Urban magic doctor

Chapter 666 The sound shocked the Zhao family

Laojiu Zhao Kunhu looked at everyone and complained: "Tell me, originally the Holy Palace replaced Yanhuang Palace, and we regarded ourselves as martial arts orthodox. When the time comes, we can mobilize the major martial arts families, sects, and gangs to help us find Taoyuan. Now it's okay. , I finally cultivated a few Baoyuan realms and built a holy palace, but who knew they were all dead now."

The sixth child, Zhao Kunhai, looked at the head of the family, Zhao Kunpeng, and said, "Boss, why don't we communicate with Yan Huangdian and ask them to help find Taoyuan?"

Zhao Kunpeng shook his head: "If this plan was feasible, I would have done it a long time ago. According to the agreement in the ancient martial arts world, unless it affects the survival of the family, no one is allowed to interfere with secular forces and affect the normal order of the secular world. If we communicate with Yan Huangdian , if other families find out that they have violated the agreement, they will definitely cause trouble."

The second eldest brother, Zhao Kunyue, said: "Brother is right. The situation is tense now, and the other three major families are all watching. If they get the handle, they will definitely unite and take action against our Zhao family."

"Indeed, the civil strife in the Lin family is about to subside. When they take a breath, they will definitely take action against us. After all, we have usurped a lot of their interests during the past twenty years of civil strife."

"We can't be too public until we find Taoyuan. Now we are not the only ones, there are also people abroad who are looking for Taoyuan. Whoever makes the fastest progress will definitely become the target of public criticism."

"But it's not that easy to find Taoyuan with just our tribe. After all, we don't have enough tribesmen. It's really troublesome to hire others to do things without guaranteeing confidentiality."

"I had already obtained the map of Taoyuan and hid it in a family token. Who knew that the bastard Zhao Shen had stolen it. Now Zhao Shen is missing and all clues have been cut off."

Everyone in the Zhao family discussed it for a long time, and everyone expressed their opinions.

Finally, the head of the family, Zhao Kunpeng, knocked on the table to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said to the second child, Zhao Kunyue: "Second brother, you are responsible for collecting intelligence. Come and tell us how the Holy Palace was destroyed."

Zhao Kunyue nodded and said: "Originally, we trained a total of ten Baoyuan, nine of whom were in the early stage and one was in the middle stage, and established the Holy Palace. With such strength, in the secular world, it can compete with almost any sect. "

"But this time the Holy Palace was destroyed, it was all because of one person."

What, alone!

Hearing this, everyone looked shocked.

Although the ten Baoyuan Realm members in the Holy Palace are not as strong as them, they are still a very strong force when combined.

But these ten people were actually killed by one person?

Is there such a powerful person in this world?

Although they were surprised at this moment, no one in the conference room spoke. They all looked at Zhao Kunyue quietly, waiting for him to continue.

Zhao Kunyue took out a remote control in his hand, pointed at the curtain behind Zhao Kunpeng, and said, "Look, everyone, this is the person."

He pressed the remote control and the projector projected an image on the screen.

In the picture, there is a young man in a suit with a naughty smile on his face. He looks lazy like an otaku who stays at home and plays games all day. He does not look like a master at all!

Everyone looked puzzled. They had never seen this young man before.

"Ah! It's him!"

At this moment, a surprised voice came from the wall.

Everyone looked around and saw the sound coming from Zhao Bing, who was sitting on a chair by the wall.

Although Zhao Bing is the third son of the family leader, Zhao Kunpeng, he does not receive special treatment, because in this family, everything has the final say based on strength.

Of course, he is Zhao Kunpeng's son after all, and Zhao Kunpeng still protects him very much.

For example, when Zhao Bing was injured this time, Zhao Kunpeng was concerned about it, but because he was too busy recently, he didn't have time to ask.

At this moment, Zhao Bing exclaimed. In front of everyone, rules still have to be followed. Zhao Kunpeng said in a deep voice: "What are you yelling about? Do you have the right to speak here?"

The second child, Zhao Kunyue, advised: "Brother, let Zhao Bing continue. He seems to recognize this person."

Zhao Kunpeng nodded, and then Zhao Bing said: "This man's name is Chen Yang. I met him in Dayi two days ago and was beaten by him."

At this point, Zhao Bing stopped talking.

It's better to say less about such embarrassing things.

However, Zhao Kunpeng asked: "What's going on?"

Zhao Bing had an embarrassed expression on his face and explained the cause and effect of the incident, except that he omitted the part about him kneeling.

After hearing what Zhao Bing said, everyone was furious.

Zhao Bing, a member of the Guwu family, was so humiliated by a secular boy.

Where should they put the face of their Zhao family?

Zhao Kunpeng looked gloomy and did not continue to ask about Zhao Bing. Instead, he looked at the second brother Zhao Kunyue and said: "Second brother, continue talking."

Zhao Kunyue pointed at the projection screen and continued: "This person's name is Chen Yang. He killed all ten Baoyuan Realm members in the Holy Palace. One of them, Chi Feng, was killed by him in Po Village before. . The other nine people were all killed by him at the Qiwu Conference not long ago."

Laojiu Zhao Kunhu said: "What kind of state is this boy in that he is so powerful!?"

Zhao Kunyue continued: "According to the information currently available, this person has just advanced to the Baoyuan Realm, but he has mastered a very powerful movement technique and can move hundreds of meters in an instant."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and they could reach hundreds of meters in an instant, which is equivalent to the early stage of innateness!

Zhao Kunyue continued: "And he has a strange broken sword in his hand. It is very powerful. The sword energy can instantly kill Qing Yue in the middle stage of Baoyuan. I suspect it is a high-tech weapon. It pours energy into the sword body and then uses it as a sword." Qi is emitted. But this is just speculation. What happened to the broken sword needs to be obtained to find out."

It's a speed that's comparable to the Xiantian realm, and it's a sword that can instantly kill someone in the middle stage of Baoyuan.

This kid is invincible in the Baoyuan Realm.

Hearing this, even the well-informed Zhao family were speechless.

Laojiu Zhao Kunhu snorted coldly and said: "No matter how powerful this kid is, he is only in the Huoyuan realm after all. If my eldest brother takes action to capture him, let me see what else he can do."


Zhao Kunpeng shook his head and muttered: "The ancient martial arts world has an agreement with each other. Those who are strong in the innate realm are not allowed to take action against ordinary people. I can't break the rules. Otherwise, it will give other forces an excuse to attack the Zhao family. .”

Hearing this, everyone had a headache.

As a powerful Guwu family, the Zhao family actually had a headache for a secular young man. This has never happened in thousands of years.

Just when everyone was depressed, Zhao Kunyue, the second child, said with a smile: "Brother, we really can't take action on this person, but the reason you just mentioned is only one of them. In addition, there is another reason, we can't do it ourselves."

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