Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6577 Frozen Thirteen Yin

Chen Yang was observing the icicles rising from the ground to see what was special about them.

Suddenly, Yuan Xi's voice appeared out of thin air in the sky. He snorted coldly and swung his sword to attack: "Humph, where are you going to hide?!"

In front of Yuan Xi, a rainbow condensed and turned into Nangong Hen's appearance. He opened his right hand and a huge icicle appeared in front of him out of thin air, easily blocking Yuan Xi's attack.

Chen Yang had a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect Nangong Hen to be so much stronger than Yuan Xi. No wonder Yuan Xi wanted all his junior sisters and brothers to help out.

The powerful energy vibrated, and many Optimus icicles broke and fell downwards. The appearance was very spectacular.

If Chen Yang is exposed in the air, he will definitely be seriously injured.

He was on the ground, but the icicles helped him block most of the energy. Not only would he not be injured, he could also watch the battle safely.

Of course, the premise is that the battle between Yuan Xi and Nangong Hen did not come close to his area.

The battle was very fierce. Although Chen Yang couldn't see the situation clearly, judging from the spread of energy, Yuan Xi was obviously at a disadvantage.

Nangong Hen is not only powerful, but the icicles rising from the ground are also unknown secrets. They have the functions of attack, confinement, defense, etc., making Nangong Hen feel like he is at home.

"Second Junior Sister, I haven't seen you for many years, but you have made no progress at all."

Nangong Hen, with his long hair flying, stood proudly in the sky with flying frost. The battle seemed fierce, but he was able to do it with ease.

"Nangong Hen, today I will kill you even if I risk my life to avenge Sixth Junior Sister!"

Yuan Xi roared angrily and continued to attack with his sword.

Nangong Hen's figure disappeared, and many figures of Nangong Hen appeared in the icicles. It was difficult to tell the real ones from the fake ones for a while.

Yuan Xi did not hesitate and directly attacked all the icicles.

The icicle collapsed, but quickly extended upward.

"Why haven't the junior sisters come yet?"

Nangong Hen's voice echoed in the forest-like icicles. He seemed to deliberately not try his best to wait for the Ice Emperor's other disciples to arrive.

"Nangong Hen, you are too arrogant!"

Yuan Xi was furious, but she did not continue the attack because she saw that she could not defeat Nangong Hen on her own.

"Second Senior Sister!"

"Nangong Hen, you, a pervert, dare to come to the Ice Palace."

At this moment, more than a dozen women flew from the sky, all of them were extremely beautiful, and all of them were in the realm of gods.

These women are all the Ice Emperor's direct disciples.


Yuan Xi's eyes narrowed and he immediately gave orders to the junior sisters.

Without saying anything, everyone immediately dispersed and each took out a flower condensed with ice crystals in various forms.

A total of twelve people stood in different directions and released the ice flowers in their hands. The ice flowers rotated in the air, radiating light from each other and connecting together.

In the end, the twelve ice flowers each occupied a corner, forming a huge iceberg.

The iceberg was parallel to the ground, expanded to tens of thousands of meters wide, completely covering the icicle forest below, and then crashed down.

Yuan Xi and others did not intend to find Nangong Hen's true form, and directly used covering attacks to crush everything. Naturally, Nangong Hen had nowhere to escape.

Now Chen Yang was frightened. He was at the bottom of the icicle forest. The iceberg was pressing down, and he was within the attack range.

Of course, as an outsider, no one cares about his life or death at this moment, he can only save himself.

"Forget it, we can only rely on the compass of fate."

Chen Yang did not plan to use the Boxing Emperor Immortal Talisman and the Ice Kite Flower. After all, these two things could be used for attacks and were more flexible, so it was better to keep them.


Optimus Icicle was crushed, and the figures of Nangong Hen inside were also fragmented.

But those images of Nangong Hen all showed disdainful sneers, as if facing the joint attack of the twelve gods, he was not afraid at all.

The ice cracked under the iceberg, and everything was sealed below, turning completely white, like rolling ice waves.

The people in the Antarctic Immortal Palace have already evacuated, and the Ice Palace is also in pieces.

The twelve female fairies don’t mind being destroyed in this ruins.

But suddenly, the pressing iceberg stopped and was held up by a huge invisible force.

“Nangong Hen is so strong!”

Yuan Xi and others were shocked and did not dare to slack off. They immediately activated the ice flowers with all their strength, making the ice mountain more powerful.

But the iceberg not only failed to press it down, but cracks appeared, spreading rapidly in all directions, and it was about to collapse.

Nangong Hen actually suppressed twelve people by himself.

"not good."

Yuan Xi looked solemn and shouted: "Junior Sister Ninth, contact the master."

If they had not encountered the crisis of the destruction of the Antarctic Immortal Palace, they would never have contacted the Ice Emperor.

Over the years, the Antarctic Immortal Palace has also encountered many attacks from outsiders, but the Yuan Xi sisters are all top powerhouses under the Emperor. Unless they are the Emperor, no one else can be their opponent.

But Nangong Hen's strength is already infinitely close to that of an emperor, and he can even become emperor if he only takes a small step.

Moreover, Nangong Hen came from the Antarctic Immortal Palace, and was everyone's senior brother. He was very familiar with the Star Techniques, Secret Techniques, and Divine Powers of the Ice Palace.

Therefore, in this battle, Nangong Hen had an absolute advantage.

Even the mysterious iceberg that broke through the girls at this moment was achieved by attacking the weak points, not by brute force.

The situation in front of them is obviously no longer under the control of Yuan Xi and others.

If the battle continues, the Antarctic Immortal Palace will be in danger.

Therefore, they must contact Hyokui.

Ninth Junior Sister Ren Churan took out special tools and tried to contact the Ice Emperor, but found that the space was blocked and the message could not be conveyed.

She exclaimed: "No, Nangong Hen has blocked the space. He has been prepared for it."

Seeing that the iceberg was about to collapse completely, Yuan Xi shouted: "Junior Sister Fourteen, leave the Immortal Palace immediately and try to contact the master. Others, try their best to stop Nangong Hen."


Before the twelve junior sisters could leave, there was a sudden loud noise and it exploded, sending twelve ice flowers flying in all directions.


Yuan Xi shouted, not daring to neglect, and immediately urged Binghua.

The iceberg that had just cracked regrouped in an instant.

Under the iceberg, Nangong Hen was holding a two-meter-long ice stick in his hand, holding the iceberg steadily, looking like he was at ease, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, there is no old woman's ice kite flower, you guys Twelve people, no matter how hard you try, you can't be my opponent."

"If you want to capture the Ice Palace, you must kill us first."

Yuan Xi shouted angrily, but he was very worried in his heart, thinking that there was nothing he could do.

They are twelve junior sisters, and the ice flowers they use are the formations created by the Ice Emperor, called "Thirteen Frozen Fences."

This formation originally required thirteen people to preside over, one of whom was given to Nangong Hen.

Since Nangong Hen was escaped from the Antarctic Immortal Palace, the Ice Emperor took control of the Ice Kite Flower in "The Thirteen Frozen Expanses" and made modifications to the formation so that the twelve disciples could use it.

But in this way, without the large formation of Ice Kite Flower, the power has been greatly weakened.

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