, staring at the monitor and shouting to Chen Yang: "What's going on? What is that?"

To the left of the tank, in the vast yellow air, ten meters away, was a huge monster, staring at the tank eagerly.

This monster is more than ten meters long, short and stocky, with rough thick skin, a thick tail trailing behind it, and three horns on its face. It looks very fierce.

Obviously, the impact the tank suffered just now was the result of this monster.

Chen Yang stared at the monster carefully and couldn't help being shocked: "Triceratops?! There are actually dinosaurs here!"

He never expected that the so-called beast turned out to be a dinosaur.

"Dinosaur?" Zheng Lie looked ugly and said, "What is a dinosaur? How come it looks more powerful than those monsters?"

"Dinosaurs are ancient creatures."

Chen Yang didn't have time to explain too much to Zheng Lie. He looked at the Triceratops walking towards this side. He controlled the tank to rotate and aimed the gun at the Triceratops.

However, he did not launch immediately.

There is silence here, and any noise will make the tank a target.

A triceratops can handle it.

If you gather a hundred dinosaurs similar to Triceratops, one tank will not be of any use.

Therefore, Chen Yang did not dare to press the launch button rashly.

From the monitor, Sanjiao was seen walking towards the tank. Its huge eyes were full of confusion, as if it was puzzled by the strange object that suddenly appeared in front of it.

After gently bumping the tank with its head, the Triceratops walked around the tank again, and finally stopped in front of the muzzle, looking into the muzzle with its eyes.

"Hurry up and fire."

Zheng Lie knew that tanks could fire shells, and when he saw the Triceratops crashing into it, he shouted urgently.

Chen Yang calmed down and said, "Don't be impatient. If we attract more Triceratops, we will be doomed."


Suddenly, a loud noise came from a distant place.

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